19 research outputs found

    On the ideal shortest vector problem over random rational primes

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    Any ideal in a number field can be factored into a product of prime ideals. In this paper we study the prime ideal shortest vector problem (SVP) in the ring Z[x]/(x2n+1) \Z[x]/(x^{2^n} + 1) , a popular choice in the design of ideal lattice based cryptosystems. We show that a majority of rational primes lie under prime ideals admitting a polynomial time algorithm for SVP. Although the shortest vector problem of ideal lattices underpins the security of Ring-LWE cryptosystem, this work does not break Ring-LWE, since the security reduction is from the worst case ideal SVP to the average case Ring-LWE, and it is one-way

    A framework for cryptographic problems from linear algebra

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    We introduce a general framework encompassing the main hard problems emerging in lattice-based cryptography, which naturally includes the recently proposed Mersenne prime cryptosystem, but also problems coming from code-based cryptography. The framework allows to easily instantiate new hard problems and to automatically construct plausibly post-quantum secure primitives from them. As a first basic application, we introduce two new hard problems and the corresponding encryption schemes. Concretely, we study generalisations of hard problems such as SIS, LWE and NTRU to free modules over quotients of Z[X] by ideals of the form (f,g), where f is a monic polynomial and g∈Z[X] is a ciphertext modulus coprime to f. For trivial modules (i.e. of rank one), the case f=Xn+1 and g=q∈Z>1 corresponds to ring-LWE, ring-SIS and NTRU, while the choices f=Xn−1 and g=X−2 essentially cover the recently proposed Mersenne prime cryptosystems. At the other extreme, when considering modules of large rank and letting deg(f)=1, one recovers the framework of LWE and SIS

    Generalized compact knapsacks, cyclic lattices, and efficient one-way functions from worst-case complexity assumptions

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    We investigate the average case complexity of a generalization of the compact knapsack problem to arbitrary rings: given mm (random) ring elements a_1,...,a_m in R and a (random) target value b in R, find coefficients x_1,...,x_m in S (where S is an appropriately chosen subset of R) such that a_1*x_1 + ... + a_m*x_m = b. We consider compact versions of the generalized knapsack where the set S is large and the number of weights m is small. Most variants of this problem considered in the past (e.g., when R = Z is the ring of the integers) can be easily solved in polynomial time even in the worst case. We propose a new choice of the ring R and subset S that yields generalized compact knapsacks that are seemingly very hard to solve on the average, even for very small values of m. Namely, we prove that for any unbounded function m = omega(1) with arbitrarily slow growth rate, solving our generalized compact knapsack problems on the average is at least as hard as the worst-case instance of various approximation problems over cyclic lattices. Specific worst-case lattice problems considered in this paper are the shortest independent vector problem SIVP and the guaranteed distance decoding problem GDD (a variant of the closest vector problem, CVP) for approximation factors n^{1+epsilon} almost linear in the dimension of the lattice. Our results yield very efficient and provably secure one-way functions (based on worst-case complexity assumptions) with key size and time complexity almost linear in the security parameter n. Previous constructions with similar security guarantees required quadratic key size and computation time. Our results can also be formulated as a connection between the worst-case and average-case complexity of various lattice problems over cyclic and quasi-cyclic lattices

    Fully homomorphic encryption using ideal lattices

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    Computing generator in cyclotomic integer rings

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    The Principal Ideal Problem (resp. Short Principal Ideal Problem), shorten as PIP (resp. SPIP), consists in finding a generator (resp. short generator) of a principal ideal in the ring of integers of a number field. Several lattice-based cryptosystems rely on the presumed hardness of these two problems. Yet, in practice, most of them do not use an arbitrary number field but a power-of-two cyclotomic field. The Smart and Vercauteren fully homomorphic encryption scheme and the multilinear map of Garg, Gentry and Halevi epitomize this common restriction. Recently, Cramer, Ducas, Peikert and Regev show that solving the SPIP in such cyclotomic rings boils down to solving the PIP. We complete their result by an algorithm that solves PIP in cyclotomic fields in subexponential time L∣ΔK∣(1/2)=2N1/2+o(1)L_{|\Delta_K|} (1/2) = 2^{N^{1/2+o(1)}}, where ΔK\Delta_K denotes the discriminant of the number field and N its degree. This asymptotic complexity could be compared with the one obtained by Biasse and Fieker method, that aims at finding a generator as we do, but runs in L_{|\Delta_K|} (2/3). Besides this theoretical improvement, our algorithm permits to recover in practice the secret key of the Smart and Vercauteren scheme, for the smallest proposed parameters

    Post-Quantum Secure Deterministic Wallet: Stateless, Hot/Cold Setting, and More Secure

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    Since the invention of Bitcoin, cryptocurrencies have gained huge popularity. Crypto wallet, as the tool to store and manage the cryptographic keys, is the primary entrance for the public to access cryptocurrency funds. Deterministic wallet is an advanced wallet mech- anism that has been proposed to achieve some appealing virtues, such as low-maintenance, easy backup and recovery, supporting functionali- ties required by cryptocurrencies, and so on. But deterministic wallets still have a long way to be practical in quantum world, and there are also some gaps in the classic world, since there are the following prob- lems waiting to be solved. Firstly, the relying on the state, i.e., stateful. The stateful deterministic wallet scheme must internally maintain and keep refreshing synchronously a state which makes the implementation in practice become more complex. And once one of the states is leaked, thereafter the security notion of unlinkability is cannot be guaranteed (referred to as the weak security notion of forward unlinkability). The second problem is vulnerable. There are security shortfalls in previous works, they suffer a vulnerability when a minor fault happens (say, one derived key is compromised somehow), then the damage is not limited to the leaked derived key, instead, it spreads to the master key and the whole system collapses. Thirdly, the falling short in supporting hot/cold setting. The hot/cold setting is a widely adopted method to effectively reduce the exposure chance of secret keys and hence improving the se- curity of the deterministic wallet system. The last problem is the relying on the weak security notion of unforgeability, in which the adversary is only allowed to query and forge the signatures w.r.t. the public keys that were assigned by the challenger. In this work, we present a new deterministic wallet scheme in quantum world, which is stateless, supports hot/cold setting, satisfiies stronger security notions, and is more efficient. In particular, we reformalize the syntax and security models for deterministic wallets, capturing the func- tionality and security requirements imposed by the practice in cryptocur- rency. Then we propose a deterministic wallet construction and prove its security in the quantum random oracle model. Finally, we show our wal- let scheme is more practicable by analyzing an instantiation of our wallet scheme based on the signature scheme Falcon

    FE for Inner Products and Its Application to Decentralized ABE

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    In this work, we revisit the primitive functional encryption (FE) for inner products and show its application to decentralized attribute- based encryption (ABE). Particularly, we derive an FE for inner prod- ucts that satisfies a stronger notion, and show how to use such an FE to construct decentralized ABE for the class {0,1}{0,1}-LSSS against bounded collusions in the plain model. We formalize the FE notion and show how to achieve such an FE under the LWE or DDH assumption. Therefore, our resulting decentralized ABE can be constructed under the same standard assumptions, improving the prior construction by Lewko and Waters (Eurocrypt 2011). Finally, we also point out challenges to construct decentralized ABE for general functions by establishing a relation between such an ABE and witness encryption for general NP statements