759 research outputs found

    Genus 3 curves whose Jacobians have endomorphisms by Q(ζ7 + ζ-7)

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    In this work we consider constructions of genus 3 curves X such that End(Jac(X))⊗Q contains the totally real cubic number field Q(ζ7+ζ-7). We construct explicit two-dimensional families defined over Q(s,t) whose generic member is a nonhyperelliptic genus 3 curve with this property. The case when X is hyperelliptic was studied in Hoffman and Wang (2013). We calculate the zeta function of one of these curves. Conjecturally this zeta function is described by a modular form

    On Shimura curves in the Schottky locus

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    We show that a given rational Shimura curve Y with strictly maximal Higgs field in the moduli space of g-dimensional abelian varieties does not generically intersect the Schottky locus for large g. We achieve this by using a result of Viehweg and Zuo which says that if Y parameterizes a family of curves of genus g, then the corresponding family of Jacobians is isogenous over Y to the g-fold product of a modular family of elliptic curves. After reducing the situation from the field of complex numbers to a finite field, we will see, combining the Weil and Sato-Tate conjectures, that this is impossible for large genus g.Comment: 23 pages, shortened version of my PhD thesi

    Abelian surfaces of GL2-type as Jacobians of curves

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    We study the set of isomorphism classes of principal polarizations on abelian varieties of GL2-type. As applications of our results, we construct examples of curves C, C'/\Q of genus two which are nonisomorphic over \bar \Q and share isomorphic unpolarized modular Jacobian varieties over \Q ; we also show a method to obtain genus two curves over \Q whose Jacobian varieties are isomorphic to Weil's restriction of quadratic \Q-curves, and present examples.Comment: To appear in Acta Arithmetic

    Easy scalar decompositions for efficient scalar multiplication on elliptic curves and genus 2 Jacobians

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    The first step in elliptic curve scalar multiplication algorithms based on scalar decompositions using efficient endomorphisms-including Gallant-Lambert-Vanstone (GLV) and Galbraith-Lin-Scott (GLS) multiplication, as well as higher-dimensional and higher-genus constructions-is to produce a short basis of a certain integer lattice involving the eigenvalues of the endomorphisms. The shorter the basis vectors, the shorter the decomposed scalar coefficients, and the faster the resulting scalar multiplication. Typically, knowledge of the eigenvalues allows us to write down a long basis, which we then reduce using the Euclidean algorithm, Gauss reduction, LLL, or even a more specialized algorithm. In this work, we use elementary facts about quadratic rings to immediately write down a short basis of the lattice for the GLV, GLS, GLV+GLS, and Q-curve constructions on elliptic curves, and for genus 2 real multiplication constructions. We do not pretend that this represents a significant optimization in scalar multiplication, since the lattice reduction step is always an offline precomputation---but it does give a better insight into the structure of scalar decompositions. In any case, it is always more convenient to use a ready-made short basis than it is to compute a new one

    Distortion maps for genus two curves

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    Distortion maps are a useful tool for pairing based cryptography. Compared with elliptic curves, the case of hyperelliptic curves of genus g > 1 is more complicated since the full torsion subgroup has rank 2g. In this paper we prove that distortion maps always exist for supersingular curves of genus g>1 and we construct distortion maps in genus 2 (for embedding degrees 4,5,6 and 12).Comment: 16 page
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