24 research outputs found

    A Bibliometric Overview of the Field of Type-2 Fuzzy Sets and Systems [Discussion Forum]

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    © 2005-2012 IEEE. Fuzzy Sets and Systems is an area of computational intelligence, pioneered by Lotfi Zadeh over 50 years ago in a seminal paper in Information and Control. Fuzzy Sets (FSs) deal with uncertainty in our knowledge of a particular situation. Research and applications in FSs have grown steadily over 50 years. More recently, we have seen a growth in Type-2 Fuzzy Set (T2 FS) related papers, where T2 FSs are utilized to handle uncertainty in realworld problems. In this paper, we have used bibliometric methods to obtain a broad overview of the area of T2 FSs. This method analyzes information on the bibliographic details of published journal papers, which includes title, authors, author address, journals and citations, extracted from the Science and Social Science Citation Indices in the Web of Science (WoS) database for the last 20 years (1997-2017). We have compared the growth of publications in the field of FSs, and its subset T2 FSs, identified highly cited papers in T2 FSs, highly cited authors, key institutions, and main countries with researchers involved in T2 FS related research

    Comparative Method of Weighted Product and TOPSIS to Determine The Beneficiary of Family Hope Program

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    The Family Hope Program (PKH) is a government program that provides cash assistance to impoverished households. The implementation of PKH in Cimrutu Village has not been implemented optimally, namely prioritizing the targets of PKH participants who are not yet on targets. This happened because the officers in registering the poor were still using manual methods. To simplify the work and avoid miscalculation of data with the old system, a decision support system was built that could help make decisions on PKH recipients quickly and more accurately. The calculation method used is the Weighted Product (WP) method. Data collection methods used in this study were interviews and documentation. System development in this study uses waterfall through black-box testing. System design tools in the form of DFD and ERD. The software used in making this application is Visual Studio 2012, Xampp, and Crystal Reports. The programming language used is Java with its supporting database using MySQL. This decision support system is expected to be able to help officers in Cimrutu Village in selecting and determining communities that are eligible for PKH

    Ranking Causes of Road Accident Occurrence Using Extended Interval Type-2 Fuzzy TOPSIS

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    Over the past century there has been a dramatic increase in the number of road accidents in Malaysia. Hence, it is necessary to create a decision making method which can consider various preferences and criteria in order to identify the main causes of the accidents. This paper proposes an Interval Type-2 Fuzzy Technique for Order Preference by Similarity to Ideal Solution (IT2FTOPSIS) method which provides a comprehensive valuation from experts. This method is developed based on the aggregation of experts’ opinions on preferred causes of road accidents. The extended IT2FTOPSIS employs a linguistic scales of positive and negative Interval Type-2 Trapezoidal Fuzzy Number (IT2TrFN) and hybrid averaging approach (from an ambiguity and type-reduction methods) to formulate a collective decision environment. Three authorised personnel from three Malaysian Government agencies were interviewed where they were asked to rank the causes. The analysis shows that the linguistic scales of positive and negative Interval Type-2 Trapezoidal Fuzzy Number (IT2TrFN) and hybrid averaging approach are effective in measuring the uncertainties in the interviewees’ responses. Thus this paper concludes that the extended IT2FTOPSIS is more aligned with the users’ decisions compared to the earlier IT2FTOPSIS. Keywords: Multiple criteria decision-making; interval type-2 fuzzy set; IT2FTOPSIS; road accident

    IT2-based fuzzy hybrid decision making approach to soft computing

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    WOS: 000459347800001This aims to evaluate the risk appetite of the financial investors in emerging economies using an integrated interval type-2 fuzzy model. For this purpose, eight different criteria are identified with the supporting literature. The interval type-2 fuzzy DEMAYEL approach is used to weight these criteria regarding the importance level. In addition, investors are classified into three different groups with respect to the risk appetite which are the aggressive/risk taker, moderate/risk neutral, and conservative/risk averse. Moreover, the interval type-2 fuzzy QUALIFLEX methodology is taken into consideration to rank these investor groups. The novelty of this paper is to propose a hybrid fuzzy decision-making approach to the investors' risk appetite based on the interval type-2 fuzzy sets. The findings show that aggressive investors play the most important role in emerging economies. Therefore, financial products, which offer high returns, should be developed to attract the attention of these aggressive investors. Owing to this aspect, it can be possible for emerging economies to improve their financial systems

    Measuring the Quality of Financial Electronic Payment System: Combined with Fuzzy AHP and Fuzzy TOPSIS

