4 research outputs found

    Geometry of Scheduling on Multiple Machines

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    We consider the following general scheduling problem: there are m identical machines and n jobs all released at time 0. Each job j has a processing time pj, and an arbitrary non-decreasing function fj that specifies the cost incurred for j, for each possible completion time. The goal is to find a preemptive migratory schedule of minimum cost. This models several natural objectives such as weighted norm of completion time, weighted tardiness and much more. We give the first O(1) approximation algorithm for this problem, improving upon the O(loglognP) bound due to Moseley (2019). To do this, we first view the job-cover inequalities of Moseley geometrically, to reduce the problem to that of covering demands on a line by rectangular and triangular capacity profiles. Due to the non-uniform capacities of triangles, directly using quasi-uniform sampling loses a O(loglogP) factor, so a second idea is to adapt it to our setting to only lose an O(1) factor. Our ideas for covering points with non-uniform capacity profiles (which have not been studied before) may be of independent int

    A Water-Filling Primal-Dual Algorithm for Approximating Non-Linear Covering Problems

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    Obtaining strong linear relaxations of capacitated covering problems constitute a significant technical challenge even for simple settings. For one of the most basic cases, the Knapsack-Cover (Min-Knapsack) problem, the relaxation based on knapsack-cover inequalities has an integrality gap of 2. These inequalities are exploited in more general problems, many of which admit primal-dual approximation algorithms. Inspired by problems from power and transport systems, we introduce a general setting in which items can be taken fractionally to cover a given demand. The cost incurred by an item is given by an arbitrary non-decreasing function of the chosen fraction. We generalize the knapsack-cover inequalities to this setting an use them to obtain a (2+?)-approximate primal-dual algorithm. Our procedure has a natural interpretation as a bucket-filling algorithm which effectively overcomes the difficulties implied by having different slopes in the cost functions. More precisely, when some superior segment of an item presents a low slope, it helps to increase the priority of inferior segments. We also present a rounding algorithm with an approximation guarantee of 2. We generalize our algorithm to the Unsplittable Flow-Cover problem on a line, also for the setting of fractional items with non-linear costs. For this problem we obtain a (4+?)-approximation algorithm in polynomial time, almost matching the 4-approximation algorithm known for the classical setting

    Geometry of Scheduling on Multiple Machines

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    We consider the following general scheduling problem: there are m identical machines and n jobs all released at time 0. Each job j has a processing time pj, and an arbitrary non-decreasing function fj that specifies the cost incurred for j, for each possible completion time. The goal is to find a preemptive migratory schedule of minimum cost. This models several natural objectives such as weighted norm of completion time, weighted tardiness and much more. We give the first O(1) approximation algorithm for this problem, improving upon the O(loglognP) bound due to Moseley (2019). To do this, we first view the job-cover inequalities of Moseley geometrically, to reduce the problem to that of covering demands on a line by rectangular and triangular capacity profiles. Due to the non-uniform capacities of triangles, directly using quasi-uniform sampling loses a O(loglogP) factor, so a second idea is to adapt it to our setting to only lose an O(1) factor. Our ideas for covering points with non-uniform capacity profiles (which have not been studied before) may be of independent int