8 research outputs found

    Interference Channel with State Information

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    In this dissertation, we study the state-dependent two-user interference channel, where the state information is non-causally known at both transmitters but unknown to either of the receivers. We first propose two coding schemes for the discrete memoryless case: simultaneous encoding for the sub-messages in the first one and super-position encoding in the second one, both with rate splitting and Gel'fand-Pinsker coding. The corresponding achievable rate regions are established. Moreover, for the Gaussian case, we focus on the simultaneous encoding scheme and propose an active interference cancellation mechanism, which is a generalized dirty-paper coding technique, to partially eliminate the state effect at the receivers. The corresponding achievable rate region is then derived. We also propose several heuristic schemes for some special cases: the strong interference case, the mixed interference case, and the weak interference case. For the strong and mixed interference case, numerical results are provided to show that active interference cancellation significantly enlarges the achievable rate region. For the weak interference case, flexible power splitting instead of active interference cancellation improves the performance significantly. Moreover, we focus on the simplest symmetric case, where both direct link gains are the same with each other, and both interfering link gains are the same with each other. We apply the above coding scheme with different dirty paper coding parameters. When the state is additive and symmetric at both receivers, we study both strong and weak interference scenarios and characterize the theoretical gap between the achievable symmetric rate and the upper bound, which is shown to be less than 1/4 bit for the strong interference case and less than 3/4 bit for the weak interference case. Then we provide numerical evaluations of the achievable rates against the upper bound, which validates the theoretical analysis for both strong and weak interference scenarios. Finally, we define the generalized degrees of freedom for the symmetric Gaussian case, and compare the lower bounds against the upper bounds for both strong and weak interference cases. We also show that our achievable schemes can obtain the exact optimal values of the generalized degrees of freedom, i.e., the lower bounds meet the upper bounds for both strong and weak interference cases

    Information Theoretic Limits of State-dependent Networks

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    We investigate the information theoretic limits of two types of state-dependent models in this dissertation. These models capture a wide range of wireless communication scenarios where there are interference cognition among transmitters. Hence, information theoretic studies of these models provide useful guidelines for designing new interference cancellation schemes in practical wireless networks. In particular, we first study the two-user state-dependent Gaussian multiple access channel (MAC) with a helper. The channel is corrupted by an additive Gaussian state sequence known to neither the transmitters nor the receiver, but to a helper noncausally, which assists state cancellation at the receiver. Inner and outer bounds on the capacity region are first derived, which improve the state-of-the-art bounds given in the literature. Further comparison of these bounds yields either segments on the capacity region boundary or the full capacity region by considering various regimes of channel parameters. We then study the two-user Gaussian state-dependent Z-interference channel (Z-IC), in which two receivers are corrupted respectively by two correlated states that are noncausally known to transmitters, but unknown to receivers. Three interference regimes are studied, and the capacity region or the sum capacity boundary is characterized either fully or partially under various channel parameters. The impact of the correlation between the states on the cancellation of state and interference as well as the achievability of the capacity is demonstrated via numerical analysis. Finally, we extend our results on the state-dependent Z-IC to the state-dependent regular IC. As both receivers in the regular IC are interfered, more sophisticated achievable schemes are designed. For the very strong regime, the capacity region is achieved by a scheme where the two transmitters implement a cooperative dirty paper coding. For the strong but not very strong regime, the sum-rate capacity is characterized by rate splitting, layered dirty paper coding and successive cancellation. For the weak regime, the sum-rate capacity is achieved via dirty paper coding individually at two receivers as well as treating interference as noise. Numerical investigation indicates that for the regular IC, the correlation between states impacts the achievability of the channel capacity in a different way from that of the Z-IC


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    Interference management is one of the key techniques that drive evolution of wireless networks from one generation to another. Techniques in current cellular networks to deal with interference follow the basic principle of orthogonalizing transmissions in time, frequency, code, and space. My PhD work investigate information theoretic models that represent a new perspective/technique for interference management. The idea is to explore the fact that an interferer knows the interference that it causes to other users noncausally and can/should exploit such information for canceling the interference. In this way, users can transmit simultaneously and the throughput of wireless networks can be substantially improved. We refer to the interference treated in such a way as ``dirty interference\u27\u27 or noncausal state . Towards designing a dirty interference cancelation framework, my PhD thesis investigates two classes of information theoretic models and develops dirty interference cancelation schemes that achieve the fundamental communication limits. One class of models (referred to as state-dependent interference channels) capture the scenarios that users help each other to cancel dirty interference. The other class of models (referred to as state-dependent channels with helper) capture the scenarios that one dominate user interferes a number of other users and assists those users to cancel its dirty interference. For both classes of models, we develop dirty interference cancelation schemes and compared the corresponding achievable rate regions (i.e., inner bounds on the capacity region) with the outer bounds on the capacity region. We characterize the channel parameters under which the developed inner bounds meet the outer bounds either partially of fully, and thus establish the capacity regions or partial boundaries of the capacity regions