2 research outputs found

    Ultrasound image based human gallbladder 3D modelling along with volume and stress level assessment

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    Purpose: Three-dimensional (3D) gallbladder (GB) geometrical models are essential to GB motor function evaluation and GB wall biomechanical property identification by employing finite element analysis (FEA) in GB disease diagnosis with ultrasound systems. Methods for establishing such 3D geometrical models based on static two-dimensional (2D) ultrasound images scanned along the long-axis/sagittal and short-axis/transverse cross-sections in routine GB disease diagnosis at the beginning of emptying phase have not been documented in the literature so far. Methods: Based on two custom MATLAB codes composed, two images were segmented manually to secure two sets of the scattered points for the long- and short-axis GB cross-section edges; and the points were best fitted with a piecewise cubic spline function, and the short-axis cross-section edges were lofted along the long-axis to yield a 3D geometrical model, then GB volume of the model was figured out. The model was read into SolidWorks for real surface generation and involved in ABAQUS for FEA. Results: 3D geometrical models of seven typical GB samples were established. Their GB volumes are with 15.5% and − 4.4% mean errors in comparison with those estimated with the ellipsoid model and sum-of-cylinders method but can be correlated to the latter very well. The maximum first principal in-plane stress in the 3D models is higher than in the ellipsoid model by a factor of 1.76. Conclusions: A numerical method was put forward here to create 3D GB geometrical models and can be applied to GB disease diagnosis and GB shape analysis with principal component method potentially in the future

    Gallbladder shape extraction from ultrasound images using active contour models

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    Gallbladder function is routinely assessed using ultrasonographic (USG) examinations. In clinical practice, doctors very often analyse the gallbladder shape when diagnosing selected disorders, e.g. if there are turns or folds of the gallbladder, so extracting its shape from USG images using supporting software can simplify a diagnosis that is often difficult to make. The paper describes two active contour models: the edge-based model and the region-based model making use of a morphological approach, both designed for extracting the gallbladder shape from USG images. The active contour models were applied to USG images without lesions and to those showing specific disease units, namely, anatomical changes like folds and turns of the gallbladder as well as polyps and gallstones. This paper also presents modifications of the edge-based model, such as the method for removing self-crossings and loops or the method of dampening the inflation force which moves nodes if they approach the edge being determined. The user is also able to add a fragment of the approximated edge beyond which neither active contour model will move if this edge is incomplete in the USG image. The modifications of the edge-based model presented here allow more precise results to be obtained when extracting the shape of the gallbladder from USG images than if the morphological model is used