13 research outputs found

    Generalized incompressible flows, multi-marginal transport and Sinkhorn algorithm

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    Starting from Brenier's relaxed formulation of the incompressible Euler equation in terms of geodesics in the group of measure-preserving diffeomorphisms, we propose a numerical method based on Sinkhorn's algorithm for the entropic regularization of optimal transport. We also make a detailed comparison of this entropic regularization with the so-called Bredinger entropic interpolation problem. Numerical results in dimension one and two illustrate the feasibility of the method

    Statistical Learning in Wasserstein Space

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    We seek a generalization of regression and principle component analysis (PCA) in a metric space where data points are distributions metrized by the Wasserstein metric. We recast these analyses as multimarginal optimal transport problems. The particular formulation allows efficient computation, ensures existence of optimal solutions, and admits a probabilistic interpretation over the space of paths (line segments). Application of the theory to the interpolation of empirical distributions, images, power spectra, as well as assessing uncertainty in experimental designs, is envisioned

    A dynamical--topological obstruction for smooth isometric embeddings of Riemannian manifolds via incompressible Euler equations

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    We obtain a dynamical--topological obstruction for the existence of isometric embedding of a Riemannian manifold-with-boundary (M,g)(M,g): if the first real homology of MM is nontrivial, if the centre of the fundamental group is trivial, and if MM is isometrically embedded into a Euclidean space of dimension at least 33, then the isometric embedding must violate a certain dynamical, kinetic energy-related condition (the "rigid isotopy extension property" in Definition 1.1). The arguments are motivated by the incompressible Euler equations with prescribed initial and terminal configurations in hydrodynamics

    Convergence rate of entropy-regularized multi-marginal optimal transport costs

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    We investigate the convergence rate of multi-marginal optimal transport costs that are regularized with the Boltzmann-Shannon entropy, as the noise parameter ε\varepsilon tends to 00. We establish lower and upper bounds on the difference with the unregularized cost of the form Cεlog(1/ε)+O(ε)C\varepsilon\log(1/\varepsilon)+O(\varepsilon) for some explicit dimensional constants CC depending on the marginals and on the ground cost, but not on the optimal transport plans themselves. Upper bounds are obtained for Lipschitz costs or locally semi-concave costs for a finer estimate, and lower bounds for C2\mathcal{C}^2 costs satisfying some signature condition on the mixed second derivatives that may include degenerate costs, thus generalizing results previously in the two marginals case and for non-degenerate costs. We obtain in particular matching bounds in some typical situations where the optimal plan is deterministic

    Second order models for optimal transport and cubic splines on the Wasserstein space

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    On the space of probability densities, we extend the Wasserstein geodesics to the case of higher-order interpolation such as cubic spline interpolation. After presenting the natural extension of cubic splines to the Wasserstein space, we propose a simpler approach based on the relaxation of the variational problem on the path space. We explore two different numerical approaches, one based on multi-marginal optimal transport and entropic regularization and the other based on semi-discrete optimal transport