3 research outputs found

    Fuzzy-set-based decision making through energy-aware and utility agents within wireless sensor networks

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    Multi-agent systems (MAS) through their intrinsically distributed nature offer a promising software modelling and implementation framework for wireless sensor network (WSN) applications. WSNs are characterised by limited resources from a computational and energy perspective; in addition, the integrity of the WSN coverage area may be compromised over the duration of the network's operational lifetime, as environmental effects amongst others take their toll. Thus a significant problem arises--how can an agent construct an accurate model of the prevailing situation in order that it can make effective decisions about future courses of action within these constraints? In this paper, one popular agent architecture, the BDI architecture, is examined from this perspective. In particular, the fundamental issue of belief generation within WSN constraints using classical reasoning augmented with a fuzzy component in a hybrid fashion is explored in terms of energy-awareness and utility.Science Foundation Irelan

    Arquitectura multi-agente y protocolo de comunicación para dar soporte a sistemas basados en conocimiento en redes de sensores inalámbricos

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    [ES] En la presente tesis se presenta una arquitectura multi-agente, cuya finalidad es la de conseguir la gestión autónoma de los recursos energéticos de un nodo en una red de sensores inalámbricos, a través de sistemas borrosos basados en reglas, apoyándose en la capacidad de comunicación que aportaría un nuevo protocolo de aplicación. Así pues, en la arquitectura multi-agente desarrollada, los agentes son modelados a través de sistemas borrosos basados en reglas cuya función es la de conseguir una gestión eficiente del ciclo de trabajo de un sensor. Así mismo, un nuevo protocolo de aplicación específico da soporte a toda la red de sensores, haciéndola además, disponible desde Internet. Los resultados obtenidos muestran que la integración propuesta, así como el protocolo de comunicación desarrollado, cumplen satisfactoriamente con los objetivos marcados, pudiéndose concluir que los sistemas borrosos basados en reglas permiten modelar efectivamente el comportamiento de estos agentes.[EN]n this thesis it is presented a multi-agent architecture whose purpose is to achieve the autonomous management of the resources of a sensor through fuzzy rule-based systems. Moreover, those systems would rely on the communication services that bring a new application protocol. Therefore, those agents are modelled by fuzzy rule-based systems to achieve an efficient management of the duty cycle of a sensor. In addition, a new specific application protocol that supports the entire sensors network has been developed, making the network available from the Internet, too. The obtained results show that the proposed integration satisfactorily meets the objectives. Thus, it can be concluded that fuzzy rule-based systems can effectively model the behaviour of an agent in charge of managing the energy resources of a sensor. Moreover, thanks to the use of a specific application protocol, those agents can be managed within a sensor network.Tesis Univ. Jaén. Departamento de Ingeniería Telemática, leída el 1 de diciembre de 201