281 research outputs found

    Enhancement of Secrecy of Block Ciphered Systems by Deliberate Noise

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    This paper considers the problem of end-end security enhancement by resorting to deliberate noise injected in ciphertexts. The main goal is to generate a degraded wiretap channel in application layer over which Wyner-type secrecy encoding is invoked to deliver additional secure information. More specifically, we study secrecy enhancement of DES block cipher working in cipher feedback model (CFB) when adjustable and intentional noise is introduced into encrypted data in application layer. A verification strategy in exhaustive search step of linear attack is designed to allow Eve to mount a successful attack in the noisy environment. Thus, a controllable wiretap channel is created over multiple frames by taking advantage of errors in Eve's cryptanalysis, whose secrecy capacity is found for the case of known channel states at receivers. As a result, additional secure information can be delivered by performing Wyner type secrecy encoding over super-frames ahead of encryption, namely, our proposed secrecy encoding-then-encryption scheme. These secrecy bits could be taken as symmetric keys for upcoming frames. Numerical results indicate that a sufficiently large secrecy rate can be achieved by selective noise addition.Comment: 11 pages, 8 figures, journa

    Revisiting LFSMs

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    Linear Finite State Machines (LFSMs) are particular primitives widely used in information theory, coding theory and cryptography. Among those linear automata, a particular case of study is Linear Feedback Shift Registers (LFSRs) used in many cryptographic applications such as design of stream ciphers or pseudo-random generation. LFSRs could be seen as particular LFSMs without inputs. In this paper, we first recall the description of LFSMs using traditional matrices representation. Then, we introduce a new matrices representation with polynomial fractional coefficients. This new representation leads to sparse representations and implementations. As direct applications, we focus our work on the Windmill LFSRs case, used for example in the E0 stream cipher and on other general applications that use this new representation. In a second part, a new design criterion called diffusion delay for LFSRs is introduced and well compared with existing related notions. This criterion represents the diffusion capacity of an LFSR. Thus, using the matrices representation, we present a new algorithm to randomly pick LFSRs with good properties (including the new one) and sparse descriptions dedicated to hardware and software designs. We present some examples of LFSRs generated using our algorithm to show the relevance of our approach.Comment: Submitted to IEEE-I

    A Chaos-Based Authenticated Cipher with Associated Data

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    In recent years, there has been a rising interest in authenticated encryptionwith associated data (AEAD)which combines encryption and authentication into a unified scheme. AEAD schemes provide authentication for a message that is divided into two parts: associated data which is not encrypted and the plaintext which is encrypted. However, there is a lack of chaos-based AEAD schemes in recent literature. This paper introduces a new128-bit chaos-based AEAD scheme based on the single-key Even-Mansour and Type-II generalized Feistel structure. The proposed scheme provides both privacy and authentication in a single-pass using only one 128-bit secret key. The chaotic tent map is used to generate whitening keys for the Even-Mansour construction, round keys, and random s-boxes for the Feistel round function. In addition, the proposed AEAD scheme can be implemented with true randomnumber generators to map a message tomultiple possible ciphertexts in a nondeterministic manner. Security and statistical evaluation indicate that the proposed scheme is highly secure for both the ciphertext and the authentication tag. Furthermore, it has multiple advantages over AES-GCM which is the current standard for authenticated encryption

    Research on 4-dimensional Systems without Equilibria with Application

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    Recently chaos-based encryption has been obtained more and more attention. Chaotic systems without equilibria may be suitable to be used to design pseudorandom number generators (PRNGs) because there does not exist corresponding chaos criterion theorem on such systems. This paper proposes two propositions on 4-dimensional systems without equilibria. Using one of the propositions introduces a chaotic system without equilibria. Using this system and the generalized chaos synchronization (GCS) theorem constructs an 8-dimensional discrete generalized chaos synchronization (8DBDGCS) system. Using the 8DBDGCS system designs a 216-word chaotic PRNG. Simulation results show that there are no significant correlations between the key stream and the perturbed key streams generated via the 216-word chaotic PRNG. The key space of the chaotic PRNG is larger than 21275. As an application, the chaotic PRNG is used with an avalanche-encryption scheme to encrypt an RGB image. The results demonstrate that the chaotic PRNG is able to generate the avalanche effects which are similar to those generated via ideal chaotic PRNGs

    A reversible system based on hybrid toggle radius-4 cellular automata and its application as a block cipher

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    The dynamical system described herein uses a hybrid cellular automata (CA) mechanism to attain reversibility, and this approach is adapted to create a novel block cipher algorithm called HCA. CA are widely used for modeling complex systems and employ an inherently parallel model. Therefore, applications derived from CA have a tendency to fit very well in the current computational paradigm where scalability and multi-threading potential are quite desirable characteristics. HCA model has recently received a patent by the Brazilian agency INPI. Several evaluations and analyses performed on the model are presented here, such as theoretical discussions related to its reversibility and an analysis based on graph theory, which reduces HCA security to the well-known Hamiltonian cycle problem that belongs to the NP-complete class. Finally, the cryptographic robustness of HCA is empirically evaluated through several tests, including avalanche property compliance and the NIST randomness suite.Comment: 34 pages, 12 figure

    Cryptanalysis of an Image Cipher using Multi entropy Measures and the Countermeasures

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    The use of same keys or equivalent keys should not be occurred in cryptographic communications because a cipher system utilising such keys to secure messages can be attacked even it possesses excellent cryptographic characteristics for extracting intelligible information from encrypted messages. Identification of crypts formed with such keys is an important task of traffic analysis of cryptographic communications to check the applicability of two-messages-on-same-key (TMSK) attack. To avoid its applicability, adequate safeguards are required. In the paper, we cryptanalyze stream encryption based cipher system and propose an intelligent identification methodology using multi-entropy measures and soft decision criteria for identification of encrypted images of same or equivalent keys. Experimental test results show that the crypts formed with same keys can be identified successfully with high precision. We also present the countermeasures against TMSK attack


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    In the course of the past 30 years, data has become pivotal to all aspects of human life. Data generated, captured, and replicated are increasing in size and expanding applications. The proliferation of fast wireless networks has encouraged data storage within the cloud. So, protecting data from attackers has become urgent to maintain its security and confidentiality, need for security and privacy technologies, systems, and processes to address it. This research paper proposes a simple and highly secure encryption decryption (SHSED) algorithm that can be used for cloud computing-based applications. It achieves the Shannon’s concept of diffusion and confusion by the involvement of logical operations, such as XORing, addition, and subtraction in addition to byte shifting. It is also characterized by the flexibility in the secret key length and the number of rounds. Experimental results have demonstrated powerful security level and a clear improvement in the encryption execution time measurements and security strength as compared with cryptosystems widely used in cloud computing