777 research outputs found

    Zooming in on local level statistics by supersymmetric extension of free probability

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    We consider unitary ensembles of Hermitian NxN matrices H with a confining potential NV where V is analytic and uniformly convex. From work by Zinn-Justin, Collins, and Guionnet and Maida it is known that the large-N limit of the characteristic function for a finite-rank Fourier variable K is determined by the Voiculescu R-transform, a key object in free probability theory. Going beyond these results, we argue that the same holds true when the finite-rank operator K has the form that is required by the Wegner-Efetov supersymmetry method of integration over commuting and anti-commuting variables. This insight leads to a potent new technique for the study of local statistics, e.g., level correlations. We illustrate the new technique by demonstrating universality in a random matrix model of stochastic scattering.Comment: 38 pages, 3 figures, published version, minor changes in Section

    Positive Geometries for Scattering Amplitudes in Momentum Space

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    Positive geometries provide a purely geometric point of departure for studying scattering amplitudes in quantum field theory. A positive geometry is a specific semi-algebraic set equipped with a unique rational top form - the canonical form. There are known examples where the canonical form of some positive geometry, defined in some kinematic space, encodes a scattering amplitude in some theory. Remarkably, the boundaries of the positive geometry are in bijection with the physical singularities of the scattering amplitude. The Amplituhedron, discovered by Arkani-Hamed and Trnka, is a prototypical positive geometry. It lives in momentum twistor space and describes tree-level (and the integrands of planar loop-level) scattering amplitudes in maximally supersymmetric Yang-Mills theory. In this dissertation, we study three positive geometries defined in on-shell momentum space: the Arkani-Hamed-Bai-He-Yan (ABHY) associahedron, the Momentum Amplituhedron, and the orthogonal Momentum Amplituhedron. Each describes tree-level scattering amplitudes for different theories in different spacetime dimensions. The three positive geometries share a series of interrelations in terms of their boundary posets and canonical forms. We review these relationships in detail, highlighting the author's contributions. We study their boundary posets, classifying all boundaries and hence all physical singularities at the tree level. We develop new combinatorial results to derive rank-generating functions which enumerate boundaries according to their dimension. These generating functions allow us to prove that the Euler characteristics of the three positive geometries are one. In addition, we discuss methods for manipulating canonical forms using ideas from computational algebraic geometry.Comment: PhD Dissertatio

    Combinatorial Bernoulli Factories: Matchings, Flows and Other Polytopes

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    A Bernoulli factory is an algorithmic procedure for exact sampling of certain random variables having only Bernoulli access to their parameters. Bernoulli access to a parameter p∈[0,1]p \in [0,1] means the algorithm does not know pp, but has sample access to independent draws of a Bernoulli random variable with mean equal to pp. In this paper, we study the problem of Bernoulli factories for polytopes: given Bernoulli access to a vector x∈Px\in \mathcal{P} for a given polytope P⊂[0,1]n\mathcal{P}\subset [0,1]^n, output a randomized vertex such that the expected value of the ii-th coordinate is \emph{exactly} equal to xix_i. For example, for the special case of the perfect matching polytope, one is given Bernoulli access to the entries of a doubly stochastic matrix [xij][x_{ij}] and asked to sample a matching such that the probability of each edge (i,j)(i,j) be present in the matching is exactly equal to xijx_{ij}. We show that a polytope P\mathcal{P} admits a Bernoulli factory if and and only if P\mathcal{P} is the intersection of [0,1]n[0,1]^n with an affine subspace. Our construction is based on an algebraic formulation of the problem, involving identifying a family of Bernstein polynomials (one per vertex) that satisfy a certain algebraic identity on P\mathcal{P}. The main technical tool behind our construction is a connection between these polynomials and the geometry of zonotope tilings. We apply these results to construct an explicit factory for the perfect matching polytope. The resulting factory is deeply connected to the combinatorial enumeration of arborescences and may be of independent interest. For the kk-uniform matroid polytope, we recover a sampling procedure known in statistics as Sampford sampling.Comment: 41 pages, 9 figure
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