9 research outputs found

    Approximate Inference for Nonstationary Heteroscedastic Gaussian process Regression

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    This paper presents a novel approach for approximate integration over the uncertainty of noise and signal variances in Gaussian process (GP) regression. Our efficient and straightforward approach can also be applied to integration over input dependent noise variance (heteroscedasticity) and input dependent signal variance (nonstationarity) by setting independent GP priors for the noise and signal variances. We use expectation propagation (EP) for inference and compare results to Markov chain Monte Carlo in two simulated data sets and three empirical examples. The results show that EP produces comparable results with less computational burden

    Non-Gaussian Process Regression

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    Standard GPs offer a flexible modelling tool for well-behaved processes. However, deviations from Gaussianity are expected to appear in real world datasets, with structural outliers and shocks routinely observed. In these cases GPs can fail to model uncertainty adequately and may over-smooth inferences. Here we extend the GP framework into a new class of time-changed GPs that allow for straightforward modelling of heavy-tailed non-Gaussian behaviours, while retaining a tractable conditional GP structure through an infinite mixture of non-homogeneous GPs representation. The conditional GP structure is obtained by conditioning the observations on a latent transformed input space and the random evolution of the latent transformation is modelled using a L\'{e}vy process which allows Bayesian inference in both the posterior predictive density and the latent transformation function. We present Markov chain Monte Carlo inference procedures for this model and demonstrate the potential benefits compared to a standard GP

    String and Membrane Gaussian Processes

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    In this paper we introduce a novel framework for making exact nonparametric Bayesian inference on latent functions, that is particularly suitable for Big Data tasks. Firstly, we introduce a class of stochastic processes we refer to as string Gaussian processes (string GPs), which are not to be mistaken for Gaussian processes operating on text. We construct string GPs so that their finite-dimensional marginals exhibit suitable local conditional independence structures, which allow for scalable, distributed, and flexible nonparametric Bayesian inference, without resorting to approximations, and while ensuring some mild global regularity constraints. Furthermore, string GP priors naturally cope with heterogeneous input data, and the gradient of the learned latent function is readily available for explanatory analysis. Secondly, we provide some theoretical results relating our approach to the standard GP paradigm. In particular, we prove that some string GPs are Gaussian processes, which provides a complementary global perspective on our framework. Finally, we derive a scalable and distributed MCMC scheme for supervised learning tasks under string GP priors. The proposed MCMC scheme has computational time complexity O(N)\mathcal{O}(N) and memory requirement O(dN)\mathcal{O}(dN), where NN is the data size and dd the dimension of the input space. We illustrate the efficacy of the proposed approach on several synthetic and real-world datasets, including a dataset with 66 millions input points and 88 attributes.Comment: To appear in the Journal of Machine Learning Research (JMLR), Volume 1

    Gaussian process product models for nonparametric nonstationarity

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    Stationarity is often an unrealistic prior as-sumption for Gaussian process regression. One solution is to predefine an explicit non-stationary covariance function, but such co-variance functions can be difficult to spec-ify and require detailed prior knowledge of the nonstationarity. We propose the Gaus-sian process product model (GPPM) which models data as the pointwise product of two latent Gaussian processes to nonparametri-cally infer nonstationary variations of ampli-tude. This approach differs from other non-parametric approaches to covariance function inference in that it operates on the outputs rather than the inputs, resulting in a signifi-cant reduction in computational cost and re-quired data for inference. We present an ap-proximate inference scheme using Expecta-tion Propagation. This variational approx-imation yields convenient GP hyperparame-ter selection and compact approximate pre-dictive distributions