3 research outputs found

    Exploring the application of gamification in the software development process

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    The purpose of this study is to investigate the use of game elements in software development teams and their impact on the software development process in South African financial institutions. The study was instigated by the numerous tools and procedures to administer software development entanglements, which is an ongoing challenge. In recent years, many researchers have investigated the dynamics and issues pertaining to the development team's behaviour. Most organisations are challenged in their development teams and seek new creative methods and solutions to overcome the obstacles to enhance their software development process. A software development process is identified as a set of actions to generate software applications in which humans are a key factor. Considering that it involves human activity, challenges that arise are a user's engagement, collaboration, communication, and motivation may arise. Many researchers seek to enhance the software development process, and innovative research offers emerging practical concepts and techniques. The study adopted a quantitative research design approach founded on the positivist paradigm followed by a deductive approach. A survey was developed to collect data from four selected South African institutions using a questionnaire of 95 respondents. The study's results contribute to knowledge by illustrating that although project teams are aware of the benefits of game elements, it does not necessarily translate into applying game elements. The study revealed that in the context of project team members, engagement, motivation, and performance positively impact the application of gamification in South African financial institutions. Understanding the factors which impact the application of gamification among financial institutions is neglected. Therefore, this research study sought to address a gap in the literature on gamification. Gamification augments the software development process and subdues the challenges connected to human factors. Nevertheless, applying game elements in a software development team is not as straightforward as it may appear because it is a controversial issue that is yet to be investigated by researchers in this field. The outcome of this study brings forth practical recommendations for future research and industry.School of ComputingM. Sc. (Computing

    Gamification proposal for defect tracking in software development process

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    Software process improvement is an approach used by software industries to increase the productivity and quality of their processes and products. One important issue is the social interaction among the team members looking for productivity enhancement, motivation and training, among others. However, these social skills are difficult to train in a traditional way both in academic and industrial environments. This difficulty could be address-using gamification like a strategy to improve the social factors related to the software development process. In this paper, we present a gamification proposal focused on training in defect tracking. This training looks for evaluation, implementation and use of a pedagogical instrument (game) for train in defect tracking practices following the principles of gamification. Additionally this instrument promotes other skills like teamwork, negotiation and effective communication

    La gamificaci贸n en el 谩mbito de la mejora del proceso software: marco metodol贸gico

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    La industria software es una piedra angular en el desarrollo de las sociedades. En las iniciativas de mejora de procesos de software (SPI), la gesti贸n del cambio organizacional se ha identificado como una de las 谩reas fundamentales a tener en cuenta. El software es altamente dependiente del capital humano y cualquier iniciativa SPI que aspire al 茅xito debe tener en cuenta los factores humanos, en especial, la motivaci贸n y el compromiso de las personas involucradas. De hecho, contar con aspectos motivadores que permitan mejorar el rendimiento de los equipos de desarrollo de software se presenta como uno de los principales retos de la gesti贸n de la Ingenier铆a del Software en todo el mundo. A pesar de todo esto, se sigue sin prestar la suficiente atenci贸n a los aspectos humanos y el alto grado de fracaso en las iniciativas SPI est谩 directamente relacionado con una falta de compromiso de la alta direcci贸n y de motivaci贸n. La base sobre las que se sustenta la gamificaci贸n -principios psicol贸gicos y elementos del juego- nos permite definir mecanismos que canalizan la motivaci贸n de las personas al desarrollo de tareas de manera m谩s eficiente, adem谩s de fomentar y acelerar la aceptaci贸n de iniciativas SPI. Este trabajo de investigaci贸n supone un enfoque pionero e innovador dado que aprovecha el car谩cter transversal de la gamificaci贸n y aplica, de manera metodol贸gica, sus fundamentos a la gesti贸n del cambio organizacional de SPI. Esta vinculaci贸n de cuerpos de conocimiento cristaliza en el marco metodol贸gico validado por expertos de ambas 谩reas. A trav茅s de la gamificaci贸n, se ha validado emp铆ricamente en un entorno productivo c贸mo el marco permite incrementar el rendimiento en la gesti贸n del cambio organizacional impl铆cita en toda propuesta de SPI, a pesar de no verse afectada la motivaci贸n intr铆nseca.Software industry is a cornerstone in the development of societies. In software process improvement (SPI) initiatives, organizational change management has been identified as one of the crucial areas to manage. Software is highly dependent on human capital and any SPI initiative that aspires to success must consider human factors, especially motivation and commitment of the people involved. In fact, motivational aspects that improve the performance of software development teams is presented as one of the main challenges of software engineering management worldwide. Despite all this, it still does not pay sufficient attention to the human aspects and the high degree of failure in SPI initiatives is directly related to a lack of commitment and motivation. The foundations on which gamification is based -psychological principles and game elements-, allows us to define mechanisms that channel the motivation of people to the more efficient development of tasks to promote and accelerate the acceptance of process improvement. This research is a pioneering and innovative approach that leverages the given transverse nature of gamification and apply, in a methodological way, its fundamentals to SPI organizational change management. This entailment of bodies of knowledge crystallizes in the methodological framework validated by experts from both areas. Through gamification, it was empirically validated in a real software organization that this framework allows to increase performance in managing organizational change in SPI, despite not being affected the intrinsic motivation. iniciativas de mejora de procesos de software (SPI), la gesti贸n del cambio organizacional se ha identificado como una de las 谩reas fundamentales a tener en cuenta. El software es altamente dependiente del capital humano y cualquier iniciativa SPI que aspire al 茅xito debe tener en cuenta los factores humanos, en especial, la motivaci贸n y el compromiso de las personas involucradas. De hecho, contar con aspectos motivadores que permitan mejorar el rendimiento de los equipos de desarrollo de software se presenta como uno de los principales retos de la gesti贸n de la Ingenier铆a del Software en todo el mundo. A pesar de todo esto, se sigue sin prestar la suficiente atenci贸n a los aspectos humanos y el alto grado de fracaso en las iniciativas SPI est谩 directamente relacionado con una falta de compromiso de la alta direcci贸n y de motivaci贸n. La base sobre las que se sustenta la gamificaci贸n -principios psicol贸gicos y elementos del juego- nos permite definir mecanismos que canalizan la motivaci贸n de las personas al desarrollo de tareas de manera m谩s eficiente, adem谩s de fomentar y acelerar la aceptaci贸n de iniciativas SPI. Este trabajo de investigaci贸n supone un enfoque pionero e innovador dado que aprovecha el car谩cter transversal de la gamificaci贸n y aplica, de manera metodol贸gica, sus fundamentos a la gesti贸n del cambio organizacional de SPI. Esta vinculaci贸n de cuerpos de conocimiento cristaliza en el marco metodol贸gico validado por expertos de ambas 谩reas. A trav茅s de la gamificaci贸n, se ha validado emp铆ricamente en un entorno productivo c贸mo el marco permite incrementar el rendimiento en la gesti贸n del cambio organizacional impl铆cita en toda propuesta de SPI, a pesar de no verse afectada la motivaci贸n intr铆nseca.Programa Oficial de Doctorado en Ciencia y Tecnolog铆a Inform谩tica por la Universidad Carlos III de MadridPresidente: Gonzalo Cuevas Agust铆n.- Secretario: Mar铆a Isabel S谩nchez Segura.- Vocal: Fernando Llopis Pascua