2 research outputs found

    Fuzzy Free Path Detection based on Dense Disparity Maps obtained from Stereo Cameras

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    In this paper we propose a fuzzy method to detect free paths in real-time using digital stereo images. It is based on looking for linear variations of depth in disparity maps, which are obtained by processing a pair of rectified images from two stereo cameras. By applying least-squares fitting over groups of disparity maps columns to a linear model, free paths are detected by giving a certainty using a fuzzy rule. Experimental results on real outdoor images are also presented.Nuria Ortigosa acknowledges the support of Universidad Polit'ecnica de Valencia under grant FPI-UPV 2008. Samuel Morillas acknowledges the support of Spanish Ministry of Education and Science under grant MTM 2009-12872-C02-01.Ortigosa Araque, N.; Morillas Gómez, S.; Peris Fajarnes, G.; Dunai Dunai, L. (2012). Fuzzy Free Path Detection based on Dense Disparity Maps obtained from Stereo Cameras. International Journal of Uncertainty, Fuzziness and Knowledge-Based Systems. 20(2):245-259. doi:10.1142/S0218488512500122S245259202Grosso, E., & Tistarelli, M. (1995). Active/dynamic stereo vision. IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence, 17(9), 868-879. doi:10.1109/34.406652Wedel, A., Badino, H., Rabe, C., Loose, H., Franke, U., & Cremers, D. (2009). B-Spline Modeling of Road Surfaces With an Application to Free-Space Estimation. IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems, 10(4), 572-583. doi:10.1109/tits.2009.2027223Bloch, I. (2005). Fuzzy spatial relationships for image processing and interpretation: a review. Image and Vision Computing, 23(2), 89-110. doi:10.1016/j.imavis.2004.06.013Keller, J. M., & Wang, X. (2000). A Fuzzy Rule-Based Approach to Scene Description Involving Spatial Relationships. 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    Fuzzy Free Path Detection from Disparity Maps by Using Least-Squares Fitting to a Plane

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    A method to detect obstacle-free paths in real-time which works as part of a cognitive navigation aid system for visually impaired people is proposed. It is based on the analysis of disparity maps obtained from a stereo vision system which is carried by the blind user. The presented detection method consists of a fuzzy logic system that assigns a certainty to be part of a free path to each group of pixels, depending on the parameters of a planar-model fitting. We also present experimental results on different real outdoor scenarios showing that our method is the most reliable in the sense that it minimizes the false positives rate.N. Ortigosa acknowledges the support of Universidad Politecnica de Valencia under grant FPI-UPV 2008 and Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation under grant MTM2010-15200. S. Morillas acknowledges the support of Universidad Politecnica de Valencia under grant PAID-05-12-SP20120696.Ortigosa Araque, N.; Morillas Gómez, S. (2014). Fuzzy Free Path Detection from Disparity Maps by Using Least-Squares Fitting to a Plane. Journal of Intelligent and Robotic Systems. 75(2):313-330. https://doi.org/10.1007/s10846-013-9997-1S313330752Cai, L., He, L., Xu, Y., Zhao, Y., Yang, X.: Multi-object detection and tracking by stereovision. Pattern Recognit. 43(12), 4028–4041 (2010)Hikosaka, N., Watanabe, K., Umeda, K.: Obstacle detection of a humanoid on a plane using a relative disparity map obtained by a small range image sensor. In: Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation, vol. 1, pp. 3048–3053 (2007)Benenson, R., Mathias, M., Timofte, R., Van Gool, L.: Fast stixel computation for fast pedestrian detection. In: ECCV, CVVT workshop, October (2012)Huang, Y., Fu, S., Thompson, C.: Stereovision-based object segmentation for automotive applications. EURASIP J. Appl. 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