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    The study aims to apply Fuzzy AHP in TOPSIS to discuss the key factors that foster the success of current third-party online payment platforms. This study organized the quality measurements into four categories and eleven sub-categories. The AHP in TOPSIS is applied to calculate the weighted averages of all categories and sub-categories to measure the quality of third-party online payment platforms. This study finds that “safety quality” is the most emphasized category, “system quality” is the second, “communication quality” is the third, and “service quality” is the least emphasized

    Extension of TOPSIS for Group Decision-Making Based on the Type-2 Fuzzy Positive and Negative Ideal Solutions

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    Abstract In this paper based on the interval type-2 fuzzy sets, we introduce an extension of fuzzy TOPSIS for handling fuzzy multiple attributes group decision making problems. In the proposed method the fuzzy positive ideal solution and fuzzy negative ideal solution are obtained in the form of interval type-2 fuzzy sets without ranking the elements of decision matrix, using the proposed method the solution of decision problem is obtained with less computational attempt than existing methods

    Aralık Tip-2 Bulanık AHP Yöntemi ile Üçüncü Parti Tersine Lojistik (3PTL) Firma Seçimi

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    Ömrü bitmiş ve kullanılmış ürünlerin yönetimi küreselleşme, yasal düzenlemeler ve artan çevresel farkındalık nedeniyle önemli bir lojistik faaliyeti haline gelmiştir. Tersine lojistik ağındaki akışın yönetimi özel altyapı ve uzmanlık gerektirdiği için, işletmelerin ağlarındaki hangi firma ile çalışacağı önemli bir sorundur. Bu nedenle işletmeler Üçüncü Parti Tersine Lojistik (3PTL) firmalarına (sağlayıcılarına) yönelmişlerdir. 3PTL, işletmelerin tersine lojistik ağındaki ihtiyaç duydukları hizmetlerin veya lojistik faaliyetlerinin dış kaynak kullanılarak karşılanmasıdır. Bu çalışmada, en iyi 3PTL firma seçimi için yedi kriter ve üç alternatif ile aralık tip-2 bulanık Analitik Hiyerarşi Prosesi (AHP) yöntemi kullanılmıştır. Aralık tip-2 bulanık kümeler, çelişkili kriterlerin olduğu bulanık grup karar verme problemlerinin belirsizliğini yansıtmada tip-1 bulanık saylardan daha uygun, daha esnek ve daha akıllıdır. Bu nedenle, Çok Kriterli Karar Verme (ÇKKV) problemlerinin aralık tip-2 bulanık sayılar ile entegre edilmesi karar verme sürecinde avantajlar sağlayacaktır. Yapılan uygulama çalışması sonucunda, uygulanan aralık tip-2 bulanık AHP yöntemin 3PTL firma seçiminde kullanılabileceği ortaya konulmuştur.Ömrü bitmiş ve kullanılmış ürünlerin yönetimi küreselleşme, yasal düzenlemeler ve artan çevresel farkındalık nedeniyle önemli bir lojistik faaliyeti haline gelmiştir. Tersine lojistik ağındaki akışın yönetimi özel altyapı ve uzmanlık gerektirdiği için, işletmelerin ağlarındaki hangi firma ile çalışacağı önemli bir sorundur. Bu nedenle işletmeler Üçüncü Parti Tersine Lojistik (3PTL) firmalarına (sağlayıcılarına) yönelmişlerdir. 3PTL, işletmelerin tersine lojistik ağındaki ihtiyaç duydukları hizmetlerin veya lojistik faaliyetlerinin dış kaynak kullanılarak karşılanmasıdır. Bu çalışmada, en iyi 3PTL firma seçimi için yedi kriter ve üç alternatif ile aralık tip-2 bulanık Analitik Hiyerarşi Prosesi (AHP) yöntemi kullanılmıştır. Aralık tip-2 bulanık kümeler, çelişkili kriterlerin olduğu bulanık grup karar verme problemlerinin belirsizliğini yansıtmada tip-1 bulanık saylardan daha uygun, daha esnek ve daha akıllıdır. Bu nedenle, Çok Kriterli Karar Verme (ÇKKV) problemlerinin aralık tip-2 bulanık sayılar ile entegre edilmesi karar verme sürecinde avantajlar sağlayacaktır. Yapılan uygulama çalışması sonucunda, uygulanan aralık tip-2 bulanık AHP yöntemin 3PTL firma seçiminde kullanılabileceği ortaya konulmuştur