106 research outputs found

    Reliability Analysis of the Hypercube Architecture.

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    This dissertation presents improved techniques for analyzing network-connected (NCF), 2-connected (2CF), task-based (TBF), and subcube (SF) functionality measures in a hypercube multiprocessor with faulty processing elements (PE) and/or communication elements (CE). These measures help study system-level fault tolerance issues and relate to various application modes in the hypercube. Solutions discussed in the text fall into probabilistic and deterministic models. The probabilistic measure assumes a stochastic graph of the hypercube where PE\u27s and/or CE\u27s may fail with certain probabilities, while the deterministic model considers that some system components are already failed and aims to determine the system functionality. For probabilistic model, MIL-HDBK-217F is used to predict PE and CE failure rates for an Intel iPSC system. First, a technique called CAREL is presented. A proof of its correctness is included in an appendix. Using the shelling ordering concept, CAREL is shown to solve the exact probabilistic NCF measure for a hypercube in time polynomial in the number of spanning trees. However, this number increases exponentially in the hypercube dimension. This dissertation, then, aims to more efficiently obtain lower and upper bounds on the measures. Algorithms, presented in the text, generate tighter bounds than had been obtained previously and run in time polynomial in the cube dimension. The proposed algorithms for probabilistic 2CF measure consider PE and/or CE failures. In attempting to evaluate deterministic measures, a hybrid method for fault tolerant broadcasting in the hypercube is proposed. This method combines the favorable features of redundant and non-redundant techniques. A generalized result on the deterministic TBF measure for the hypercube is then described. Two distributed algorithms are proposed to identify the largest operational subcubes in a hypercube C\sb{n} with faulty PE\u27s. Method 1, called LOS1, requires a list of faulty components and utilizes the CMB operator of CAREL to solve the problem. In case the number of unavailable nodes (faulty or busy) increases, an alternative distributed approach, called LOS2, processes m available nodes in O(mn) time. The proposed techniques are simple and efficient

    High Performance Software Reconfiguration in the Context of Distributed Systems and Interconnection Networks.

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    Designed algorithms that are useful for developing protocols and supporting tools for fault tolerance, dynamic load balancing, and distributing monitoring in loosely coupled multi-processor systems. Four efficient algorithms are developed to learn network topology and reconfigure distributed application programs in execution using the available tools for replication and process migration. The first algorithm provides techniques for transparent software reconfiguration based on process migration in the context of quadtree embeddings in Hypercubes. Our novel approach provides efficient reconfiguration for some classes of faults that may be identified easily. We provide a theoretical characterization to use graph matching, quadratic assignment, and a variety of branch and bound techniques to recover from general faults at run-time and maintain load balance. The second algorithm provides distributed recognition of articulation points, biconnected components, and bridges. Since the removal of an articulation point disconnects the network, knowledge about it may be used for selective replication. We have obtained the most efficient distributed algorithms with linear message complexity for the recognition of these properties. The third algorithm is an optimal linear message complexity distributed solution for recognizing graph planarity which is one of the most celebrated problems in graph theory and algorithm design. Recently, efficient shortest path algorithms are developed for planar graphs whose efficient recognition itself was left open. Our algorithm also leads to designing efficient distributed algorithm to recognize outer-planar graphs with applications in Hamiltonian path, shortest path routing and graph coloring. It is shown that efficient routing of information and distributing the stack needed for for planarity testing permit local computations leading to an efficient distributed algorithm. The fourth algorithm provides software redundancy techniques to provide fault tolerance to program structures. We consider the problem of mapping replicated program structures to provide efficient communication between modules in multiple replicas. We have obtained an optimal mapping of 2-replicated binary trees into hypercubes. For replication numbers greater than two, we provide efficient heuristic simulation results to provide efficient support for both \u27N-version programming\u27 and \u27Recovery block\u27 approaches for software replication

    Fault tolerance issues in nanoelectronics

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    The astonishing success story of microelectronics cannot go on indefinitely. In fact, once devices reach the few-atom scale (nanoelectronics), transient quantum effects are expected to impair their behaviour. Fault tolerant techniques will then be required. The aim of this thesis is to investigate the problem of transient errors in nanoelectronic devices. Transient error rates for a selection of nanoelectronic gates, based upon quantum cellular automata and single electron devices, in which the electrostatic interaction between electrons is used to create Boolean circuits, are estimated. On the bases of such results, various fault tolerant solutions are proposed, for both logic and memory nanochips. As for logic chips, traditional techniques are found to be unsuitable. A new technique, in which the voting approach of triple modular redundancy (TMR) is extended by cascading TMR units composed of nanogate clusters, is proposed and generalised to other voting approaches. For memory chips, an error correcting code approach is found to be suitable. Various codes are considered and a lookup table approach is proposed for encoding and decoding. We are then able to give estimations for the redundancy level to be provided on nanochips, so as to make their mean time between failures acceptable. It is found that, for logic chips, space redundancies up to a few tens are required, if mean times between failures have to be of the order of a few years. Space redundancy can also be traded for time redundancy. As for memory chips, mean times between failures of the order of a few years are found to imply both space and time redundancies of the order of ten
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