752 research outputs found

    Joint Head Selection and Airtime Allocation for Data Dissemination in Mobile Social Networks

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    Mobile social networks (MSNs) enable people with similar interests to interact without Internet access. By forming a temporary group, users can disseminate their data to other interested users in proximity with short-range communication technologies. However, due to user mobility, airtime available for users in the same group to disseminate data is limited. In addition, for practical consideration, a star network topology among users in the group is expected. For the former, unfair airtime allocation among the users will undermine their willingness to participate in MSNs. For the latter, a group head is required to connect other users. These two problems have to be properly addressed to enable real implementation and adoption of MSNs. To this aim, we propose a Nash bargaining-based joint head selection and airtime allocation scheme for data dissemination within the group. Specifically, the bargaining game of joint head selection and airtime allocation is first formulated. Then, Nash bargaining solution (NBS) based optimization problems are proposed for a homogeneous case and a more general heterogeneous case. For both cases, the existence of solution to the optimization problem is proved, which guarantees Pareto optimality and proportional fairness. Next, an algorithm, allowing distributed implementation, for join head selection and airtime allocation is introduced. Finally, numerical results are presented to evaluate the performance, validate intuitions and derive insights of the proposed scheme

    Cooperative Precoding/Resource Allocation Games under Spectral Mask and Total Power Constraints

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    The use of orthogonal signaling schemes such as time-, frequency-, or code-division multiplexing (T-, F-, CDM) in multi-user systems allows for power-efficient simple receivers. It is shown in this paper that by using orthogonal signaling on frequency selective fading channels, the cooperative Nash bargaining (NB)-based precoding games for multi-user systems, which aim at maximizing the information rates of all users, are simplified to the corresponding cooperative resource allocation games. The latter provides additional practically desired simplifications to transmitter design and significantly reduces the overhead during user cooperation. The complexity of the corresponding precoding/resource allocation games, however, depends on the constraints imposed on the users. If only spectral mask constraints are present, the corresponding cooperative NB problem can be formulated as a convex optimization problem and solved efficiently in a distributed manner using dual decomposition based algorithm. However, the NB problem is non-convex if total power constraints are also imposed on the users. In this case, the complexity associate with finding the NB solution is unacceptably high. Therefore, the multi-user systems are categorized into bandwidth- and power-dominant based on a bottleneck resource, and different manners of cooperation are developed for each type of systems for the case of two-users. Such classification guarantees that the solution obtained in each case is Pareto-optimal and actually can be identical to the optimal solution, while the complexity is significantly reduced. Simulation results demonstrate the efficiency of the proposed cooperative precoding/resource allocation strategies and the reduced complexity of the proposed algorithms.Comment: 33 pages, 8 figures, Submitted to the IEEE Trans. Signal Processing in Oct. 200

    Weighted Max-Min Resource Allocation for Frequency Selective Channels

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    In this paper, we discuss the computation of weighted max-min rate allocation using joint TDM/FDM strategies under a PSD mask constraint. We show that the weighted max-min solution allocates the rates according to a predetermined rate ratio defined by the weights, a fact that is very valuable for telecommunication service providers. Furthermore, we show that the problem can be efficiently solved using linear programming. We also discuss the resource allocation problem in the mixed services scenario where certain users have a required rate, while the others have flexible rate requirements. The solution is relevant to many communication systems that are limited by a power spectral density mask constraint such as WiMax, Wi-Fi and UWB

    Optimal Power Control for Multiuser CDMA Channels

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    In this paper, we define the power region as the set of power allocations for K users such that everybody meets a minimum signal-to-interference ratio (SIR). The SIR is modeled in a multiuser CDMA system with fixed linear receiver and signature sequences. We show that the power region is convex in linear and logarithmic scale. It furthermore has a componentwise minimal element. Power constraints are included by the intersection with the set of all viable power adjustments. In this framework, we aim at minimizing the total expended power by minimizing a componentwise monotone functional. If the feasible power region is nonempty, the minimum is attained. Otherwise, as a solution to balance conflicting interests, we suggest the projection of the minimum point in the power region onto the set of viable power settings. Finally, with an appropriate utility function, the problem of minimizing the total expended power can be seen as finding the Nash bargaining solution, which sheds light on power assignment from a game theoretic point of view. Convexity and componentwise monotonicity are essential prerequisites for this result.Comment: To appear in the proceedings of the 2005 IEEE International Symposium on Information Theory, Adelaide, Australia, September 4-9, 200

    Controlled Matching Game for Resource Allocation and User Association in WLANs

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    In multi-rate IEEE 802.11 WLANs, the traditional user association based on the strongest received signal and the well known anomaly of the MAC protocol can lead to overloaded Access Points (APs), and poor or heterogeneous performance. Our goal is to propose an alternative game-theoretic approach for association. We model the joint resource allocation and user association as a matching game with complementarities and peer effects consisting of selfish players solely interested in their individual throughputs. Using recent game-theoretic results we first show that various resource sharing protocols actually fall in the scope of the set of stability-inducing resource allocation schemes. The game makes an extensive use of the Nash bargaining and some of its related properties that allow to control the incentives of the players. We show that the proposed mechanism can greatly improve the efficiency of 802.11 with heterogeneous nodes and reduce the negative impact of peer effects such as its MAC anomaly. The mechanism can be implemented as a virtual connectivity management layer to achieve efficient APs-user associations without modification of the MAC layer

    Distributed Game Theoretic Optimization and Management of Multichannel ALOHA Networks

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    The problem of distributed rate maximization in multi-channel ALOHA networks is considered. First, we study the problem of constrained distributed rate maximization, where user rates are subject to total transmission probability constraints. We propose a best-response algorithm, where each user updates its strategy to increase its rate according to the channel state information and the current channel utilization. We prove the convergence of the algorithm to a Nash equilibrium in both homogeneous and heterogeneous networks using the theory of potential games. The performance of the best-response dynamic is analyzed and compared to a simple transmission scheme, where users transmit over the channel with the highest collision-free utility. Then, we consider the case where users are not restricted by transmission probability constraints. Distributed rate maximization under uncertainty is considered to achieve both efficiency and fairness among users. We propose a distributed scheme where users adjust their transmission probability to maximize their rates according to the current network state, while maintaining the desired load on the channels. We show that our approach plays an important role in achieving the Nash bargaining solution among users. Sequential and parallel algorithms are proposed to achieve the target solution in a distributed manner. The efficiencies of the algorithms are demonstrated through both theoretical and simulation results.Comment: 34 pages, 6 figures, accepted for publication in the IEEE/ACM Transactions on Networking, part of this work was presented at IEEE CAMSAP 201
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