9 research outputs found

    온라인 게임에서 유저의 행태에 관한 연구

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    학위논문 (박사)-- 서울대학교 대학원 : 경영대학 경영학과, 2018. 2. 유병준.This dissertation consists of two essays on user behavior in online games. In the first essay, I identified multi-botting cheaters and measured their impacts using basic information in database such as user ID, playtime and item purchase record. I addressed the data availability issue and proposed a method for companies with limited data and resources. I also avoided large-scale transaction processing or complex development, which are fairly common in existing cheating detection methods. With respect to identifying cheaters, we used algorithms named DTW (Dynamic Time Warping) and JWD (Jaro–Winkler distance). I also measured the effects of using hacking tool by employing DID (Difference in Differences). My analysis results show some counter-intuitive results. Overall, cheaters constitute a minute part of users in terms of numbers – only about 0.25%. However, they hold approximately 12% of revenue. Furthermore, the usage of hacking tools causes a 102% and 79% increase in playtime and purchase respectively right after users start to use hacking tools. According to additional analysis, it could be shown that the positive effects of hacking tools are not just short-term. My granger causality test also reveals that cheating users activity does not affect other users' purchases or playtime trend. In the second essay, I propose a methodology to deal with churn prediction that meets two major purposes in the mobile casual game context. First, reducing the cost of data preparation, which is growing its importance in the big-data environment. Second, coming up with an algorithm that shows favorable performance comparable to that of the state-of-the-art. As a result, we succeed in greatly lowering the cost of the data preparation process by employing the sequence structure of the log data as it is. In addition, our sequence classification model based on CNN-LSTM shows superior results compared to the models of previous studies.Essay 1. Is Cheating Always Bad? A study of cheating identification and measurement of the effect 1 1. Introduction 2 2. Literature Review 8 3. Data 16 4. Hypotheses 17 5. Methodology 20 5.1 Cheating Identification 20 5.2 Measurement of Cheating Tool Usage Effect 28 6. Result 33 6.1 Cheating Identification 33 6.2 Measurement of Cheating Tool Usage Effect 33 7. Additional Analysis 35 7.1 Lifespan of Cheating Users 35 7.2 Granger Causality Test 36 8. Discussion and Conclusion 37 9. References 48 Essay 2. Churn Prediction in Mobile Casual Game: A Deep Sequence Classification Approach 61 1. Introduction 62 2. Definition of Churn 64 3. Related Works 65 4. Data 66 5. Methodology 66 5.1 Data Preparation 66 5.2 Prediction Model 71 6. Result and Discussion 74 7. References 77Docto

    Application of information theory and statistical learning to anomaly detection

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    In today\u27s highly networked world, computer intrusions and other attacks area constant threat. The detection of such attacks, especially attacks that are new or previously unknown, is important to secure networks and computers. A major focus of current research efforts in this area is on anomaly detection.;In this dissertation, we explore applications of information theory and statistical learning to anomaly detection. Specifically, we look at two difficult detection problems in network and system security, (1) detecting covert channels, and (2) determining if a user is a human or bot. We link both of these problems to entropy, a measure of randomness information content, or complexity, a concept that is central to information theory. The behavior of bots is low in entropy when tasks are rigidly repeated or high in entropy when behavior is pseudo-random. In contrast, human behavior is complex and medium in entropy. Similarly, covert channels either create regularity, resulting in low entropy, or encode extra information, resulting in high entropy. Meanwhile, legitimate traffic is characterized by complex interdependencies and moderate entropy. In addition, we utilize statistical learning algorithms, Bayesian learning, neural networks, and maximum likelihood estimation, in both modeling and detecting of covert channels and bots.;Our results using entropy and statistical learning techniques are excellent. By using entropy to detect covert channels, we detected three different covert timing channels that were not detected by previous detection methods. Then, using entropy and Bayesian learning to detect chat bots, we detected 100% of chat bots with a false positive rate of only 0.05% in over 1400 hours of chat traces. Lastly, using neural networks and the idea of human observational proofs to detect game bots, we detected 99.8% of game bots with no false positives in 95 hours of traces. Our work shows that a combination of entropy measures and statistical learning algorithms is a powerful and highly effective tool for anomaly detection

    Cheat Detection using Machine Learning within Counter-Strike: Global Offensive

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    Deep learning is becoming a steadfast means of solving complex problems that do not have a single concrete or simple solution. One complex problem that fits this description and that has also begun to appear at the forefront of society is cheating, specifically within video games. Therefore, this paper presents a means of developing a deep learning framework that successfully identifies cheaters within the video game CounterStrike: Global Offensive. This approach yields predictive accuracy metrics that range between 80-90% depending on the exact neural network architecture that is employed. This approach is easily scalable and applicable to all types of games due to this project\u27s basic design philosophy and approach

    Symbolic Verification of Remote Client Behavior in Distributed Systems

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    A malicious client in a distributed system can undermine the integrity of the larger distributed application in a number of different ways. For example, a server with a vulnerability may be compromised directly by a modified client. If a client is authoritative for state in the larger distributed application, a malicious client may transmit an altered version of this state throughout the distributed application. A player in a networked game might cheat by modifying the client executable or the user of a network service might craft a sequence of messages that exploit a vulnerability in a server application. We present symbolic client verification, a technique for detecting whether network traffic from a remote client could have been generated by sanctioned software. Our method is based on constraint solving and symbolic execution and uses the client source code as a model for expected behavior. By identifying possible execution paths a remote client may have followed to generate a particular sequence of network traffic, we enable a precise verification technique that has the benefits of requiring little to no modification to the client application and is server agnostic; the only required inputs to the algorithm are the observed network traffic and the client source code. We demonstrate a parallel symbolic client verification algorithm that vastly reduces verification costs for our case study applications XPilot and Tetrinet.Doctor of Philosoph

    Game bot identification based on manifold learning

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    In recent years, online gaming has become one of the most popular Internet activities, but cheating activity, such as the use of game bots, has increased as a consequence. Generally, the gaming community disapproves of the use of game bots, as bot users obtain unreasonable rewards without corresponding efforts. However, bots are hard to detect because they are designed to simulate human game playing behavior and they follow game rules exactly. Existing detection approaches either disrupt players ’ gaming experiences, or they assume game bots are run as standalone clients or assigned a specific goal, such as aim bots in FPS games. In this paper, we propose a manifold learning approach for detecting game bots. It is a general technique that can be applied to any game in which avatars ’ movement is controlle