4 research outputs found

    Otimização de rotas de distribuição numa empresa de produtos de grande consumo

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    Trabalho de projeto de mestrado em Matemática Aplicada à Economia e Gestão, Universidade de Lisboa, Faculdade de Ciências, 2020Com a crescente disponibilidade de artigos e a concorrência cada vez mais intensificada, o sucesso de uma organização depende cada vez mais da otimização das várias etapas logísticas do seu processo, das quais a distribuição tem um papel fundamental. Desta forma, mostra-se relevante desenvolver um projeto cujo principal foco passe por apresentar uma heurística para um problema de determinação de rotas, usando como exemplo de aplicação, a estrutura de uma empresa de largo consumo. Uma empresa de grande consumo funciona como intermediário da cadeia de distribuição de bens, e faz por norma a ponte entre as empresas grossistas ou fabricantes e o consumidor final. Neste contexto, a venda a retalho por parte destas organizações inclui as atividades necessárias para a venda de bens diretamente aos consumidores finais. Neste trabalho de projeto pretende-se determinar rotas de distribuição usando a heurística de Clarke e Wright, com o propósito de contruir as rotas de distribuição de uma empresa representativa do setor do largo consumo. Ao longo deste estudo, será considerada a localização atual do armazém e será analisada, também, a possibilidade da instalação do atual armazém numa localização mais estratégica. Os resultados apresentados incidem na análise de três exemplos de conjuntos de clientes a servir por uma empresa de largo consumo.With the growing availability of goods and the increasingly intensified competition, the success of an organization depends more and more on the optimization of the various logistic stages of its process, of which distribution plays a key role. Thus, it is relevant to develop a project whose main focus is to present a heuristic for a route determination problem, using as an application example, the structure of a retail company. A retail company works as an intermediary in the distribution chain of goods, and usually makes the bridge between the wholesale companies or manufacturers and the final consumer. In this context, retailing by these organizations includes the activities necessary for the sale of goods directly to final consumers. This work project intends to determine distribution routes using Clarke and Wright's heuristic, with the purpose of optimizing the distribution routes of a company representative of the retail sector. Throughout this study, the current warehouse location will be considered and the possibility of installing the current warehouse in a more strategic location will also be analyzed. The results presented focus on the analysis of three examples of customer sets to be served by a retail company

    Problèmes de tournées de véhicules et application industrielle pour la réduction de l'empreinte écologique

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    Dans cette thèse, nous nous sommes intéressés à la résolution approchée de problèmes de tournées de véhicules. Nous avons exploité des travaux menés sur les graphes d'intervalles et des propriétés de dominance relatives aux tournées saturées pour traiter les problèmes de tournées sélectives plus efficacement. Des approches basées sur un algorithme d'optimisation par essaim particulaire et un algorithme mémétique ont été proposées. Les métaheuristiques développées font appel à un ensemble de techniques particulièrement efficaces telles que le découpage optimal, les opérateurs de croisement génétiques ainsi que des méthodes de recherches locales. Nous nous sommes intéressés également aux problèmes de tournées classiques avec fenêtres de temps. Différents prétraitements ont été introduits pour obtenir des bornes inférieures sur le nombre de véhicules. Ces prétraitements s'inspirent de méthodes issues de modèles de graphes, de problème d'ordonnancement et de problèmes de bin packing avec conflits. Nous avons montré également l'utilité des méthodes développées dans un contexte industriel à travers la réalisation d'un portail de services mobilité.In this thesis, we focused on the development of heuristic approaches for solvingvehicle routing problems. We exploited researches conducted on interval graphsand dominance properties of saturated tours to deal more efficiently with selectivevehicle routing problems. An adaptation of a particle swarm optimization algorithmand a memetic algorithm is proposed. The metaheuristics that we developed arebased on effective techniques such as optimal split, genetic crossover operatorsand local searches. We are also interested in classical vehicle problems with timewindows. Various pre-processing methods are introduced to obtain lower boundson the number of vehicles. These methods are based on many approaches usinggraph models, scheduling problems and bin packing problems with conflicts. Wealso showed the effectiveness of the developed methods with an industrial applicationby implementing a portal of mobility services.COMPIEGNE-BU (601592101) / SudocSudocFranceF

    Model-Based Problem Solving through Symbolic Regression via Pareto Genetic Programming.

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    Pareto genetic programming methodology is extended by additional generic model selection and generation strategies that (1) drive the modeling engine to creation of models of reduced non-linearity and increased generalization capabilities, and (2) improve the effectiveness of the search for robust models by goal softening and adaptive fitness evaluations. In addition to the new strategies for model development and model selection, this dissertation presents a new approach for analysis, ranking, and compression of given multi-dimensional input-response data for the purpose of balancing the information content of undesigned data sets.