15,271 research outputs found

    Generic Ownership Types for Java and the Collections Framework

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    Generic programming has turned out very useful in the development of reusable software. With the Java programming language, genericity is not only meant for reusability, but also for type-safety. Java generics constrain a container object (e.g., list, hash table) to store objects of a pre-specified data type. Nevertheless, safe programming with aliasing (multiple pointers in a program may point to the same object) is still a concern in object-oriented programming language research. A pointing object can mutate the state of the aliased object, reflecting the changes to all of the other pointers (aka aliases) thus affecting their behaviour. As programs grow larger and more complex, such changes in behaviour can be undesirable and difficult to detect and reason about. With respect to container objects, the iterator pattern critically violates encapsulation, allowing aliases to the state (and thereof the components) of its container. Object ownership is one of the well-researched paradigms in the area of alias management. Ownership types support hierarchical object encapsulation rather than the traditional class-level encapsulation. This thesis introduces an extension of Java 6 with support for ownership types as supplementary generic types. That is, Java generics are extended with the ability of carrying ownership information. This extension provides generic ownership support for all of Java; that is, all major language features are addressed so that programs can safely manage and express their aliasing properties. The resulting language is expressive enough to support common programming idioms, with little programming and runtime overhead. We evaluated the programmability of the language by refactoring a major (the most essential) portion of the Java Collections Framework. We also evaluated the performance impact of our refactoring by conducting a small micro-benchmark study to measure the performance time overhead the refactored collections may impose

    Information architecture for a federated health record server

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    This paper describes the information models that have been used to implement a federated health record server and to deploy it in a live clinical setting. The authors, working at the Centre for Health Informatics and Multiprofessional Education (University College London), have built up over a decade of experience within Europe on the requirements and information models that are needed to underpin comprehensive multi-professional electronic health records. This work has involved collaboration with a wide range of health care and informatics organisations and partners in the healthcare computing industry across Europe though the EU Health Telematics projects GEHR, Synapses, EHCR-SupA, SynEx and Medicate. The resulting architecture models have fed into recent European standardisation work in this area, such as CEN TC/251 ENV 13606. UCL has implemented a federated health record server based on these models which is now running in the Department of Cardiovascular Medicine at the Whittington Hospital in North London. The information models described in this paper reflect a refinement based on this implementation experience

    An Approach to Agent-Based Service Composition and Its Application to Mobile

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    This paper describes an architecture model for multiagent systems that was developed in the European project LEAP (Lightweight Extensible Agent Platform). Its main feature is a set of generic services that are implemented independently of the agents and can be installed into the agents by the application developer in a flexible way. Moreover, two applications using this architecture model are described that were also developed within the LEAP project. The application domain is the support of mobile, virtual teams for the German automobile club ADAC and for British Telecommunications

    Secure Method Invocation in JASON

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    We describe the Secure Method Invocation (SMI) framework implemented for Jason, our Javacard As Secure Objects Networks platform. Jason realises the secure object store paradigm, that reconciles the card-as-storage-element and card-as-processing-element views. In this paradigm, smart cards are viewed as secure containers for objects, whose methods can be called straightforwardly and securely using SMI. Jason is currently being developed as a middleware layer that securely interconnects an arbitrary number of smart cards, terminals and back-office systems over the Internet

    Featherweight Generic Confinement

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    Existing approaches to object encapsulation either rely on ad hoc syntactic restrictions or require the use of specialised type systems. Syntactic restrictions are difficult to scale and to prove correct, while specialised type systems require extensive changes to programming languages. We demonstrate that confinement can be enforced cheaply in Featherweight Generic Java, with no essential change to the underlying language or type system. This result demonstrates that polymorphic type parameters can simultaneously act as ownership parameters and should facilitate the adoption of confinement and ownership type systems in general-purpose programming languages

    The C Object System: Using C as a High-Level Object-Oriented Language

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    The C Object System (Cos) is a small C library which implements high-level concepts available in Clos, Objc and other object-oriented programming languages: uniform object model (class, meta-class and property-metaclass), generic functions, multi-methods, delegation, properties, exceptions, contracts and closures. Cos relies on the programmable capabilities of the C programming language to extend its syntax and to implement the aforementioned concepts as first-class objects. Cos aims at satisfying several general principles like simplicity, extensibility, reusability, efficiency and portability which are rarely met in a single programming language. Its design is tuned to provide efficient and portable implementation of message multi-dispatch and message multi-forwarding which are the heart of code extensibility and reusability. With COS features in hand, software should become as flexible and extensible as with scripting languages and as efficient and portable as expected with C programming. Likewise, Cos concepts should significantly simplify adaptive and aspect-oriented programming as well as distributed and service-oriented computingComment: 18
