10,780 research outputs found

    Genetic algorithm with a local search strategy for discovering communities in complex networks

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    In order to further improve the performance of current genetic algorithms aiming at discovering communities, a local search based genetic algorithm GALS is here proposed. The core of GALS is a local search based mutation technique. In order to overcome the drawbacks of traditional mutation methods, the paper develops the concept of marginal gene and then the local monotonicity of modularity function Q is deduced from each nodes local view. Based on these two elements, a new mutation method combined with a local search strategy is presented. GALS has been evaluated on both synthetic benchmarks and several real networks, and compared with some presently competing algorithms. Experimental results show that GALS is highly effective and efficient for discovering community.Thanks are due to the referees for helpful comments. This work was supported by National Natural Science Foundation of China (60873149, 60973088, 61133011, 61202308), Scholarship Award for Excellent Doctoral Student granted by Ministry of Education (450060454018), Program for New Century Excellent Talents in University (NCET-11-0204), and Jilin University Innovation Project (450060481084)

    Genetic algorithm with local search for community mining in complex networks

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    Detecting communities from complex networks has triggered considerable attention in several application domains. Targeting this problem, a local search based genetic algorithm (GALS) which employs a graph-based representation (LAR) has been proposed in this work. The core of the GALS is a local search based mutation technique. Aiming to overcome the drawbacks of the existing mutation methods, a concept called marginal gene has been proposed, and then an effective and efficient mutation method, combined with a local search strategy which is based on the concept of marginal gene, has also been proposed by analyzing the modularity function. Moreover, in this paper the percolation theory on ER random graphs is employed to further clarify the effectiveness of LAR presentation; A Markov random walk based method is adopted to produce an accurate and diverse initial population; the solution space of GALS will be significantly reduced by using a graph based mechanism. The proposed GALS has been tested on both computer-generated and real-world networks, and compared with some competitive community mining algorithms. Experimental result has shown that GALS is hig y effective and efficient for discovering community structure.This work was supported by National Natural Science Foundation of China under Grant Nos. 60873149, 60973088, National High-Tech Research and Development Plan of China under Grant No. 2006AA10Z245, Open Project Program of the National Laboratory of Pattern Recognition, and BRIDGING THE GAP Erasmus Mundus project of EU. We would like to thank Mark Newman for providing us with the source code of algorithms FN and GN, and some real-world network data

    Identifying network communities with a high resolution

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    Community structure is an important property of complex networks. An automatic discovery of such structure is a fundamental task in many disciplines, including sociology, biology, engineering, and computer science. Recently, several community discovery algorithms have been proposed based on the optimization of a quantity called modularity (Q). However, the problem of modularity optimization is NP-hard, and the existing approaches often suffer from prohibitively long running time or poor quality. Furthermore, it has been recently pointed out that algorithms based on optimizing Q will have a resolution limit, i.e., communities below a certain scale may not be detected. In this research, we first propose an efficient heuristic algorithm, Qcut, which combines spectral graph partitioning and local search to optimize Q. Using both synthetic and real networks, we show that Qcut can find higher modularities and is more scalable than the existing algorithms. Furthermore, using Qcut as an essential component, we propose a recursive algorithm, HQcut, to solve the resolution limit problem. We show that HQcut can successfully detect communities at a much finer scale and with a higher accuracy than the existing algorithms. Finally, we apply Qcut and HQcut to study a protein-protein interaction network, and show that the combination of the two algorithms can reveal interesting biological results that may be otherwise undetectable.Comment: 14 pages, 5 figures. 1 supplemental file at http://cic.cs.wustl.edu/qcut/supplemental.pd

    Discovering Communities of Community Discovery

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    Discovering communities in complex networks means grouping nodes similar to each other, to uncover latent information about them. There are hundreds of different algorithms to solve the community detection task, each with its own understanding and definition of what a "community" is. Dozens of review works attempt to order such a diverse landscape -- classifying community discovery algorithms by the process they employ to detect communities, by their explicitly stated definition of community, or by their performance on a standardized task. In this paper, we classify community discovery algorithms according to a fourth criterion: the similarity of their results. We create an Algorithm Similarity Network (ASN), whose nodes are the community detection approaches, connected if they return similar groupings. We then perform community detection on this network, grouping algorithms that consistently return the same partitions or overlapping coverage over a span of more than one thousand synthetic and real world networks. This paper is an attempt to create a similarity-based classification of community detection algorithms based on empirical data. It improves over the state of the art by comparing more than seventy approaches, discovering that the ASN contains well-separated groups, making it a sensible tool for practitioners, aiding their choice of algorithms fitting their analytic needs
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