32 research outputs found

    New Horizon in Mobile Communications Networks Planning

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    The new horizon in mobile communication network planning is a developed study on mobile communication services in developed and developing countries. The aim of the study is to introduce a method to predict the best country for investment in mobile communication services and industry on which the mobile communication networks planning depend. For this purpose the past and current mobile communication services are studied. The data are collected from the communication market reports of developed and developing countries and the questionnaire that was carried out in Iraq. The data are analysed using the SPSS program. The outcome is a regression model that explains the relation between the dependent variable (expenditure on mobile communication services) and the independent variables (age, gender, academic standing, money paid for mobile phone handset, interesting in mobile phone having ability to play movies, maximum price paid for mobile phone that have ability to play movies, the rating of mobile phone service quality, problems during the usage of internet on mobile phone handset, daily usage of mobile phone services, and the satisfaction in mobile phone customer support) which are the instruments used to achieve outcome. The model of the regression equation used is: Y = 3.703 - 0.123X6 + 1.372 X9 + 0.001X10 - 0.173X12 – 0.675X19 - 0.010 X22 - 0.271X24. where Y represent the dependent variable and (X1 to X24) are the independent variables. The research model will contribute toward more robust decision making and better strategic planning The research focuses on mobile communications services in seven countries three from the developed world and four are from the developing world. Data sources for this research relies primarily which on the information obtained from the questionnaire (in English & Arabic languages targeted at operators and users of mobile communications services), a review of published information and market reports of seven countries (USA, UK, Australia, India, Egypt, Syria and Iraq). Such data include technical papers, financial reports and industry specific data. This research also provides an overview of the past history of the product in terms of (value, price trends, application trends, leading producers and their market shares). The historical overview of mobile communication generations from 1G to Beyond 4G (B4G) confirms that the successive developments of new generation is based on outpacing the limitations of the previous one. The results show that more services and smooth global roaming at low cost are possible. This research explains that the quality of mobile communications services depends on the requirements of consumers. The communications services refer to mobile services available to the consumer anytime and anywhere at high transmission speed, using advanced technologies such as Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiplexing (OFDM), MIMO, WiMAX, that allow the internet and mobile services providers to offer broadband services at hundreds of Mbps, with high quality voice, video & multimedia over the internet. Over the past decade, wireless communications has shown exponential growth and will certainly continue to witness spectacular developments due to the emergence of new interactive multimedia applications and highly integrated systems driven by rapid growth in information services and microelectronic devices. At this time, broadband data access at high transmission rates are needed to provide users with packet-based services. The next generation wireless system will consist of complementary systems with a set of different standards and technologies along with different requirements and complementary capabilities, that will offer users ubiquitous wireless connectivity between mobile and desktop computers, games systems, cellular phones, a high network capacity, and throughput at low cost. Studying the market reports of US, UK, Australia, India, Egypt, Syria, and Iraq explains that the future generation of mobile communications is based on the broadband access technologies which gives high quality voice and video services, the mobile Internet phone is a solution of all communications requirements of the people today, because most of the people always are moving, so that the best way to stay in touch with others is through the mobile internet phone

    Mobile networks and internet of things infrastructures to characterize smart human mobility

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    The evolution of Mobile Networks and Internet of Things (IoT) architectures allows one to rethink the way smart cities infrastructures are designed and managed, and solve a number of problems in terms of human mobility. The territories that adopt the sensoring era can take advantage of this disruptive technology to improve the quality of mobility of their citizens and the rationalization of their resources. However, with this rapid development of smart terminals and infrastructures, as well as the proliferation of diversified applications, even current networks may not be able to completely meet quickly rising human mobility demands. Thus, they are facing many challenges and to cope with these challenges, different standards and projects have been proposed so far. Accordingly, Artificial Intelligence (AI) has been utilized as a new paradigm for the design and optimization of mobile networks with a high level of intelligence. The objective of this work is to identify and discuss the challenges of mobile networks, alongside IoT and AI, to characterize smart human mobility and to discuss some workable solutions to these challenges. Finally, based on this discussion, we propose paths for future smart human mobility researches.This work has been supported by FCT–Fundação para a Ciência e Tecnologia within the R&D Units Project Scope: UIDB/00319/2020. This work has also been supported by national funds through FCT–Fundação para a Ciência e Tecnologia through project UIDB/04728/202

    Internet of things-based framework for public transportation fleet management in the Free State

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    Thesis (Masters: Information Technology) -- Central University of Technology, Free State, 2019The poor service delivery by the Free State public transportation system inspired us to design a framework solution to improve the current system. This qualitative study focuses on improving the management of the public transportation fleet. One of the most recently developed technologies in Information and Communication Technology (ICT), namely the Internet of Things (IoT), was utilised to develop this framework. Existing problems were identified through research observations, analyses of the current system, analyses of the current problem areas, as well as participants’ questionnaire answers and recommendations, the participants being the passengers, drivers and vehicle owners. The framework was developed in two phases, namely a hardware phase that makes use of ICT sensors (e.g. RFID, GPS, GPRS, IR, Zigbee, WiFi), and a software phase that uses an internet connection to communicate with the different ICT devices. The software utilised a Graphic User Interface (GUI) to ensure that the software is user-friendly and addresses possible problems and barriers such as multiple language interfaces and different ICT skills levels. The newly designed framework offers different services and solutions to meet the participants’ needs, such as real-time tracking for public transport vehicles to help passengers manage their departure and arrival times, as well as for vehicle owners to monitor their own vehicles. In turn, vehicle arrival notifications will encourage passengers to be on time so that vehicles will not be delayed unnecessarily. Another feature is counting devices that can be installed inside the vehicles, which will inform vehicle owners how many passengers are being transported by a vehicle. The passenger pre-booking system will support the drivers when planning their trips/routes. Finally, the framework was designed to fulfil all the participants’ needs that were indicated in the questionnaires in order to achieve the goal of the research study

