582 research outputs found

    A Classification of Quadratic Rook Polynomials

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    Rook theory is the study of permutations described using terminology from the game of chess. In rook theory, a generalized board B is any subset of the squares of an n x n square chessboard for some positive integer n. Rook numbers count the number of ways to place non-attacking rooks on a generalized board, and the rook polynomial is a polynomial that organizes the rook numbers for a board B. In our research, we classified all quadratic polynomials that are the rook polynomial for some generalized board B

    A unified approach to polynomial sequences with only real zeros

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    We give new sufficient conditions for a sequence of polynomials to have only real zeros based on the method of interlacing zeros. As applications we derive several well-known facts, including the reality of zeros of orthogonal polynomials, matching polynomials, Narayana polynomials and Eulerian polynomials. We also settle certain conjectures of Stahl on genus polynomials by proving them for certain classes of graphs, while showing that they are false in general.Comment: 19 pages, Advances in Applied Mathematics, in pres

    Rook placements and Jordan forms of upper-triangular nilpotent matrices

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    The set of n by n upper-triangular nilpotent matrices with entries in a finite field F_q has Jordan canonical forms indexed by partitions lambda of n. We present a combinatorial formula for computing the number F_\lambda(q) of matrices of Jordan type lambda as a weighted sum over standard Young tableaux. We also study a connection between these matrices and non-attacking rook placements, which leads to a refinement of the formula for F_\lambda(q).Comment: 25 pages, 6 figure

    Elliptic rook and file numbers

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    Utilizing elliptic weights, we construct an elliptic analogue of rook numbers for Ferrers boards. Our elliptic rook numbers generalize Garsia and Remmel's q-rook numbers by two additional independent parameters a and b, and a nome p. These are shown to satisfy an elliptic extension of a factorization theorem which in the classical case was established by Goldman, Joichi and White and later was extended to the q-case by Garsia and Remmel. We obtain similar results for our elliptic analogues of Garsia and Remmel's q-file numbers for skyline boards. We also provide an elliptic extension of the j-attacking model introduced by Remmel and Wachs. Various applications of our results include elliptic analogues of (generalized) Stirling numbers of the first and second kind, Lah numbers, Abel numbers, and r-restricted versions thereof.Comment: 45 pages; 3rd version shortened (elliptic rook theory for matchings has been taken out to keep the length of this paper reasonable
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