7 research outputs found

    Liouville Quantum Gravity and KPZ

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    Consider a bounded planar domain D, an instance h of the Gaussian free field on D (with Dirichlet energy normalized by 1/(2\pi)), and a constant 0 < gamma < 2. The Liouville quantum gravity measure on D is the weak limit as epsilon tends to 0 of the measures \epsilon^{\gamma^2/2} e^{\gamma h_\epsilon(z)}dz, where dz is Lebesgue measure on D and h_\epsilon(z) denotes the mean value of h on the circle of radius epsilon centered at z. Given a random (or deterministic) subset X of D one can define the scaling dimension of X using either Lebesgue measure or this random measure. We derive a general quadratic relation between these two dimensions, which we view as a probabilistic formulation of the KPZ relation from conformal field theory. We also present a boundary analog of KPZ (for subsets of the boundary of D). We discuss the connection between discrete and continuum quantum gravity and provide a framework for understanding Euclidean scaling exponents via quantum gravity.Comment: 56 pages. Revised version contains more details. To appear in Inventione

    Geometric Accuracy Analysis for Discrete Surface Approximation

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    In geometric modeling and processing, computer graphics, smooth surfaces are approximated by discrete triangular meshes reconstructed from sample points on the surface. A fundamental problem is to design rigorous algorithms to guarantee the geometric approximation accuracy by controlling the sampling density. This theoretic work gives explicit formula to the bounds of Hausdorff distance, normal distance and Riemannian metric distortion between the smooth surface and the discrete mesh in terms of principle curvature and the radii of geodesic circum-circle of the triangles. These formula are applied to design sampling density. Furthermore, we prove the meshes induced from the Delaunay triangulations of the dense samples on a smooth surface are convergent to the smooth surface under both Hausdorff distance and normal fields. The Riemannian metrics and the Laplace-Beltrami operators on the meshes are also convergent. These theoretic results lay down the foundation to guarantee the approximation accuracy of many algorithms in geometric modeling and processing.