3 research outputs found

    Improving the sustainability of coal SC in both developed and developing countries by incorporating extended exergy accounting and different carbon reduction policies

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    In the age of Industry 4.0 and global warming, it is inevitable for decision-makers to change the way they view the coal supply chain (SC). In nature, energy is the currency, and nature is the source of energy for humankind. Coal is one of the most important sources of energy which provides much-needed electricity, as well as steel and cement production. This manuscript-based PhD thesis examines the coal SC network as well as the four carbon reduction strategies and plans to develop a comprehensive model for sustainable design. Thus, the Extended Exergy Accounting (EEA) method is incorporated into a coal SC under economic order quantity (EOQ) and economic production quantity (EPQs) in an uncertain environment. Using a real case study in coal SC in Iran, four carbon reduction policies such as carbon tax (Chapter 5), carbon trade (Chapter 6), carbon cap (Chapter 7), and carbon offset (Chapter 8) are examined. Additionally, all carbon policies are compared for sustainable performance of coal SCs in some developed and developing countries (the USA, China, India, Germany, Canada, Australia, etc.) with the world's most significant coal consumption. The objective function of the four optimization models under each carbon policy is to minimize the total exergy (in Joules as opposed to Dollars/Euros) of the coal SC in each country. The models have been solved using three recent metaheuristic algorithms, including Ant lion optimizer (ALO), Lion optimization algorithm (LOA), and Whale optimization algorithm (WOA), as well as three popular ones, such as Genetic algorithm (GA), Ant colony optimization (ACO), and Simulated annealing (SA), are suggested to determine a near-optimal solution to an exergy fuzzy nonlinear integer-programming (EFNIP). Moreover, the proposed metaheuristic algorithms are validated by using an exact method (by GAMS software) in small-size test problems. Finally, through a sensitivity analysis, this dissertation compares the effects of applying different percentages of exergy parameters (capital, labor, and environmental remediation) to coal SC models in each country. Using this approach, we can determine the best carbon reduction policy and exergy percentage that leads to the most sustainable performance (the lowest total exergy per Joule). The findings of this study may enhance the related research of sustainability assessment of SC as well as assist coal enterprises in making logical and measurable decisions

    Real-Time Control Framework for Active Distribution Networks Theoretical Definition and Experimental Validation

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    The great challenge of massively integrating the volatile distributed power-generation into the power system is strongly related to the evolution of their operation and control. The literature of the last decade has suggested two models for such an evolution: (i) the supergrid model, based on enhanced continental/intercontinental network interconnections (mainly DC) for bulk transmission, (ii) the microgrid mode, where small medium/low voltage networks interfacing heterogeneous resources, such as local generation, energy storage and active customers, are intelligently managed so that they are operated as independent cells capable of providing different services from each other and operate in islanded mode. Irrespective of the model that will eventually emerge, the control of heterogeneous distributed resources represents a fundamental challenge for both supergrid and microgrid models. This requires the definition of scalable and composable control methods that guarantee the optimal and feasible operation of distribution grids in order to satisfy local objectives (e.g., distribution grid power balance), as well as the provision of ancillary services to the external bulk transmission (e.g., primary and secondary frequency supports). Several control methodologies have been proposed to achieve these goals, and the majority of them have been inspired by the classic time-layered approach traditionally adopted in power systems that are associated with different time-scales and extension of the controlling area, i.e. primary, secondary and tertiary controls, ranging from sub-seconds to hours, respectively. In the context of microgrids, these three levels of control can be associated with a decision process that can be centralized (i.e., a dedicated central controller decides on the operation of the system resources) and/or decentralized (each element decides based on its own rules). In the current literature, the former is used for long-term, whereas the latter for short-term decisions. In particular, primary controls are typically deployed through fully decentralized schemes mainly relying on the use of droop control. With this in mind, in this thesis we propose, and experimentally validate, a novel control framework called COMMELEC â A Composable Framework for Real-Time Control of Active Distribution Networks, Using Explicit Power Set-Points. It controls a power grid in real-time based on a multi-agent structure, using a simple and low-bandwidth communication protocol. Such a framework enables a controller to easily steer an entire network as an equivalent energy resource, thus making an entire system able to provide grid support by exploiting the flexibility of its components in real-time. The main features of the framework are (i) that it is able to indirectly control the reserve of the storage systems, thus maximizing the autonomy of the islanding operation, (ii) that it keeps the system in feasible operation conditions and better explores, compared to traditional techniques, the various degrees of freedom that characterize the system, and (iii) that it maintains the system power-equilibrium without using the frequency as a global variable, even being able to do so in inertia-less systems. Our framework has been extensively validated, first by simulations but, more importantly, in a real-scale microgrid laboratory specially designed and setup for this goal. This is the first real-scale experiment that proves the applicability of a droop-less explicit power-flow control mechanism in microgrids