5 research outputs found

    Two methods for the generation of chordal graphs

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    In this paper two methods for automatic generation of connected chordal graphs are proposed: the first one is based on results concerning the dynamic maintainance of chordality under edge insertions; the second is based on expansion/merging of maximal cliques. In both methods, chordality is preserved along the whole generation process

    Generating and characterizing the perfect elimination orderings of a chordal graph

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    WedevelV a constant time transposition"oraclo for the set of perfectelectd-V-U orderings of chordal graphs. Using thisoracl; we can generate a Gray code ofal perfectelectd-;;- orderings in constant amortized time using knownresul: about antimatroids. Using clngd trees, we show how theinitialdW:A-: of theald:::Eq can be performedinlerfo time. Weal- develB two new characterizations of perfectelectd::qq orderings: one in terms ofchordlqd paths, and the other in terms u-v separators