    Ghana ICT sector performance review, 2009/2010

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    The establishment of a cost-based interconnection tariff and the increase in companies with significant market power (from one to two) have reduced tensions in the telecoms market. However, regulating completion and quality of service require urgent attention to bolster the development of a sound regulatory situation in the country. The report also reviewed existence of weak e-skill capacity in Ghana and in Africa as a whole. The co-location and telecom facility-sharing regulatory requirement as contained in the National Telecom Policy (NTP) should be implemented and enforced by the regulator and not left to the caprices of the operators

    Analyses of location-based services in Africa and investigating methods of improving its accuracy

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    The subject area of this thesis analyses the provision of location-based services (LBS) in Africa and seeks methods of improving their positional accuracy. The motivation behind this work is based on the fact that mobile technology is the only modern form of information and communication technology available to most people in Africa. Therefore all services that can be offered on the mobile network should be harnessed and LBS are one of these services. This research work is novel and is the first critical analysis carried out on LBS in Africa; therefore it had to be carried out in phases. A study was first carried out to analyse the provision of LBS in Africa. It was discovered that Africa definitely lags much of the World in the provision of LBS to its mobile subscribers; only a few LBS are available and these are not adapted to the needs of the African people. A field data empirical investigation was carried out in South Africa to evaluate the performance of LBS provided. Data collected indicated that the LBS provided is not dependable due to the inaccuracy introduced by two major factors - the positioning method and the data content provided. Analyzing methods to improve the positional accuracy proved quite challenging because Africa being one of the poorest continents has most mobile subscribers using basic mobile phones. Consequently, LBS often cannot be provided in Africa based on the capability of the mobile phones but rather on the capability of the mobile operator’s infrastructure. However, provision of LBS using the network-based positioning technologies poses the challenge of dynamically varying error sources which affects its accuracy. The effect of some error sources on network-based positioning technologies were analysed and a model developed to investigate the feasibility of making the RSS-based geometric positioning technologies error aware. Major consideration is given to the geometry of the BSs whose measurements are used for position estimation. Results indicated that it is feasible to improve location information in Africa not just by improving the positioning algorithms but also by using improved prediction algorithms, incorporating up-to-date geographical information and hybrid technologies. It was also confirmed that although errors are introduced due to location estimation methods, it is impossible to model the error and make it applicable for all algorithms and all location estimations. This is because the errors are dynamically varying and unpredictable for every measurement

    Low-power wide-area networks : design goals, architecture, suitability to use cases and research challenges

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    Previous survey articles on Low-Powered Wide-Area Networks (LPWANs) lack a systematic analysis of the design goals of LPWAN and the design decisions adopted by various commercially available and emerging LPWAN technologies, and no study has analysed how their design decisions impact their ability to meet design goals. Assessing a technology's ability to meet design goals is essential in determining suitable technologies for a given application. To address these gaps, we have analysed six prominent design goals and identified the design decisions used to meet each goal in the eight LPWAN technologies, ranging from technical consideration to business model, and determined which specific technique in a design decision will help meet each goal to the greatest extent. System architecture and specifications are presented for those LPWAN solutions, and their ability to meet each design goal is evaluated. We outline seventeen use cases across twelve domains that require large low power network infrastructure and prioritise each design goal's importance to those applications as Low, Moderate, or High. Using these priorities and each technology's suitability for meeting design goals, we suggest appropriate LPWAN technologies for each use case. Finally, a number of research challenges are presented for current and future technologies. © 2013 IEEE

    The mobile Internet report

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    Key ponts Material wealth creation / destruction should surpass earlier computing cycles. The mobile Internet cycle, the 5th cycle in 50 years, is just starting. Winners in each cycle often create more market capitalization than in the last. New winners emerge, some incumbents survive – or thrive – while many past winners falter. The mobile Internet is ramping faster than desktop Internet did, and we believe more users may connect to the Internet via mobile devices than desktop PCs within 5 years. Five IP-based products / services are growing / converging and providing the underpinnings for dramatic growth in mobile Internet usage – 3G adoption + social networking + video + VoIP + impressive mobile devices. Apple + Facebook platforms serving to raise the bar for how users connect / communicate – their respective ramps in user and developer engagement may be unprecedented. Decade-plus Internet usage / monetization ramps for mobile Internet in Japan plus desktop Internet in developed markets provide roadmaps for global ramp and monetization. Massive mobile data growth is driving transitions for carriers and equipment providers. Emerging markets have material potential for mobile Internet user growth. Low penetration of fixed-line telephone and already vibrant mobile value-added services mean that for many EM users and SMEs, the Internet will be mobile

    通信自由化後の情報通信市場における消費者保護 - タンザニアの事例

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