9 research outputs found

    Short Packets over Block-Memoryless Fading Channels: Pilot-Assisted or Noncoherent Transmission?

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    We present nonasymptotic upper and lower bounds on the maximum coding rate achievable when transmitting short packets over a Rician memoryless block-fading channel for a given requirement on the packet error probability. We focus on the practically relevant scenario in which there is no \emph{a priori} channel state information available at the transmitter and at the receiver. An upper bound built upon the min-max converse is compared to two lower bounds: the first one relies on a noncoherent transmission strategy in which the fading channel is not estimated explicitly at the receiver; the second one employs pilot-assisted transmission (PAT) followed by maximum-likelihood channel estimation and scaled mismatched nearest-neighbor decoding at the receiver. Our bounds are tight enough to unveil the optimum number of diversity branches that a packet should span so that the energy per bit required to achieve a target packet error probability is minimized, for a given constraint on the code rate and the packet size. Furthermore, the bounds reveal that noncoherent transmission is more energy efficient than PAT, even when the number of pilot symbols and their power is optimized. For example, for the case when a coded packet of 168168 symbols is transmitted using a channel code of rate 0.480.48 bits/channel use, over a block-fading channel with block size equal to 88 symbols, PAT requires an additional 1.21.2 dB of energy per information bit to achieve a packet error probability of 10−310^{-3} compared to a suitably designed noncoherent transmission scheme. Finally, we devise a PAT scheme based on punctured tail-biting quasi-cyclic codes and ordered statistics decoding, whose performance are close (11 dB gap at 10−310^{-3} packet error probability) to the ones predicted by our PAT lower bound. This shows that the PAT lower bound provides useful guidelines on the design of actual PAT schemes.Comment: 30 pages, 5 figures, journa

    Generalized Nearest Neighbor Decoding

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    It is well known that for Gaussian channels, a nearest neighbor decoding rule, which seeks the minimum Euclidean distance between a codeword and the received channel output vector, is the maximum likelihood solution and hence capacity-achieving. Nearest neighbor decoding remains a convenient and yet mismatched solution for general channels, and the key message of this paper is that the performance of the nearest neighbor decoding can be improved by generalizing its decoding metric to incorporate channel state dependent output processing and codeword scaling. Using generalized mutual information, which is a lower bound to the mismatched capacity under independent and identically distributed codebook ensemble, as the performance measure, this paper establishes the optimal generalized nearest neighbor decoding rule, under Gaussian channel input. Several {restricted forms of the} generalized nearest neighbor decoding rule are also derived and compared with existing solutions. The results are illustrated through several case studies for fading channels with imperfect receiver channel state information and for channels with quantization effects.Comment: 30 pages, 8 figure

    A framework for joint design of pilot sequence and linear precoder

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    Most performance measures of pilot-assisted multiple-input multiple-output systems are functions of the linear precoder and the pilot sequence. A framework for the optimization of these two parameters is proposed, based on a matrix-valued generalization of the concept of effective signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) introduced in the famous work by Hassibi and Hochwald. Our framework aims to extend the work of Hassibi and Hochwald by allowing for transmit-side fading correlations, and by considering a class of utility functions of said effective SNR matrix, most notably including the well-known capacity lower bound used by Hassibi and Hochwald. We tackle the joint optimization problem by recasting the optimization of the precoder (resp. pilot sequence) subject to a fixed pilot sequence (resp. precoder) into a convex problem. Furthermore, we prove that joint optimality requires that the eigenbases of the precoder and pilot sequence be both aligned along the eigenbasis of the channel correlation matrix. We finally describe how to wrap all studied subproblems into an iteration that converges to a local optimum of the joint optimization.Peer ReviewedPostprint (author's final draft

    Short Packets over Block-Memoryless Fading Channels: Pilot-Assisted or Noncoherent Transmission?

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    We present nonasymptotic upper and lower bounds on the maximum coding rate achievable when transmitting shortpackets over a Rician memoryless block-fading channel for a given requirement on the packet error probability.We focus on the practically relevant scenario in which there is no a priori channel state information available at the transmitter and at the receiver. An upper bound built upon the min-max converse is compared to two lower bounds: the first one relies on a noncoherent transmission strategy in which the fading channel is not estimated explicitly at the receiver; the second one employs pilot-assisted transmission (PAT) followed by maximum-likelihood channel estimation and scaled mismatched nearest-neighbor decoding at the receiver. Our bounds are tight enough to unveil the optimum number ofdiversity branches that a packet should span so that the energy per bit required to achieve a target packet error probability is minimized, for a given constraint on the code rate and the packet size. Furthermore, the bounds reveal that noncoherent transmission is more energy efficient than PAT, even when the number of pilot symbols and their power is optimized. For example, in Rayleigh fading, for the case when a coded packet of 168 symbols is transmitted using a channel code of rate 0.48 bits/channel use, over a block-fading channel with block size equal to 8 symbols, PAT requires an additional 1.2 dB of energy per information bit to achieve a packet error probability of 10\u1000003 compared to a suitably designed noncoherent transmission scheme. Finally, we devise a PAT scheme based on punctured tail-biting quasi-cyclic codes and ordered statistics decoding, whose performance is close (1 dB gap at 10^-3 packet error probability) to the ones predicted by our PAT lower bound. This shows that the PAT lower bound provides useful guidelines on the design of actual PAT schemes

    Gaussian Codes and Weighted Nearest Neighbor Decoding in Fading Multiple-Antenna Channels

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    Information-Theoretic Foundations of Mismatched Decoding

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    Shannon's channel coding theorem characterizes the maximal rate of information that can be reliably transmitted over a communication channel when optimal encoding and decoding strategies are used. In many scenarios, however, practical considerations such as channel uncertainty and implementation constraints rule out the use of an optimal decoder. The mismatched decoding problem addresses such scenarios by considering the case that the decoder cannot be optimized, but is instead fixed as part of the problem statement. This problem is not only of direct interest in its own right, but also has close connections with other long-standing theoretical problems in information theory. In this monograph, we survey both classical literature and recent developments on the mismatched decoding problem, with an emphasis on achievable random-coding rates for memoryless channels. We present two widely-considered achievable rates known as the generalized mutual information (GMI) and the LM rate, and overview their derivations and properties. In addition, we survey several improved rates via multi-user coding techniques, as well as recent developments and challenges in establishing upper bounds on the mismatch capacity, and an analogous mismatched encoding problem in rate-distortion theory. Throughout the monograph, we highlight a variety of applications and connections with other prominent information theory problems.Comment: Published in Foundations and Trends in Communications and Information Theory (Volume 17, Issue 2-3