4 research outputs found

    Future of DDoS Attacks Mitigation in Software Defined Networks

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    Traditional networking is being progressively replaced by Software Defined Networking (SDN). It is a new promising approach to designing, building and managing networks. In comparison with traditional routed networks, SDN enables programmable and dynamic networks. Although it promises more flexible network management, one should be aware of current and upcoming security threats accompanied with its deployment. Our goal is to analyze SDN accompanied with OpenFlow protocol from the perspective of Distributed Denial of Service attacks (DDoS). In this paper, we outline our research questions related to an analysis of current and new possibilities of realization, detection and mitigation of DDoS attacks in this environment.Tradiční síťování se postupně mění na programově definované síťování (Software Defined Networking; SDN). Jde o nový slibný koncept pro návrh, stavbu a správu sítí. V porovnání s tradičními směrovanými sítěmi, nabízí SDN programovatelné a dynamické sítě. I když však SDN nabízí flexibilnější správu sítě, měli bychom si být vědomi potenciálních bezpečnostních hrozeb spojených s jejích nasazováním. Naším cílem je analyzovat SDN ve spojení s protokolem OpenFlow z pohledu distribuovaných útoku odepření služby (DDoS). V tomto článku popisujeme výzkumné otázky spojené s analýzou současných a nových možností realizace, odhalováni a zmírnění DDoS útoků v tomto prostředí

    Mitigating DDoS attacks using OpenFlow-based software defined networking

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    Over the last years, Distributed Denial-of-Service (DDoS) attacks have become an increasing threat on the Internet, with recent attacks reaching traffic volumes of up to 500 Gbps. To make matters worse, web-based facilities that offer “DDoS-as-a-service” (i.e., Booters) allow for the layman to launch attacks in the order of tens of Gbps in exchange for only a few euros. A recent development in networking is the principle of Software Defined Networking (SDN), and related technologies such as OpenFlow. In SDN, the control plane and data plane of the network are decoupled. This has several advantages, such as centralized control over forwarding decisions, dynamic updating of forwarding rules, and easier and more flexible network configuration. Given these advantages, we expect SDN to be well-suited for DDoS attack mitigation. Typical mitigation solutions, however, are not built using SDN. In this paper we propose to design and to develop an OpenFlow-based mitigation architecture for DDoS attacks. The research involves looking at the applicability of OpenFlow, as well as studying existing solutions built on other technologies. The research is as yet in its beginning phase and will contribute towards a Ph.D. thesis after four years

    Analysis and Evaluation of OpenFlow Message Usage for Security Applications

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    Part 3: Security Attacks and DefensesInternational audienceWith the advances in cloud computing and virtualization technologies, Software-Defined Networking (SDN) has become a fertile ground for building network applications regarding management and security using the OpenFlow protocol giving access to the forwarding plane. This paper presents an analysis and evaluation of OpenFlow message usage for supporting network security applications. After describing the considered security attacks, we present mitigation and defence strategies that are currently used in SDN environments to tackle them. We then analyze the dependencies of these mechanisms to OpenFlow messages that support their instantiation. Finally, we conduct series of experiments on software and hardware OpenFlow switches in order to validate our analysis and quantify the limits of current security mechanisms with different OpenFlow implementations

    Evaluation of machine learning techniques for intrusion detection in software defined networking

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    Abstract. The widespread growth of the Internet paved the way for the need of a new network architecture which was filled by Software Defined Networking (SDN). SDN separated the control and data planes to overcome the challenges that came along with the rapid growth and complexity of the network architecture. However, centralizing the new architecture also introduced new security challenges and created the demand for stronger security measures. The focus is on the Intrusion Detection System (IDS) for a Distributed Denial of Service (DDoS) attack which is a serious threat to the network system. There are several ways of detecting an attack and with the rapid growth of machine learning (ML) and artificial intelligence, the study evaluates several ML algorithms for detecting DDoS attacks on the system. Several factors have an effect on the performance of ML based IDS in SDN. Feature selection, training dataset, and implementation of the classifying models are some of the important factors. The balance between usage of resources and the performance of the implemented model is important. The model implemented in the thesis uses a dataset created from the traffic flow within the system and models being used are Support Vector Machine (SVM), Naive-Bayes, Decision Tree and Logistic Regression. The accuracy of the models has been over 95% apart from Logistic Regression which has 90% accuracy. The ML based algorithm has been more accurate than the non-ML based algorithm. It learns from different features of the traffic flow to differentiate between normal traffic and attack traffic. Most of the previously implemented ML based IDS are based on public datasets. Using a dataset created from the flow of the experimental environment allows training of the model from a real-time dataset. However, the experiment only detects the traffic and does not take any action. However, these promising results can be used for further development of the model