688 research outputs found

    STAIR Captions: Constructing a Large-Scale Japanese Image Caption Dataset

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    In recent years, automatic generation of image descriptions (captions), that is, image captioning, has attracted a great deal of attention. In this paper, we particularly consider generating Japanese captions for images. Since most available caption datasets have been constructed for English language, there are few datasets for Japanese. To tackle this problem, we construct a large-scale Japanese image caption dataset based on images from MS-COCO, which is called STAIR Captions. STAIR Captions consists of 820,310 Japanese captions for 164,062 images. In the experiment, we show that a neural network trained using STAIR Captions can generate more natural and better Japanese captions, compared to those generated using English-Japanese machine translation after generating English captions.Comment: Accepted as ACL2017 short paper. 5 page

    Analyzing and Interpreting Neural Networks for NLP: A Report on the First BlackboxNLP Workshop

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    The EMNLP 2018 workshop BlackboxNLP was dedicated to resources and techniques specifically developed for analyzing and understanding the inner-workings and representations acquired by neural models of language. Approaches included: systematic manipulation of input to neural networks and investigating the impact on their performance, testing whether interpretable knowledge can be decoded from intermediate representations acquired by neural networks, proposing modifications to neural network architectures to make their knowledge state or generated output more explainable, and examining the performance of networks on simplified or formal languages. Here we review a number of representative studies in each category

    Automatic Concept Discovery from Parallel Text and Visual Corpora

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    Humans connect language and vision to perceive the world. How to build a similar connection for computers? One possible way is via visual concepts, which are text terms that relate to visually discriminative entities. We propose an automatic visual concept discovery algorithm using parallel text and visual corpora; it filters text terms based on the visual discriminative power of the associated images, and groups them into concepts using visual and semantic similarities. We illustrate the applications of the discovered concepts using bidirectional image and sentence retrieval task and image tagging task, and show that the discovered concepts not only outperform several large sets of manually selected concepts significantly, but also achieves the state-of-the-art performance in the retrieval task.Comment: To appear in ICCV 201

    ViP-CNN: Visual Phrase Guided Convolutional Neural Network

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    As the intermediate level task connecting image captioning and object detection, visual relationship detection started to catch researchers' attention because of its descriptive power and clear structure. It detects the objects and captures their pair-wise interactions with a subject-predicate-object triplet, e.g. person-ride-horse. In this paper, each visual relationship is considered as a phrase with three components. We formulate the visual relationship detection as three inter-connected recognition problems and propose a Visual Phrase guided Convolutional Neural Network (ViP-CNN) to address them simultaneously. In ViP-CNN, we present a Phrase-guided Message Passing Structure (PMPS) to establish the connection among relationship components and help the model consider the three problems jointly. Corresponding non-maximum suppression method and model training strategy are also proposed. Experimental results show that our ViP-CNN outperforms the state-of-art method both in speed and accuracy. We further pretrain ViP-CNN on our cleansed Visual Genome Relationship dataset, which is found to perform better than the pretraining on the ImageNet for this task.Comment: 10 pages, 5 figures, accepted by CVPR 201
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