206 research outputs found

    Classification and Geometry of General Perceptual Manifolds

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    Perceptual manifolds arise when a neural population responds to an ensemble of sensory signals associated with different physical features (e.g., orientation, pose, scale, location, and intensity) of the same perceptual object. Object recognition and discrimination requires classifying the manifolds in a manner that is insensitive to variability within a manifold. How neuronal systems give rise to invariant object classification and recognition is a fundamental problem in brain theory as well as in machine learning. Here we study the ability of a readout network to classify objects from their perceptual manifold representations. We develop a statistical mechanical theory for the linear classification of manifolds with arbitrary geometry revealing a remarkable relation to the mathematics of conic decomposition. Novel geometrical measures of manifold radius and manifold dimension are introduced which can explain the classification capacity for manifolds of various geometries. The general theory is demonstrated on a number of representative manifolds, including L2 ellipsoids prototypical of strictly convex manifolds, L1 balls representing polytopes consisting of finite sample points, and orientation manifolds which arise from neurons tuned to respond to a continuous angle variable, such as object orientation. The effects of label sparsity on the classification capacity of manifolds are elucidated, revealing a scaling relation between label sparsity and manifold radius. Theoretical predictions are corroborated by numerical simulations using recently developed algorithms to compute maximum margin solutions for manifold dichotomies. Our theory and its extensions provide a powerful and rich framework for applying statistical mechanics of linear classification to data arising from neuronal responses to object stimuli, as well as to artificial deep networks trained for object recognition tasks.Comment: 24 pages, 12 figures, Supplementary Material

    Matching Image Sets via Adaptive Multi Convex Hull

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    Traditional nearest points methods use all the samples in an image set to construct a single convex or affine hull model for classification. However, strong artificial features and noisy data may be generated from combinations of training samples when significant intra-class variations and/or noise occur in the image set. Existing multi-model approaches extract local models by clustering each image set individually only once, with fixed clusters used for matching with various image sets. This may not be optimal for discrimination, as undesirable environmental conditions (eg. illumination and pose variations) may result in the two closest clusters representing different characteristics of an object (eg. frontal face being compared to non-frontal face). To address the above problem, we propose a novel approach to enhance nearest points based methods by integrating affine/convex hull classification with an adapted multi-model approach. We first extract multiple local convex hulls from a query image set via maximum margin clustering to diminish the artificial variations and constrain the noise in local convex hulls. We then propose adaptive reference clustering (ARC) to constrain the clustering of each gallery image set by forcing the clusters to have resemblance to the clusters in the query image set. By applying ARC, noisy clusters in the query set can be discarded. Experiments on Honda, MoBo and ETH-80 datasets show that the proposed method outperforms single model approaches and other recent techniques, such as Sparse Approximated Nearest Points, Mutual Subspace Method and Manifold Discriminant Analysis.Comment: IEEE Winter Conference on Applications of Computer Vision (WACV), 201

    Support Vector Machines and Radon's Theorem

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    A support vector machine (SVM) is an algorithm which finds a hyperplane that optimally separates labeled data points in Rn\mathbb{R}^n into positive and negative classes. The data points on the margin of this separating hyperplane are called support vectors. We study the possible configurations of support vectors for points in general position. In particular, we connect the possible configurations to Radon's theorem, which provides guarantees for when a set of points can be divided into two classes (positive and negative) whose convex hulls intersect. If the positive and negative support vectors in a generic SVM configuration are projected to the separating hyperplane, then these projected points will form a Radon configuration. Further, with a particular type of general position, we show there are at most n+1n+1 support vectors. This can be used to test the level of machine precision needed in a support vector machine implementation. We also show the projections of the convex hulls of the support vectors intersect in a single Radon point, and under a small enough perturbation, the points labeled as support vectors remain labeled as support vectors. We furthermore consider computations studying the expected number of support vectors for randomly generated data


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    This dissertation explores topics in machine learning, network analysis, and the foundations of statistics using tools from geometry, probability and optimization. The rise of machine learning has brought powerful new (and old) algorithms for data analysis. Much of classical statistics research is about understanding how statistical algorithms behave depending on various aspects of the data. The first part of this dissertation examines the support vector machine classifier (SVM). Leveraging Karush-Kuhn-Tucker conditions we find surprising connections between SVM and several other simple classifiers. We use these connections to explain SVM’s behavior in a variety of data scenarios and demonstrate how these insights are directly relevant to the data analyst. The next part of this dissertation studies networks which evolve over time. We first develop a method to empirically evaluate vertex centrality metrics in an evolving network. We then apply this methodology to investigate the role of precedent in the US legal system. Next, we shift to a probabilistic perspective on temporally evolving networks. We study a general probabilistic model of an evolving network that undergoes an abrupt change in its evolution dynamics. In particular, we examine the effect of such a change on the network’s structural properties. We develop mathematical techniques using continuous time branching processes to derive quantitative error bounds for functionals of a major class of these models about their large network limits. Using these results, we develop general theory to understand the role of abrupt changes in the evolution dynamics of these models. Based on this theory we derive a consistent, non-parametric change point detection estimator. We conclude with a discussion on foundational topics in statistics, commenting on debates both old and new. First, we examine the false confidence theorem which raises questions for data practitioners making inferences based on epistemic uncertainty measures such as Bayesian posterior distributions. Second, we give an overview of the rise of “data science" and what it means for statistics (and vice versa), touching on topics such as reproducibility, computation, education, communication and statistical theory.Doctor of Philosoph

    A framework of face recognition with set of testing images

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    We propose a novel framework to solve the face recognition problem base on set of testing images. Our framework can handle the case that no pose overlap between training set and query set. The main techniques used in this framework are manifold alignment, face normalization and discriminant learning. Experiments on different databases show our system outperforms some state of the art methods
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