2,223 research outputs found

    Approximating Source Location and Star Survivable Network Problems

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    In Source Location (SL) problems the goal is to select a mini-mum cost source set SVS \subseteq V such that the connectivity (or flow) ψ(S,v)\psi(S,v) from SS to any node vv is at least the demand dvd_v of vv. In many SL problems ψ(S,v)=dv\psi(S,v)=d_v if vSv \in S, namely, the demand of nodes selected to SS is completely satisfied. In a node-connectivity variant suggested recently by Fukunaga, every node vv gets a "bonus" pvdvp_v \leq d_v if it is selected to SS. Fukunaga showed that for undirected graphs one can achieve ratio O(klnk)O(k \ln k) for his variant, where k=maxvVdvk=\max_{v \in V}d_v is the maximum demand. We improve this by achieving ratio \min\{p^*\lnk,k\}\cdot O(\ln (k/q^*)) for a more general version with node capacities, where p=maxvVpvp^*=\max_{v \in V} p_v is the maximum bonus and q=minvVqvq^*=\min_{v \in V} q_v is the minimum capacity. In particular, for the most natural case p=1p^*=1 considered by Fukunaga, we improve the ratio from O(klnk)O(k \ln k) to O(ln2k)O(\ln^2k). We also get ratio O(k)O(k) for the edge-connectivity version, for which no ratio that depends on kk only was known before. To derive these results, we consider a particular case of the Survivable Network (SN) problem when all edges of positive cost form a star. We give ratio O(min{lnn,ln2k})O(\min\{\ln n,\ln^2 k\}) for this variant, improving over the best ratio known for the general case O(k3lnn)O(k^3 \ln n) of Chuzhoy and Khanna

    Improved Algorithm for Degree Bounded Survivable Network Design Problem

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    We consider the Degree-Bounded Survivable Network Design Problem: the objective is to find a minimum cost subgraph satisfying the given connectivity requirements as well as the degree bounds on the vertices. If we denote the upper bound on the degree of a vertex v by b(v), then we present an algorithm that finds a solution whose cost is at most twice the cost of the optimal solution while the degree of a degree constrained vertex v is at most 2b(v) + 2. This improves upon the results of Lau and Singh and that of Lau, Naor, Salavatipour and Singh

    Spare capacity modelling and its applications in survivable iP-over-optical networks

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    As the interest in IP-over-optical networks are becoming the preferred core network architecture, survivability has emerged as a major concern for network service providers; a result of the potentially huge traffic volumes that will be supported by optical infrastructure. Therefore, implementing recovery strategies is critical. In addition to the traditional recovery schemes based around protection and restoration mechanisms, pre-allocated restoration represents a potential candidate to effect and maintain network resilience under failure conditions. Preallocated restoration technique is particularly interesting because it provides a trade-off in terms of recovery performance and resources between protection and restoration schemes. In this paper, the pre-allocated restoration performance is investigated under single and dual-link failures considering a distributed GMPLSbased IP/WDM mesh network. Two load-based spare capacity optimisation methods are proposed in this paper; Local Spare Capacity Optimisation (LSCO) and Global Spare Capacity Optimisation (GSCO)

    Resilient network dimensioning for optical grid/clouds using relocation

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    In this paper we address the problem of dimensioning infrastructure, comprising both network and server resources, for large-scale decentralized distributed systems such as grids or clouds. We will provide an overview of our work in this area, and in particular focus on how to design the resulting grid/cloud to be resilient against network link and/or server site failures. To this end, we will exploit relocation: under failure conditions, a request may be sent to an alternate destination than the one under failure-free conditions. We will provide a comprehensive overview of related work in this area, and focus in some detail on our own most recent work. The latter comprises a case study where traffic has a known origin, but we assume a degree of freedom as to where its end up being processed, which is typically the case for e. g., grid applications of the bag-of-tasks (BoT) type or for providing cloud services. In particular, we will provide in this paper a new integer linear programming (ILP) formulation to solve the resilient grid/cloud dimensioning problem using failure-dependent backup routes. Our algorithm will simultaneously decide on server and network capacity. We find that in the anycast routing problem we address, the benefit of using failure-dependent (FD) rerouting is limited compared to failure-independent (FID) backup routing. We confirm our earlier findings in terms of network capacity savings achieved by relocation compared to not exploiting relocation (order of 6-10% in the current case studies)

    Survivability in Time-varying Networks

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    Time-varying graphs are a useful model for networks with dynamic connectivity such as vehicular networks, yet, despite their great modeling power, many important features of time-varying graphs are still poorly understood. In this paper, we study the survivability properties of time-varying networks against unpredictable interruptions. We first show that the traditional definition of survivability is not effective in time-varying networks, and propose a new survivability framework. To evaluate the survivability of time-varying networks under the new framework, we propose two metrics that are analogous to MaxFlow and MinCut in static networks. We show that some fundamental survivability-related results such as Menger's Theorem only conditionally hold in time-varying networks. Then we analyze the complexity of computing the proposed metrics and develop several approximation algorithms. Finally, we conduct trace-driven simulations to demonstrate the application of our survivability framework to the robust design of a real-world bus communication network

    Logical topology design for IP rerouting: ASONs versus static OTNs

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    IP-based backbone networks are gradually moving to a network model consisting of high-speed routers that are flexibly interconnected by a mesh of light paths set up by an optical transport network that consists of wavelength division multiplexing (WDM) links and optical cross-connects. In such a model, the generalized MPLS protocol suite could provide the IP centric control plane component that will be used to deliver rapid and dynamic circuit provisioning of end-to-end optical light paths between the routers. This is called an automatic switched optical (transport) network (ASON). An ASON enables reconfiguration of the logical IP topology by setting up and tearing down light paths. This allows to up- or downgrade link capacities during a router failure to the capacities needed by the new routing of the affected traffic. Such survivability against (single) IP router failures is cost-effective, as capacity to the IP layer can be provided flexibly when necessary. We present and investigate a logical topology optimization problem that minimizes the total amount or cost of the needed resources (interfaces, wavelengths, WDM line-systems, amplifiers, etc.) in both the IP and the optical layer. A novel optimization aspect in this problem is the possibility, as a result of the ASON, to reuse the physical resources (like interface cards and WDM line-systems) over the different network states (the failure-free and all the router failure scenarios). We devised a simple optimization strategy to investigate the cost of the ASON approach and compare it with other schemes that survive single router failures