3 research outputs found

    Preparing multipartite entangled spin qubits via pauli spin blockade

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    PubMed ID: 32103078Preparing large-scale multi-partite entangled states of quantum bits in each physical form such as photons, atoms or electrons for each specific application area is a fundamental issue in quantum science and technologies. Here, we propose a setup based on Pauli spin blockade (PSB) for the preparation of large-scale W states of electrons in a double quantum dot (DQD). Within the proposed scheme, two W states of n and m electrons respectively can be fused by allowing each W state to transfer a single electron to each quantum dot. The presence or absence of PSB then determines whether the two states have fused or not, leading to the creation of a W state of n + m − 2 electrons in the successful case. Contrary to previous works based on quantum dots or nitrogen-vacancy centers in diamond, our proposal does not require any photon assistance. Therefore the ‘complex’ integration and tuning of an optical cavity is not a necessary prerequisite. We also show how to improve the success rate in our setup. Because requirements are based on currently available technology and well-known sensing techniques, our scheme can directly contribute to the advances in quantum technologies and, in particular in solid state systems.Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and TechnologyS.B. acknowledges Japanese Government MEXT scholarship. S.B. also thanks to Mizuki Kobayashi and Raisei Mizoguchi for helpful discussions. F.O. acknowledges the Personal Research Fund of Tokyo International University. T.K. acknowledges JSPS KAKENHI Grant Number: JP18K18996, JST CREST (JPMJ CR1675) and MEXT Quantum Leap Flagship Program (MEXT Q-LEAP) Grant Number JPMXS0118069228.Publisher's Versio

    Generating multi-photon W-like states for perfect quantum teleportation and superdense coding

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    An interesting aspect of multipartite entanglement is that for perfect teleportation and superdense coding, not the maximally entangled W states but a special class of non-maximally entangled W-like states are required. Therefore, efficient preparation of such W-like states is of great importance in quantum communications, which has not been studied as much as the preparation of W states. In this paper, we propose a simple optical scheme for efficient preparation of large-scale polarization-based entangled W-like states by fusing two W-like states or expanding a W-like state with an ancilla photon. Our scheme can also generate large-scale W states by fusing or expanding W or even W-like states. The cost analysis shows that in generating large-scale W states, the fusion mechanism achieves a higher efficiency with non-maximally entangled W-like states than maximally entangled W states. Our scheme can also start fusion or expansion with Bell states, and it is composed of a polarization-dependent beam splitter, two polarizing beam splitters and photon detectors. Requiring no ancilla photon or controlled gate to operate, our scheme can be realized with the current photonics technology and we believe it enable advances in quantum teleportation and superdense coding in multipartite settingsPublisher's Versio