370 research outputs found

    Weakly Chordal Graphs: An Experimental Study

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    Graph theory is an important field that enables one to get general ideas about graphs and their properties. There are many situations (such as generating all linear layouts of weakly chordal graphs) where we want to generate instances to test algorithms for weakly chordal graphs. In my thesis, we address the algorithmic problem of generating weakly chordal graphs. A graph G=(V, E), where V is its vertices and E is its edges, is called a weakly chordal graph, if neither G nor its complement G\u27, contains an induced chordless cycle on five or more vertices. Our work is in two parts. In the first part, we carry out a comparative study of two existing algorithms for generating weakly chordal graphs. The first algorithm for generating weakly chordal graphs repeatedly finds a two-pair and adds an edge between them. The second-generation algorithm starts by constructing a tree and then generates an orthogonal layout (also weakly chordal graph) based on this tree. Edges are then inserted into this orthogonal layout until there are mm edges. The output graphs from these two methods are compared with respect to several parameters like the number of four cycles, run times, chromatic number, the number of non-two-pairs in the graphs generated by the second method. In the second part, we propose an algorithm for generating weakly chordal graphs by edge deletions starting from an arbitrary input random graph. The algorithm starts with an arbitrary graph to be able to generate a weakly chordal graph by the basis of edge deletion. The algorithm iterates by maintaining weak chordality by preventing any hole or antihole configurations being formed for any successful deletion of an edge

    Chordal Graphs and Their Relatives: Algorithms and Applications

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    While the problem of generating random graphs has received much attention, the problem of generating graphs for specific classes has not been studied much. In this dissertation, we propose schemes for generating chordal graphs, weakly chordal graphs, and strongly chordal graphs. We also present semi-dynamic algorithms for chordal graphs and strongly chordal graphs. As an application of a completion technique for chordal graphs, we also discuss a 1-round algorithm for approximate point placement in the plane in an adversarial model where the distance query graph presented to the adversary is chordal. The proposed generation algorithms take the number of vertices, n, and the number of edges, m, as input and produces a graph in a given class as output. The generation method either starts with a tree or a complete graph. We then insert additional edges in the tree or delete edges from the complete graph. Our algorithm ensures that the graph properties are preserved after each edge is inserted or deleted. We have also proposed algorithms to generate weakly chordal graphs and strongly chordal graphs from an arbitrary graph as input. In this case, we ensure the graph properties will be achieved on the termination of the conversion process. We have also proposed a semi-dynamic algorithm for edge-deletion in a chordal graph. To the best of our knowledge, no study has been done for the problem of dynamic algorithms for strongly chordal graphs. To address this gap, we have also proposed a semi-dynamic algorithm for edge-deletions and a semi-dynamic algorithm for edge-insertions in strongly chordal graphs

    Large induced subgraphs via triangulations and CMSO

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    We obtain an algorithmic meta-theorem for the following optimization problem. Let \phi\ be a Counting Monadic Second Order Logic (CMSO) formula and t be an integer. For a given graph G, the task is to maximize |X| subject to the following: there is a set of vertices F of G, containing X, such that the subgraph G[F] induced by F is of treewidth at most t, and structure (G[F],X) models \phi. Some special cases of this optimization problem are the following generic examples. Each of these cases contains various problems as a special subcase: 1) "Maximum induced subgraph with at most l copies of cycles of length 0 modulo m", where for fixed nonnegative integers m and l, the task is to find a maximum induced subgraph of a given graph with at most l vertex-disjoint cycles of length 0 modulo m. 2) "Minimum \Gamma-deletion", where for a fixed finite set of graphs \Gamma\ containing a planar graph, the task is to find a maximum induced subgraph of a given graph containing no graph from \Gamma\ as a minor. 3) "Independent \Pi-packing", where for a fixed finite set of connected graphs \Pi, the task is to find an induced subgraph G[F] of a given graph G with the maximum number of connected components, such that each connected component of G[F] is isomorphic to some graph from \Pi. We give an algorithm solving the optimization problem on an n-vertex graph G in time O(#pmc n^{t+4} f(t,\phi)), where #pmc is the number of all potential maximal cliques in G and f is a function depending of t and \phi\ only. We also show how a similar running time can be obtained for the weighted version of the problem. Pipelined with known bounds on the number of potential maximal cliques, we deduce that our optimization problem can be solved in time O(1.7347^n) for arbitrary graphs, and in polynomial time for graph classes with polynomial number of minimal separators

    Regularity of Edge Ideals and Their Powers

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    We survey recent studies on the Castelnuovo-Mumford regularity of edge ideals of graphs and their powers. Our focus is on bounds and exact values of  reg I(G)\text{ reg } I(G) and the asymptotic linear function  reg I(G)q\text{ reg } I(G)^q, for q≥1,q \geq 1, in terms of combinatorial data of the given graph G.G.Comment: 31 pages, 15 figure

    Co-contractions of Graphs and Right-angled Artin Groups

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    We define an operation on finite graphs, called co-contraction. By showing that co-contraction of a graph induces an injective map between right-angled Artin groups, we exhibit a family of graphs, without any induced cycle of length at least 5, such that the right-angled Artin groups on those graphs contain hyperbolic surface groups. This gives the negative answer to a question raised by Gordon, Long and Reid.Comment: 18 pages, 8 figure

    Enumeration of labelled chain graphs and labelled essential directed acyclic graphs

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    AbstractA chain graph is a digraph whose strong components are undirected graphs and a directed acyclic graph (ADG or DAG) G is essential if the Markov equivalence class of G consists of only one element. We provide recurrence relations for counting labelled chain graphs by the number of chain components and vertices; labelled essential DAGs by the number of vertices. The second one is a lower bound for the number of labelled essential graphs. The formula for labelled chain graphs can be extended in such a way, that allows us to count digraphs with two additional properties, which essential graphs have
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