2 research outputs found

    Segmentation floue d'images couleur

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    - Nous proposons dans cet article un algorithme permettant d'obtenir des régions floues à partir d'images monochromes ou couleur. Les régions floues se chevauchent, ont des coeurs déterminés automatiquement dans les minimums locaux des normes du gradient ; les degrés d'appartenance, fondés sur la distance topographique décroissent fortement dès qu'un contour est rencontré. Outre la segmentation nette, qu'on peut obtenir en « defuzzifiant » la segmentation floue, la principale application de cet algorithme réside dans les régions floues elles-même qui pourront être employées pour de la reconnaissance de formes ou de l'indexation d'images

    Automatic 2D and 3D segmentation of liver from Computerised Tomography.

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    As part of the diagnosis of liver disease, a Computerised Tomography (CT) scan is taken of the patient, which the clinician then uses for assistance in determining the presence and extent of the disease. This thesis presents the background, methodology, results and future work of a project that employs automated methods to segment liver tissue. The clinical motivation behind this work is the desire to facilitate the diagnosis of liver disease such as cirrhosis or cancer, assist in volume determination for liver transplantation, and possibly assist in measuring the effect of any treatment given to the liver. Previous attempts at automatic segmentation of liver tissue have relied on 2D, low-level segmentation techniques, such as thresholding and mathematical morphology, to obtain the basic liver structure. The derived boundary can then be smoothed or refined using more advanced methods. The 2D results presented in this thesis improve greatly on this previous work by using a topology adaptive active contour model to accurately segment liver tissue from CT images. The use of conventional snakes for liver segmentation is difficult due to the presence of other organs closely surrounding the liver this new technique avoids this problem by adding an inflationary force to the basic snake equation, and initialising the snake inside the liver. The concepts underlying the 2D technique are extended to 3D, and results of full 3D segmentation of the liver are presented. The 3D technique makes use of an inflationary active surface model which is adaptively reparameterised, according to its size and local curvature, in order that it may more accurately segment the organ. Statistical analysis of the accuracy of the segmentation is presented for 18 healthy liver datasets, and results of the segmentation of unhealthy livers are also shown. The novel work developed during the course of this project has possibilities for use in other areas of medical imaging research, for example the segmentation of internal liver structures, and the segmentation and classification of unhealthy tissue. The possibilities of this future work are discussed towards the end of the report