4 research outputs found

    GIS Data Interoperability in Uganda

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    In this paper, we present and discuss data interoperability issues that limit the utilization of GIS Technology in Uganda and other similar developing countries. Using the European interoperability framework principles, organizational, semantic and technical interoperability issues pertaining to Uganda are discussed based on data collected from six major producers of spatial data. Organizational interoperability issues identified include lack of clear and harmonized policies on the exchange of spatial data across institutions and limited collaboration during data and systems development. The major semantic interoperability issues are associated to variations in feature semantics for duplicate datasets where different naming, coding and classification standards are used. Other semantic interoperability issues arise from using ‘equivalent’ spatial data in models that were designed for other environments such as those used for wetland assessment. Technical interoperability issues identified include variations in spatial reference systems and application of different constants to the UTM projection parameters. Documentation of data, development of policies on data sharing, implementation of awareness and capacity building programmes and legislation on SDI are recommended as key steps towards achievement of spatial data interoperability in Uganda

    Customary Land Tenure for Spatial Information Management: The Case of Mumuye Tribe, Taraba State, Nigeria

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    This study focuses on the importance of the customary land tenure system and its relevance to the modern spatial information system, the study deals with how documenting traditional facts which occupies space can be linked to modern spatial information technology to solve contending issues pertaining traditional lands. The Mumuye customary land tenure system was used as a case study. Sampled opinions from 16 selected villages of historical importance were used for the study. Personal and interposal interviews were carried out in the selected settlements, the results obtained served as the attributes of the location, whereas, the locations which constitutes the x, y coordinates formed the spatial data. The results were harmonized to give a clear merger of the spatial and attribute information in a geodatabase. The geodatabase was tested by querying to see its workability.  The result shows how traditional lands can be documented for decision-support and planning issues, especially for litigation in the case of contenting land disputes. Keywords: Customary land, spatial information, Management, Mumuye Trib

    Framework de integração para o modelo estratégico de colaboração e mineração de dados espaciais na WEB

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    Tese (doutorado) - Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina, Centro Tecnológico, Programa de Pós-Graduação em Engenharia Civil, Florianópolis, 2011Após o levantamento da situação de alguns municípios brasileiros com relação a produção e ao tratamento de dados espaciais, ficou detectada a carência de infraestruturas, de informações e por consequência, a falta de mecanismos colaborativos com suporte a mineração de dados para análise espacial. As dificuldades aumentam com a disseminação de diferentes estruturas de dados espaciais a exemplo de padrões CAD/GIS produzidas através do rápido avanço das tecnologias de informação, sendo reais os desafios para implementação de uma infraestrutura interoperável e foco de várias discussões. Entretanto o acesso a esses dados via internet e os problemas ocasionados na troca dos mesmos estão relacionados diretamente a natureza particular de cada padrão adotado, por isso devem ser analisados e adequados para colaboração. Inicialmente a hipótese do trabalho visa intensificar a interoperabilidade entre dados espaciais e a integração de sistemas, tornando possível estabelecer canais de comunicação para um ambiente colaborativo visando ações potenciais e cooperativas. A partir disso, a pesquisa apresenta uma investigação sobre os aspectos relevantes que influenciam na engenharia de projetos, originando o desenvolvimento do protótipo denominado OpenCGFW (Collaborative Geospatial Framework Web), visando o reconhecimento de estruturas, integração, manipulação e colaboração, em sintonia com esforços da INDE, OGC e W3C. Inicialmente são realizados estudos e revisões sobre os assuntos diretamente relacionados à interoperabilidade. Também são abordados temas relacionados ao armazenamento, tratamento e colaboração computacional especificamente entre os dados geográficos produzidos por diferentes instituições públicas. Para construção do framework foi aplicado o método MCDA-C (Multicritério de Apoio à Decisão - Construtivista) para identificação dos aspectos fundamentais e elementares. A partir disso o trabalho também descreve os resultados obtidos na implementação das etapas de um padrão de projeto para apoiar nas atividades e na avaliação de geosoluções livres. Durante a discussão, são apresentados os resultados através experimentos e aplicações para mapas digitais na web visando a integração de várias bases de dados distribuídas ao cadastro técnico multifinalitário para uso das principais técnicas de mineração de dados espaciais. Ao final, o trabalho discute a hipótese e a contribuição da pesquisa, visando atender principalmente às características regionais, buscando contribuir para o avanço tecnológico do país ao intensificar o uso de padrões abertos e geotecnologias livres na colaboração e gestão do conhecimentoAfter surveying the situation in some municipals Brazilian with respect to production and processing of spatial data, it was detected the lack of infrastructure, of information, and therefore the lack of mechanisms to support collaborative for data mining and spatial analysis. The difficulties increase with the spread of different structures of spatial data standards like ie: CAD / GIS produced by the rapid advancement of information technology, and real challenges to implementation of an interoperable infrastructure and it focus of several discussions. However access to this data via the Internet and the problems caused in the same exchange are directly related to the particular nature of each standard adopted, so it they should must be analyzed and appropriate for collaboration. Initially, the hypothesis of the study aims to enhance interoperability between spatial data and systems integration, making it possible to establish communication channels for a collaborative environment aimed at potential and cooperative actions. From this, the study presents an investigation into the relevant aspects that influence the projects engineering, resulting in the development of the prototype called OpenCGFW (Collaborative Geospatial Framework Web), to the recognition of structures, integration, manipulation and collaboration, in tuning with efforts GSDI-INDE, OGC and W3C. Initially, studies and reviews on subjects directly related to interoperability. Are also discussed issues related to storage, processing between collaboration computational and specifically geographic data produced by different public institutions. For construction of the framework was applied MCDA-C method (Multicriteria Decision Aid - Constructivist) to identify the fundamental and elementary. From this work also describes the results obtained in implementing the steps of a design pattern to support the activities and evaluating free geo-solutions. During the discussion, are present the results through experiments and applications of the web mapping for digital maps to integrate multiple databases distributed of the multipurpose cadaster and use of the main techniques of spatial data mining. At the end, the work discusses the hypothesis and the contribution of research, mainly to meet the regional characteristics, seeking to contribute to the technological advancement of the country intensifying the use of open standards, the free geo-solutions collaboration and knowledge managemen