4,845 research outputs found

    Geometry of generated groups with metrics induced by their Cayley color graphs

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    Let GG be a group and let SS be a generating set of GG. In this article, we introduce a metric dCd_C on GG with respect to SS, called the cardinal metric. We then compare geometric structures of (G,dC)(G, d_C) and (G,dW)(G, d_W), where dWd_W denotes the word metric. In particular, we prove that if SS is finite, then (G,dC)(G, d_C) and (G,dW)(G, d_W) are not quasi-isometric in the case when (G,dW)(G, d_W) has infinite diameter and they are bi-Lipschitz equivalent otherwise. We also give an alternative description of cardinal metrics by using Cayley color graphs. It turns out that color-permuting and color-preserving automorphisms of Cayley digraphs are isometries with respect to cardinal metrics

    Centralisers of Dehn twist automorphisms of free groups

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    On the number of outer automorphisms of the automorphism group of a right-angled Artin group

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    We show that there is no uniform upper bound on |Out(Aut(A))| when A ranges over all right-angled Artin groups. This is in contrast with the cases where A is free or free abelian: for all n, Dyer-Formanek and Bridson-Vogtmann showed that Out(Aut(F_n)) = 1, while Hua-Reiner showed |Out(Aut(Z^n)| = |Out(GL(n,Z))| < 5. We also prove the analogous theorem for Out(Out(A)). We establish our results by giving explicit examples; one useful tool is a new class of graphs called austere graphs

    Automorphisms of graph products of groups from a geometric perspective

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    This article studies automorphism groups of graph products of arbitrary groups. We completely characterise automorphisms that preserve the set of conjugacy classes of vertex groups as those automorphisms that can be decomposed as a product of certain elementary automorphisms (inner automorphisms, partial conjugations, automorphisms associated to symmetries of the underlying graph). This allows us to completely compute the automorphism group of certain graph products, for instance in the case where the underlying graph is finite, connected, leafless and of girth at least 55. If in addition the underlying graph does not contain separating stars, we can understand the geometry of the automorphism groups of such graph products of groups further: we show that such automorphism groups do not satisfy Kazhdan's property (T) and are acylindrically hyperbolic. Applications to automorphism groups of graph products of finite groups are also included. The approach in this article is geometric and relies on the action of graph products of groups on certain complexes with a particularly rich combinatorial geometry. The first such complex is a particular Cayley graph of the graph product that has a quasi-median geometry, a combinatorial geometry reminiscent of (but more general than) CAT(0) cube complexes. The second (strongly related) complex used is the Davis complex of the graph product, a CAT(0) cube complex that also has a structure of right-angled building.Comment: 36 pages. The article subsumes and vastly generalises our preprint arXiv:1803.07536. To appear in Proc. Lond. Math. So
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