6 research outputs found

    Document Image Binarization and Segmentation

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    Conceptually the Binarization of the chronicled archives is NP-difficult issue since the picture contains commotion, source debasements, and enlightenment. The point of binarization is to locate the best possible picture pixels' limit to enhance the general execution of the framework. This paper presents another half and half meta-heuristic calculation to decide the best edge an incentive for picture archives binarization. The point of Binarization is to locate the correct picture pixels' limit to enhance the general execution of the framework. Record division is a strategy for ripping the archive into unmistakable areas. In this proposed framework at first we displaying Wavelet deterioration and to binarize the record picture, and furthermore utilizes the projection profile to section lines and associated part investigation to fragment the characters. The normal result will be the binarized and fragmented characters, these character can be bolster to OCR for acknowledgement

    Analysis of Dashboard Attributes Based on Automatic Decomposition of Screen

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    Cieľom tejto práce je navrhnúť  metódu automatickej segmentácie dashboardov tak, aby ich bolo možné analyzovať pomocou metrík. Tieto metriky analyzujú vlastnosti objektov obrazovky podľa regiónov. Táto metóda je založený na prístupu segmentácie zdola nahor a vytvára objekty na základe blízkosti. Hlavným výsledkom je rýchlejšia a presnejšia analýza dashboardov, nakoľko nie je potrebné ručne segmentovať obrázok.The aim of this paper is to propose a method for automatic segmentation of dashboards so that they can be analyzed using aesthetic by means of metrics. These metrics analyze the properties of the screen objects by region. This method is based on bottom-up segmentation method and creates objects based on proximity. The main result is a faster and more accurate analysis of dashboards, as there is no need to manually segment the image.

    (Issue 3, July) Arena of AI@IITH

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    We are back again with 3 rd Issue of किरIITH - The Crowning Glory. This issue will take you to the tours of various researches, happenings & recognitions related to the latest trending research area - AI / ML @IITH and hence named as “#Arena of AI @IITH”. This special edition on AI initiatives at IITH was only possible because of the visionary thought process of our Director, Prof. B. S. Murty. Right from the cover page to Alumni column, we have ensured you get a flavour of AI in this issue. This issue contains rich research content for AI lovers. Read More..

    Genetic Programming for Document Segmentation and Region Classification Using Discipulus

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    Writings, Readings and Not Writing: poems, prose fiction and essays

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    This submission of published work consists of a number of different modes of writing that interrelate as the concerns of a poet, essayist and teacher. There are twenty-seven separate publications, presented under six categories headings: (A) poems, including prose-poems, written for the page; (B) prose-fiction, represented through a single work; (C) visual poems; (D) enquiries into aspects of a general poetics, including questions about 'situatedness' or 'implicatedness', genres of discourse and their related modalities, poetics and grammar, and a poetics of reading; (E) critical and celebratory readings, mostly of contemporary poets and poems; (F) meditations on institutionalised divisions and modalities of knowledge and practice and their implications for arts pedagogy. These six categories are intended to open out on to each other, to constitute an exploration of writing and reading that is always more than the sum of its parts. With the exception of one article published in 1992 all work was published- or will have been - between 1996 and 2005, a period that coincides with the consolidation and development of a field of study and practice at Dartington College of Arts named Performance Writing. The poems and prose fiction exemplify specific practices within this field and the articles are attempts to develop theoretical and critical instruments within it, especially as they apply to poetry. The articles move between close readings of poetic texts and broad enquiries into reading, writing and the operation of texts within their social, spatial and temporal contexts, such as domestic settings or bereavements. Three articles address 'grammar for performance writers'; three others focus on reading and its relation to knowledge, form and setting; another three, including a review, are enquiries into discipline and interdisciplinarity