1,984 research outputs found

    Deep Learning Approach for Intrusion Detection System (IDS) in the Internet of Things (IoT) Network using Gated Recurrent Neural Networks (GRU)

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    The Internet of Things (IoT) is a complex paradigm where billions of devices are connected to a network. These connected devices form an intelligent system of systems that share the data without human-to-computer or human-to-human interaction. These systems extract meaningful data that can transform human lives, businesses, and the world in significant ways. However, the reality of IoT is prone to countless cyber-attacks in the extremely hostile environment like the internet. The recent hack of 2014 Jeep Cherokee, iStan pacemaker, and a German steel plant are a few notable security breaches. To secure an IoT system, the traditional high-end security solutions are not suitable, as IoT devices are of low storage capacity and less processing power. Moreover, the IoT devices are connected for longer time periods without human intervention. This raises a need to develop smart security solutions which are light-weight, distributed and have a high longevity of service. Rather than per-device security for numerous IoT devices, it is more feasible to implement security solutions for network data. The artificial intelligence theories like Machine Learning and Deep Learning have already proven their significance when dealing with heterogeneous data of various sizes. To substantiate this, in this research, we have applied concepts of Deep Learning and Transmission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol (TCP/IP) to build a light-weight distributed security solution with high durability for IoT network security. First, we have examined the ways of improving IoT architecture and proposed a light-weight and multi-layered design for an IoT network. Second, we have analyzed the existingapplications of Machine Learning and Deep Learning to the IoT and Cyber-Security. Third, we have evaluated deep learning\u27s Gated Recurrent Neural Networks (LSTM and GRU) on the DARPA/KDD Cup \u2799 intrusion detection data set for each layer in the designed architecture. Finally, from the evaluated metrics, we have proposed the best neural network design suitable for the IoT Intrusion Detection System. With an accuracy of 98.91% and False Alarm Rate of 0.76 %, this unique research outperformed the performance results of existing methods over the KDD Cup \u2799 dataset. For this first time in the IoT research, the concepts of Gated Recurrent Neural Networks are applied for the IoT security

    Recurrent Neural Network Architectures Toward Intrusion Detection

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    Recurrent Neural Networks (RNN) show a remarkable result in sequence learning, particularly in architectures with gated unit structures such as Long Short-term Memory (LSTM). In recent years, several permutations of LSTM architecture have been proposed mainly to overcome the computational complexity of LSTM. In this dissertation, a novel study is presented that will empirically investigate and evaluate LSTM architecture variants such as Gated Recurrent Unit (GRU), Bi-Directional LSTM, and Dynamic-RNN for LSTM and GRU specifically on detecting network intrusions. The investigation is designed to identify the learning time required for each architecture algorithm and to measure the intrusion prediction accuracy. RNN was evaluated on the DARPA/KDD Cup’99 intrusion detection dataset for each architecture. Feature selection mechanisms were also implemented to help in identifying and removing nonessential variables from data that do not affect the accuracy of the prediction models, in this case Principle Component Analysis (PCA) and the RandomForest (RF) algorithm. The results showed that RF captured more significant features over PCA when the accuracy for RF 97.86% for LSTM and 96.59% for GRU, were PCA 64.34% for LSTM and 67.97% for GRU. In terms of RNN architectures, prediction accuracy of each variant exhibited improvement at specific parameters, yet with a large dataset and a suitable time training, the standard vanilla LSTM tended to lead among all other RNN architectures which scored 99.48%. Although Dynamic RNN’s offered better performance with accuracy, Dynamic-RNN GRU scored 99.34%, however they tended to take a longer time to be trained with high training cycles, Dynamic-RNN LSTM needs 25284.03 seconds at 1000 training cycle. GRU architecture had one variant introduced to reduce LSTM complexity, which developed with fewer parameters resulting in a faster-trained model compared to LSTM needs 1903.09 seconds when LSTM required 2354.93 seconds for the same training cycle. It also showed equivalent performance with respect to the parameters such as hidden layers and time-step. BLSTM offered impressive training time as 190 seconds at 100 training cycle, though the accuracy was below that of the other RNN architectures which didn’t exceed 90%

    Automatic Detection of Malware-Generated Domains with Recurrent Neural Models

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    Modern malware families often rely on domain-generation algorithms (DGAs) to determine rendezvous points to their command-and-control server. Traditional defence strategies (such as blacklisting domains or IP addresses) are inadequate against such techniques due to the large and continuously changing list of domains produced by these algorithms. This paper demonstrates that a machine learning approach based on recurrent neural networks is able to detect domain names generated by DGAs with high precision. The neural models are estimated on a large training set of domains generated by various malwares. Experimental results show that this data-driven approach can detect malware-generated domain names with a F_1 score of 0.971. To put it differently, the model can automatically detect 93 % of malware-generated domain names for a false positive rate of 1:100.Comment: Submitted to NISK 201

    Detection of Lying Electrical Vehicles in Charging Coordination Application Using Deep Learning

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    The simultaneous charging of many electric vehicles (EVs) stresses the distribution system and may cause grid instability in severe cases. The best way to avoid this problem is by charging coordination. The idea is that the EVs should report data (such as state-of-charge (SoC) of the battery) to run a mechanism to prioritize the charging requests and select the EVs that should charge during this time slot and defer other requests to future time slots. However, EVs may lie and send false data to receive high charging priority illegally. In this paper, we first study this attack to evaluate the gains of the lying EVs and how their behavior impacts the honest EVs and the performance of charging coordination mechanism. Our evaluations indicate that lying EVs have a greater chance to get charged comparing to honest EVs and they degrade the performance of the charging coordination mechanism. Then, an anomaly based detector that is using deep neural networks (DNN) is devised to identify the lying EVs. To do that, we first create an honest dataset for charging coordination application using real driving traces and information revealed by EV manufacturers, and then we also propose a number of attacks to create malicious data. We trained and evaluated two models, which are the multi-layer perceptron (MLP) and the gated recurrent unit (GRU) using this dataset and the GRU detector gives better results. Our evaluations indicate that our detector can detect lying EVs with high accuracy and low false positive rate

    An Autonomous Intrusion Detection System Using an Ensemble of Advanced Learners

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    An intrusion detection system (IDS) is a vital security component of modern computer networks. With the increasing amount of sensitive services that use computer network-based infrastructures, IDSs need to be more intelligent and autonomous. Aside from autonomy, another important feature for an IDS is its ability to detect zero-day attacks. To address these issues, in this paper, we propose an IDS which reduces the amount of manual interaction and needed expert knowledge and is able to yield acceptable performance under zero-day attacks. Our approach is to use three learning techniques in parallel: gated recurrent unit (GRU), convolutional neural network as deep techniques and random forest as an ensemble technique. These systems are trained in parallel and the results are combined under two logics: majority vote and "OR" logic. We use the NSL-KDD dataset to verify the proficiency of our proposed system. Simulation results show that the system has the potential to operate with a very low technician interaction under the zero-day attacks. We achieved 87:28% accuracy on the NSL-KDD's "KDDTest+" dataset and 76:61% accuracy on the challenging "KDDTest-21" with lower training time and lower needed computational resources.Comment: 5 page
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