2 research outputs found

    Recursive subdivision algorithms for curve and surface design

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    This thesis was submitted for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy and awarded by Brunel University.In this thesis, the author studies recursIve subdivision algorithms for curves and surfaces. Several subdivision algorithms are constructed and investigated. Some graphic examples are also presented. Inspired by the Chaikin's algorithm and the Catmull-Clark's algorithm, some non-uniform schemes, the non-uniform corner cutting scheme and the recursive subdivision algorithm for non-uniform B-spline curves, are constructed and analysed. The adapted parametrization is introduced to analyse these non-uniform algorithms. In order to solve the surface interpolation problem, the Dyn-Gregory-Levin's 4-point interpolatory scheme is generalized to surfaces and the 10-point interpolatory subdivision scheme for surfaces is formulated. The so-called Butterfly Scheme, which was firstly introduced by Dyn, Gregory Levin in 1988, is just a special case of the scheme. By studying the Cross-Differences of Directional Divided Differences, a matrix approach for analysing uniform subdivision algorithms for surfaces is established and the convergence of the 10-point scheme over both uniform and non-uniform triangular networks is studied. Another algorithm, the subdivision algorithm for uniform bi-quartic B-spline surfaces over arbitrary topology is introduced and investigated. This algorithm is a generalization of Doo-Sabin's and Catmull-Clark's algorithms. It produces uniform Bi-quartic B-spline patches over uniform data. By studying the local subdivision matrix, which is a circulant, the tangent plane and curvature properties of the limit surfaces at the so-called Extraordinary Points are studied in detail.The Chinese Educational Commission and The British Council (SBFSS/1987

    Zur Theorie der corner cutting-Flächen [online]

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