16 research outputs found

    Find your Way by Observing the Sun and Other Semantic Cues

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    In this paper we present a robust, efficient and affordable approach to self-localization which does not require neither GPS nor knowledge about the appearance of the world. Towards this goal, we utilize freely available cartographic maps and derive a probabilistic model that exploits semantic cues in the form of sun direction, presence of an intersection, road type, speed limit as well as the ego-car trajectory in order to produce very reliable localization results. Our experimental evaluation shows that our approach can localize much faster (in terms of driving time) with less computation and more robustly than competing approaches, which ignore semantic information

    Shadow Estimation Method for "The Episolar Constraint: Monocular Shape from Shadow Correspondence"

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    Recovering shadows is an important step for many vision algorithms. Current approaches that work with time-lapse sequences are limited to simple thresholding heuristics. We show these approaches only work with very careful tuning of parameters, and do not work well for long-term time-lapse sequences taken over the span of many months. We introduce a parameter-free expectation maximization approach which simultaneously estimates shadows, albedo, surface normals, and skylight. This approach is more accurate than previous methods, works over both very short and very long sequences, and is robust to the effects of nonlinear camera response. Finally, we demonstrate that the shadow masks derived through this algorithm substantially improve the performance of sun-based photometric stereo compared to earlier shadow mask estimation

    Selective Subtraction: An Extension of Background Subtraction

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    Background subtraction or scene modeling techniques model the background of the scene using the stationarity property and classify the scene into two classes of foreground and background. In doing so, most moving objects become foreground indiscriminately, except for perhaps some waving tree leaves, water ripples, or a water fountain, which are typically learned as part of the background using a large training set of video data. Traditional techniques exhibit a number of limitations including inability to model partial background or subtract partial foreground, inflexibility of the model being used, need for large training data and computational inefficiency. In this thesis, we present our work to address each of these limitations and propose algorithms in two major areas of research within background subtraction namely single-view and multi-view based techniques. We first propose the use of both spatial and temporal properties to model a dynamic scene and show how Mapping Convergence framework within Support Vector Mapping Convergence (SVMC) can be used to minimize training data. We also introduce a novel concept of background as the objects other than the foreground, which may include moving objects in the scene that cannot be learned from a training set because they occur only irregularly and sporadically, e.g. a walking person. We propose a selective subtraction method as an alternative to standard background subtraction, and show that a reference plane in a scene viewed by two cameras can be used as the decision boundary between foreground and background. In our definition, the foreground may actually occur behind a moving object. Our novel use of projective depth as a decision boundary allows us to extend the traditional definition of background subtraction and propose a much more powerful framework. Furthermore, we show that the reference plane can be selected in a very flexible manner, using for example the actual moving objects in the scene, if needed. We present diverse set of examples to show that: (i) the technique performs better than standard background subtraction techniques without the need for training, camera calibration, disparity map estimation, or special camera configurations; (ii) it is potentially more powerful than standard methods because of its flexibility of making it possible to select in real-time what to filter out as background, regardless of whether the object is moving or not, or whether it is a rare event or a frequent one; (iii) the technique can be used for a variety of situations including when images are captured using stationary cameras or hand-held cameras and for both indoor and outdoor scenes. We provide extensive results to show the effectiveness of the proposed framework in a variety of very challenging environments

    Learning about Large Scale Image Search: Lessons from Global Scale Hotel Recognition to Fight Sex Trafficking

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    Hotel recognition is a sub-domain of scene recognition that involves determining what hotel is seen in a photograph taken in a hotel. The hotel recognition task is a challenging computer vision task due to the properties of hotel rooms, including low visual similarity between rooms in the same hotel and high visual similarity between rooms in different hotels, particularly those from the same chain. Building accurate approaches for hotel recognition is important to investigations of human trafficking. Images of human trafficking victims are often shared by traffickers among criminal networks and posted in online advertisements. These images are often taken in hotels. Using hotel recognition approaches to determine the hotel a victim was photographed in can assist in investigations and prosecutions of human traffickers. In this dissertation, I present an application for the ongoing capture of hotel imagery by the public, a large-scale curated dataset of hotel room imagery, deep learning approaches to hotel recognition based on this imagery, a visualization approach that provides insight into what networks trained on image similarity are learning, and an approach to image search focused on specific objects in scenes. Taken together, these contributions have resulted in a first in the world system that offers a solution to answering the question, `What hotel was this photograph taken in?\u27 at a global scale