8,819 research outputs found

    The game semantics of game theory

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    We use a reformulation of compositional game theory to reunite game theory with game semantics, by viewing an open game as the System and its choice of contexts as the Environment. Specifically, the system is jointly controlled by n≥0n \geq 0 noncooperative players, each independently optimising a real-valued payoff. The goal of the system is to play a Nash equilibrium, and the goal of the environment is to prevent it. The key to this is the realisation that lenses (from functional programming) form a dialectica category, which have an existing game-semantic interpretation. In the second half of this paper, we apply these ideas to build a compact closed category of `computable open games' by replacing the underlying dialectica category with a wave-style geometry of interaction category, specifically the Int-construction applied to the cartesian monoidal category of directed-complete partial orders

    Justified sequences in string diagrams: A comparison between two approaches to concurrent game semantics

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    We compare two approaches to concurrent game semantics, one by Tsukada and Ong for a simply-typed λ-calculus and the other by the authors and collaborators for CCS and the π-calculus. The two approaches are obviously related, as they both define strategies as sheaves for the Grothendieck topology induced by embedding ‘views’ into ‘plays’. However, despite this superficial similarity, the notions of views and plays differ significantly: the former is based on standard justified sequences, the latter uses string diagrams. In this paper, we relate both approaches at the level of plays. Specifically, we design a notion of play (resp. view) for the simply-typed λ-calculus, based on string diagrams as in our previous work, into which we fully embed Tsukada and Ong's plays (resp. views). We further provide a categorical explanation of why both notions yield essentially the same model, thus demonstrating that the difference is a matter of presentation. In passing, we introduce an abstract framework for producing sheaf models based on string diagrams, which unifies our present and previous models

    The Structure of First-Order Causality

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    Game semantics describe the interactive behavior of proofs by interpreting formulas as games on which proofs induce strategies. Such a semantics is introduced here for capturing dependencies induced by quantifications in first-order propositional logic. One of the main difficulties that has to be faced during the elaboration of this kind of semantics is to characterize definable strategies, that is strategies which actually behave like a proof. This is usually done by restricting the model to strategies satisfying subtle combinatorial conditions, whose preservation under composition is often difficult to show. Here, we present an original methodology to achieve this task, which requires to combine advanced tools from game semantics, rewriting theory and categorical algebra. We introduce a diagrammatic presentation of the monoidal category of definable strategies of our model, by the means of generators and relations: those strategies can be generated from a finite set of atomic strategies and the equality between strategies admits a finite axiomatization, this equational structure corresponding to a polarized variation of the notion of bialgebra. This work thus bridges algebra and denotational semantics in order to reveal the structure of dependencies induced by first-order quantifiers, and lays the foundations for a mechanized analysis of causality in programming languages

    Justified Sequences in String Diagrams: a Comparison Between Two Approaches to Concurrent Game Semantics

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    Recent developments of game semantics have given rise to new models of concurrent languages. On the one hand, an approach based on string diagrams has given models of CCS and the pi-calculus, and on the other hand, Tsukada and Ong have designed a games model for a non-deterministic lambda-calculus. There is an obvious, shallow relationship between the two approaches, as they both define innocent strategies as sheaves for a Grothendieck topology embedding "views" into "plays". However, the notions of views and plays differ greatly between the approaches: Tsukada and Ong use notions from standard game semantics, while the authors of this paper use string diagrams. We here aim to bridge this gap by showing that even though the notions of plays, views, and innocent strategies differ, it is mostly a matter of presentation

    Resource modalities in game semantics

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    The description of resources in game semantics has never achieved the simplicity and precision of linear logic, because of a misleading conception: the belief that linear logic is more primitive than game semantics. We advocate instead the contrary: that game semantics is conceptually more primitive than linear logic. Starting from this revised point of view, we design a categorical model of resources in game semantics, and construct an arena game model where the usual notion of bracketing is extended to multi- bracketing in order to capture various resource policies: linear, affine and exponential

    Full abstraction for fair testing in CCS

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    In previous work with Pous, we defined a semantics for CCS which may both be viewed as an innocent presheaf semantics and as a concurrent game semantics. It is here proved that a behavioural equivalence induced by this semantics on CCS processes is fully abstract for fair testing equivalence. The proof relies on a new algebraic notion called playground, which represents the 'rule of the game'. From any playground, two languages, equipped with labelled transition systems, are derived, as well as a strong, functional bisimulation between them.Comment: 15 pages, to appear in CALCO '13. To appear Lecture notes in computer science (2013

    Lambek vs. Lambek: Functorial Vector Space Semantics and String Diagrams for Lambek Calculus

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    The Distributional Compositional Categorical (DisCoCat) model is a mathematical framework that provides compositional semantics for meanings of natural language sentences. It consists of a computational procedure for constructing meanings of sentences, given their grammatical structure in terms of compositional type-logic, and given the empirically derived meanings of their words. For the particular case that the meaning of words is modelled within a distributional vector space model, its experimental predictions, derived from real large scale data, have outperformed other empirically validated methods that could build vectors for a full sentence. This success can be attributed to a conceptually motivated mathematical underpinning, by integrating qualitative compositional type-logic and quantitative modelling of meaning within a category-theoretic mathematical framework. The type-logic used in the DisCoCat model is Lambek's pregroup grammar. Pregroup types form a posetal compact closed category, which can be passed, in a functorial manner, on to the compact closed structure of vector spaces, linear maps and tensor product. The diagrammatic versions of the equational reasoning in compact closed categories can be interpreted as the flow of word meanings within sentences. Pregroups simplify Lambek's previous type-logic, the Lambek calculus, which has been extensively used to formalise and reason about various linguistic phenomena. The apparent reliance of the DisCoCat on pregroups has been seen as a shortcoming. This paper addresses this concern, by pointing out that one may as well realise a functorial passage from the original type-logic of Lambek, a monoidal bi-closed category, to vector spaces, or to any other model of meaning organised within a monoidal bi-closed category. The corresponding string diagram calculus, due to Baez and Stay, now depicts the flow of word meanings.Comment: 29 pages, pending publication in Annals of Pure and Applied Logi
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