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    Gesti贸n de calidad en el sistema de suministro de medicamentos, en el Centro de Salud de Canto del Llano, Distrito de Santiago

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    93 p.Se evalu贸, la gesti贸n de calidad en el sistema de suministros de medicamentos, del Centro de Salud de Canto del Llano, en el distrito de Santiago, provincia de Veraguas 2018. Se calcul贸 la eficacia y eficiencia, utilizando s贸lo 20 medicamentos trazadores, de la lista que maneja el servicio de farmacia, tomando en cuenta la demanda y lo esencial, a trav茅s de: 1) Porcentaje promedio de variaci贸n de inventario; el sistema de suministro de medicamentos en esta farmacia es eficiente con un 0.99%, 2)Porcentaje de meses desabastecidos fue de un 14.67% por lo tanto no es eficaz, 3) El sistema de adquisiciones por Licitaci贸n P煤blica o Directa no es eficiente, pues hubo compra directa para el medicamento, insulina glargina, ya que presentaba dos meses de desabastecimiento para la poblaci贸n diab茅tica de responsabilidad de este centro. 4) Porcentaje promedio de no vencidos disponibles fue de 100%, resultando eficaz. Se realizaron encuestas a los pacientes que buscan el servicio de esta farmacia, s贸lo participaron 37 de 50 participantes. Se les solicit贸 la participaci贸n en la encuesta; el 75.68 % mantiene un expediente cl铆nico en el Centro de Salud de Canto del Llano y el 24.32% no. El 91.89% acude al servicio de farmacia de este centro de salud y el 8.11% no lo usa. EL 21.62% percibi贸 muy buena atenci贸n, mientras que el 59.46 % buena atenci贸n, el 16.22% una atenci贸n regular y el 2.70% mala atenci贸n, por parte del personal de la farmacia. EL 27.03% encuentra los medicamentos prescritos, en esta farmacia, mientras que el 72.97% no los encuentra. El 13.51 % ha manifestado que le entregaron mal alg煤n tipo de medicamento y el 86.49% dice que sus medicamentos fueron entregados de manera correcta. El 89.19% coment贸 que s铆 le indican lo que fue recetado y c贸mo admin铆straselo. Esto es positivo para este servicio de farmacia; y el 10.81% se帽ala que no le dieron indicaciones. El 45.95% manifestaron que se les indic贸 los posibles efectos secundarios e interacciones con medicamento o alimento, mientras el 54.05% afirma lo contrario.In 2018, at the Health Center of Canto de Llano in the District of Santiago, Province of Veraguas, the quality management of the system of distribution of medicines was evaluated. The efficiency and efficacy was calculated using only twenty medicines from the list of that are managed in the pharmacy service taking in to consideration the demand and the essential by: 1) the average percentage of variation in the inventory of the distribution system of this pharmacy has an efficiency of 0.99%. 2) Percentage of months with serious shortages was 14.67% and because of this, there is a lack of efficiency. 3) The systems of acquisitions by Public Bid or directly is not efficient, there was a direct purchase for the medicine insulin glargine, because there had been shortages for two months affecting the local diabetic population that the health center is xi 12 responsible for. 4) The average percentage of not expired medicines available was 100% resulting in efficiency. Patient surveys were given to patients that sought services in this pharmacy, thirty-seven patients out of fifty patients participated in the surveys and of them 75.66 maintained a clinical file at the health center of Canto de Llano and 24.32% did not maintain a clinical file. 91.89% of the patients to the health center used pharmacy services and 8.11% did not access the pharmacy services. 21.62% of the patients considered they had received very good service, while 59.46 good service, 16.22% a regular service and 2.70% bad service by the workers of the pharmacy. 27.03% of the patients found the medicines prescribed in this pharmacy while 72.97% did not find the prescribed medicines. 13.51% of the patients complained of problems with the delivery of their medicines while 86.49% said their medicines were delivered correctly. 89.19% of the patients commented that they were given the proper directions regarding taking their medicines and this is something very positive for this pharmacy and 10.81% felt there had been a problem. 45.95% of the patients indicated that it was explained to them the possible side effects of the medicine and the possible negative interactions with other medicines and if the medicine was to be taken with food, while 54.05% said it was not explained