352 research outputs found

    MuseGAN: Multi-track Sequential Generative Adversarial Networks for Symbolic Music Generation and Accompaniment

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    Generating music has a few notable differences from generating images and videos. First, music is an art of time, necessitating a temporal model. Second, music is usually composed of multiple instruments/tracks with their own temporal dynamics, but collectively they unfold over time interdependently. Lastly, musical notes are often grouped into chords, arpeggios or melodies in polyphonic music, and thereby introducing a chronological ordering of notes is not naturally suitable. In this paper, we propose three models for symbolic multi-track music generation under the framework of generative adversarial networks (GANs). The three models, which differ in the underlying assumptions and accordingly the network architectures, are referred to as the jamming model, the composer model and the hybrid model. We trained the proposed models on a dataset of over one hundred thousand bars of rock music and applied them to generate piano-rolls of five tracks: bass, drums, guitar, piano and strings. A few intra-track and inter-track objective metrics are also proposed to evaluate the generative results, in addition to a subjective user study. We show that our models can generate coherent music of four bars right from scratch (i.e. without human inputs). We also extend our models to human-AI cooperative music generation: given a specific track composed by human, we can generate four additional tracks to accompany it. All code, the dataset and the rendered audio samples are available at https://salu133445.github.io/musegan/ .Comment: to appear at AAAI 201

    Emergence of Object Segmentation in Perturbed Generative Models

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    We introduce a novel framework to build a model that can learn how to segment objects from a collection of images without any human annotation. Our method builds on the observation that the location of object segments can be perturbed locally relative to a given background without affecting the realism of a scene. Our approach is to first train a generative model of a layered scene. The layered representation consists of a background image, a foreground image and the mask of the foreground. A composite image is then obtained by overlaying the masked foreground image onto the background. The generative model is trained in an adversarial fashion against a discriminator, which forces the generative model to produce realistic composite images. To force the generator to learn a representation where the foreground layer corresponds to an object, we perturb the output of the generative model by introducing a random shift of both the foreground image and mask relative to the background. Because the generator is unaware of the shift before computing its output, it must produce layered representations that are realistic for any such random perturbation. Finally, we learn to segment an image by defining an autoencoder consisting of an encoder, which we train, and the pre-trained generator as the decoder, which we freeze. The encoder maps an image to a feature vector, which is fed as input to the generator to give a composite image matching the original input image. Because the generator outputs an explicit layered representation of the scene, the encoder learns to detect and segment objects. We demonstrate this framework on real images of several object categories.Comment: 33rd Conference on Neural Information Processing Systems (NeurIPS 2019), Spotlight presentatio

    Three-stage binarization of color document images based on discrete wavelet transform and generative adversarial networks

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    The efficient segmentation of foreground text information from the background in degraded color document images is a hot research topic. Due to the imperfect preservation of ancient documents over a long period of time, various types of degradation, including staining, yellowing, and ink seepage, have seriously affected the results of image binarization. In this paper, a three-stage method is proposed for image enhancement and binarization of degraded color document images by using discrete wavelet transform (DWT) and generative adversarial network (GAN). In Stage-1, we use DWT and retain the LL subband images to achieve the image enhancement. In Stage-2, the original input image is split into four (Red, Green, Blue and Gray) single-channel images, each of which trains the independent adversarial networks. The trained adversarial network models are used to extract the color foreground information from the images. In Stage-3, in order to combine global and local features, the output image from Stage-2 and the original input image are used to train the independent adversarial networks for document binarization. The experimental results demonstrate that our proposed method outperforms many classical and state-of-the-art (SOTA) methods on the Document Image Binarization Contest (DIBCO) dataset. We release our implementation code at https://github.com/abcpp12383/ThreeStageBinarization

    SketchyGAN: Towards Diverse and Realistic Sketch to Image Synthesis

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    Synthesizing realistic images from human drawn sketches is a challenging problem in computer graphics and vision. Existing approaches either need exact edge maps, or rely on retrieval of existing photographs. In this work, we propose a novel Generative Adversarial Network (GAN) approach that synthesizes plausible images from 50 categories including motorcycles, horses and couches. We demonstrate a data augmentation technique for sketches which is fully automatic, and we show that the augmented data is helpful to our task. We introduce a new network building block suitable for both the generator and discriminator which improves the information flow by injecting the input image at multiple scales. Compared to state-of-the-art image translation methods, our approach generates more realistic images and achieves significantly higher Inception Scores.Comment: Accepted to CVPR 201
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