658 research outputs found

    Map-Based Navigation in a Graphical MOO

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    Traditional MUDs and MOOs lack support for global wareness and simple navigation. These problems can be addressed by the introduction of a map-based navigation tool. In this paper we report on the design and evaluation of such a tool for MOOsburg, a graphical 2D MOO based on the town of Blacksburg, Virginia. The tool supports exploration and place-based tasks in the MOO. It also allows navigation of a large-scale map and encourages users to develop survey knowledge of the town. An evaluation revealed some initial usability problems with our prototype and suggested new design ideas that may better support users. Using these results, the lessons learned about map-based navigation are presented

    WWW Site Design Using Fisheye Views: An Empirical Study

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    In many contexts, decision-making situations call for examination of local detail without losing awareness of global context. Knowledge will be more useful if organized and presented accordingly. Fisheye view methods are one way of effective knowledge presentation and have been used in displaying various knowledge structures. This study explores an application of the fisheye view concept on World Wide Web site design. A related experiment and following empirical tests are described

    Information Visualization Of An Agent-Based Financial System Model

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    This paper considers the application of information visualization techniques to an agent-based model of a financial system. The minority game is a simple agent-based model which can be used to simulate the events in a real-world financial market. To aid understanding of this model, we can apply information visualization techniques. Treemap and sunburst are two such information visualization techniques, which previous research tells us can effectively represent information similar to that generated by the minority game. Another information visualization technique, called logical fisheye-lens, can be used to augment treemap and sunburst, allowing users to magnify areas of interest in these visualizations. In this paper, treemap and sunburst, both with and without fisheye-lens, are applied to the minority game, and their effectiveness is evaluated. This evaluation is carried out through an analysis of users performing various tasks on (simulated) financial market data using the visualization techniques. A subjective questionnaire is also used to measure the users’ impressions of the visualization techniques.Dynamic Models, Minority Game, Visualization

    Graph layout for applications in compiler construction

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    We address graph visualization from the viewpoint of compiler construction. Most data structures in compilers are large, dense graphs such as annotated control flow graph, syntax trees, dependency graphs. Our main focus is the animation and interactive exploration of these graphs. Fast layout heuristics and powerful browsing methods are needed. We give a survey of layout heuristics for general directed and undirected graphs and present the browsing facilities that help to manage large structured graph

    Integrating Multiple 3D Views through Frame-of-reference Interaction

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    Frame-of-reference interaction consists of a unified set of 3D interaction techniques for exploratory navigation of large virtual spaces in nonimmersive environments. It is based on a conceptual framework that considers navigation from a cognitive perspective, as a way of facilitating changes in user attention from one reference frame to another, rather than from the mechanical perspective of moving a camera between different points of interest. All of our techniques link multiple frames of reference in some meaningful way. Some techniques link multiple windows within a zooming environment while others allow seamless changes of user focus between static objects, moving objects, and groups of moving objects. We present our techniques as they are implemented in GeoZui3D, a geographic visualization system for ocean data

    A framework for unifying presentation space

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