15 research outputs found

    Strongly Hierarchical Factorization Machines and ANOVA Kernel Regression

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    High-order parametric models that include terms for feature interactions are applied to various data mining tasks, where ground truth depends on interactions of features. However, with sparse data, the high- dimensional parameters for feature interactions often face three issues: expensive computation, difficulty in parameter estimation and lack of structure. Previous work has proposed approaches which can partially re- solve the three issues. In particular, models with factorized parameters (e.g. Factorization Machines) and sparse learning algorithms (e.g. FTRL-Proximal) can tackle the first two issues but fail to address the third. Regarding to unstructured parameters, constraints or complicated regularization terms are applied such that hierarchical structures can be imposed. However, these methods make the optimization problem more challenging. In this work, we propose Strongly Hierarchical Factorization Machines and ANOVA kernel regression where all the three issues can be addressed without making the optimization problem more difficult. Experimental results show the proposed models significantly outperform the state-of-the-art in two data mining tasks: cold-start user response time prediction and stock volatility prediction.Comment: 9 pages, to appear in SDM'1

    Projective Quadratic Regression for Online Learning

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    This paper considers online convex optimization (OCO) problems - the paramount framework for online learning algorithm design. The loss function of learning task in OCO setting is based on streaming data so that OCO is a powerful tool to model large scale applications such as online recommender systems. Meanwhile, real-world data are usually of extreme high-dimensional due to modern feature engineering techniques so that the quadratic regression is impractical. Factorization Machine as well as its variants are efficient models for capturing feature interactions with low-rank matrix model but they can't fulfill the OCO setting due to their non-convexity. In this paper, We propose a projective quadratic regression (PQR) model. First, it can capture the import second-order feature information. Second, it is a convex model, so the requirements of OCO are fulfilled and the global optimal solution can be achieved. Moreover, existing modern online optimization methods such as Online Gradient Descent (OGD) or Follow-The-Regularized-Leader (FTRL) can be applied directly. In addition, by choosing a proper hyper-parameter, we show that it has the same order of space and time complexity as the linear model and thus can handle high-dimensional data. Experimental results demonstrate the performance of the proposed PQR model in terms of accuracy and efficiency by comparing with the state-of-the-art methods.Comment: AAAI 202

    Learning Inconsistent Preferences with Kernel Methods

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    We propose a probabilistic kernel approach for preferential learning from pairwise duelling data using Gaussian Processes. Different from previous methods, we do not impose a total order on the item space, hence can capture more expressive latent preferential structures such as inconsistent preferences and clusters of comparable items. Furthermore, we prove the universality of the proposed kernels, i.e. that the corresponding reproducing kernel Hilbert Space (RKHS) is dense in the space of skew-symmetric preference functions. To conclude the paper, we provide an extensive set of numerical experiments on simulated and real-world datasets showcasing the competitiveness of our proposed method with state-of-the-art