119 research outputs found

    TV-GAN: Generative Adversarial Network Based Thermal to Visible Face Recognition

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    This work tackles the face recognition task on images captured using thermal camera sensors which can operate in the non-light environment. While it can greatly increase the scope and benefits of the current security surveillance systems, performing such a task using thermal images is a challenging problem compared to face recognition task in the Visible Light Domain (VLD). This is partly due to the much smaller amount number of thermal imagery data collected compared to the VLD data. Unfortunately, direct application of the existing very strong face recognition models trained using VLD data into the thermal imagery data will not produce a satisfactory performance. This is due to the existence of the domain gap between the thermal and VLD images. To this end, we propose a Thermal-to-Visible Generative Adversarial Network (TV-GAN) that is able to transform thermal face images into their corresponding VLD images whilst maintaining identity information which is sufficient enough for the existing VLD face recognition models to perform recognition. Some examples are presented in Figure 1. Unlike the previous methods, our proposed TV-GAN uses an explicit closed-set face recognition loss to regularize the discriminator network training. This information will then be conveyed into the generator network in the forms of gradient loss. In the experiment, we show that by using this additional explicit regularization for the discriminator network, the TV-GAN is able to preserve more identity information when translating a thermal image of a person which is not seen before by the TV-GAN

    Learning Robust Object Recognition Using Composed Scenes from Generative Models

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    Recurrent feedback connections in the mammalian visual system have been hypothesized to play a role in synthesizing input in the theoretical framework of analysis by synthesis. The comparison of internally synthesized representation with that of the input provides a validation mechanism during perceptual inference and learning. Inspired by these ideas, we proposed that the synthesis machinery can compose new, unobserved images by imagination to train the network itself so as to increase the robustness of the system in novel scenarios. As a proof of concept, we investigated whether images composed by imagination could help an object recognition system to deal with occlusion, which is challenging for the current state-of-the-art deep convolutional neural networks. We fine-tuned a network on images containing objects in various occlusion scenarios, that are imagined or self-generated through a deep generator network. Trained on imagined occluded scenarios under the object persistence constraint, our network discovered more subtle and localized image features that were neglected by the original network for object classification, obtaining better separability of different object classes in the feature space. This leads to significant improvement of object recognition under occlusion for our network relative to the original network trained only on un-occluded images. In addition to providing practical benefits in object recognition under occlusion, this work demonstrates the use of self-generated composition of visual scenes through the synthesis loop, combined with the object persistence constraint, can provide opportunities for neural networks to discover new relevant patterns in the data, and become more flexible in dealing with novel situations.Comment: Accepted by 14th Conference on Computer and Robot Visio

    Hierarchical Video Generation from Orthogonal Information: Optical Flow and Texture

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    Learning to represent and generate videos from unlabeled data is a very challenging problem. To generate realistic videos, it is important not only to ensure that the appearance of each frame is real, but also to ensure the plausibility of a video motion and consistency of a video appearance in the time direction. The process of video generation should be divided according to these intrinsic difficulties. In this study, we focus on the motion and appearance information as two important orthogonal components of a video, and propose Flow-and-Texture-Generative Adversarial Networks (FTGAN) consisting of FlowGAN and TextureGAN. In order to avoid a huge annotation cost, we have to explore a way to learn from unlabeled data. Thus, we employ optical flow as motion information to generate videos. FlowGAN generates optical flow, which contains only the edge and motion of the videos to be begerated. On the other hand, TextureGAN specializes in giving a texture to optical flow generated by FlowGAN. This hierarchical approach brings more realistic videos with plausible motion and appearance consistency. Our experiments show that our model generates more plausible motion videos and also achieves significantly improved performance for unsupervised action classification in comparison to previous GAN works. In addition, because our model generates videos from two independent information, our model can generate new combinations of motion and attribute that are not seen in training data, such as a video in which a person is doing sit-up in a baseball ground.Comment: Our supplemental material is available on http://www.mi.t.u-tokyo.ac.jp/assets/publication/hierarchical_video_generation_sup/ Accepted to AAAI201
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