2 research outputs found

    Interpolation of G1 Hermite data by C1 cubic-like sparse Pythagorean hodograph splines

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    open3siProvided that they are in appropriate configurations (tight data), given planar G1 Hermite data generate a unique cubic Pythagorean hodograph (PH) spline curve interpolant. On a given associated knot-vector, the corresponding spline function cannot be C1, save for exceptional cases. By contrast, we show that replacing cubic spaces by cubic-like sparse spaces makes it possible to produce infinitely many C1 PH spline functions interpolating any given tight G1 Hermite data. Such cubic-like sparse spaces involve the constants and monomials of consecutive degrees, and they have long been used for design purposes. Only lately they were investigated in view of producing PH curves and associated G1 PH spline interpolants with some flexibility. The present work strongly relies on these recent results.embargoed_20220415Ait-Haddou R.; Beccari C.V.; Mazure M.-L.Ait-Haddou R.; Beccari C.V.; Mazure M.-L

    Gelfond–Bézier curves

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