432 research outputs found

    Online Video Deblurring via Dynamic Temporal Blending Network

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    State-of-the-art video deblurring methods are capable of removing non-uniform blur caused by unwanted camera shake and/or object motion in dynamic scenes. However, most existing methods are based on batch processing and thus need access to all recorded frames, rendering them computationally demanding and time consuming and thus limiting their practical use. In contrast, we propose an online (sequential) video deblurring method based on a spatio-temporal recurrent network that allows for real-time performance. In particular, we introduce a novel architecture which extends the receptive field while keeping the overall size of the network small to enable fast execution. In doing so, our network is able to remove even large blur caused by strong camera shake and/or fast moving objects. Furthermore, we propose a novel network layer that enforces temporal consistency between consecutive frames by dynamic temporal blending which compares and adaptively (at test time) shares features obtained at different time steps. We show the superiority of the proposed method in an extensive experimental evaluation.Comment: 10 page

    Generalized Video Deblurring for Dynamic Scenes

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    Several state-of-the-art video deblurring methods are based on a strong assumption that the captured scenes are static. These methods fail to deblur blurry videos in dynamic scenes. We propose a video deblurring method to deal with general blurs inherent in dynamic scenes, contrary to other methods. To handle locally varying and general blurs caused by various sources, such as camera shake, moving objects, and depth variation in a scene, we approximate pixel-wise kernel with bidirectional optical flows. Therefore, we propose a single energy model that simultaneously estimates optical flows and latent frames to solve our deblurring problem. We also provide a framework and efficient solvers to optimize the energy model. By minimizing the proposed energy function, we achieve significant improvements in removing blurs and estimating accurate optical flows in blurry frames. Extensive experimental results demonstrate the superiority of the proposed method in real and challenging videos that state-of-the-art methods fail in either deblurring or optical flow estimation.Comment: CVPR 2015 ora

    Automatic Workflow for Narrow-Band Laryngeal Video Stitching

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    In narrow band (NB) laryngeal endoscopy, the clinician usually positions the endoscope near the tissue for a correct inspection of possible vascular pattern alterations, indicative of laryngeal malignancies. The video is usually reviewed many times to refine the diagnosis, resulting in loss of time since the salient frames of the video are mixed with blurred, noisy, and redundant frames caused by the endoscope movements. The aim of this work is to provide to the clinician a unique larynx panorama, obtained through an automatic frame selection strategy to discard non-informative frames. Anisotropic diffusion filtering was exploited to lower the noise level while encouraging the selection of meaningful image features, and a feature-based stitching approach was carried out to generate the panorama. The frame selection strategy, tested on on six pathological NB endoscopic videos, was compared with standard strategies, as uniform and random sampling, showing higher performance of the subsequent stitching procedure, both visually, in terms of vascular structure preservation, and numerically, through a blur estimation metric