3,387 research outputs found

    Vision-Based Production of Personalized Video

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    In this paper we present a novel vision-based system for the automated production of personalised video souvenirs for visitors in leisure and cultural heritage venues. Visitors are visually identified and tracked through a camera network. The system produces a personalized DVD souvenir at the end of a visitor’s stay allowing visitors to relive their experiences. We analyze how we identify visitors by fusing facial and body features, how we track visitors, how the tracker recovers from failures due to occlusions, as well as how we annotate and compile the final product. Our experiments demonstrate the feasibility of the proposed approach

    Thermo-visual feature fusion for object tracking using multiple spatiogram trackers

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    In this paper, we propose a framework that can efficiently combine features for robust tracking based on fusing the outputs of multiple spatiogram trackers. This is achieved without the exponential increase in storage and processing that other multimodal tracking approaches suffer from. The framework allows the features to be split arbitrarily between the trackers, as well as providing the flexibility to add, remove or dynamically weight features. We derive a mean-shift type algorithm for the framework that allows efficient object tracking with very low computational overhead. We especially target the fusion of thermal infrared and visible spectrum features as the most useful features for automated surveillance applications. Results are shown on multimodal video sequences clearly illustrating the benefits of combining multiple features using our framework

    Multimodal person recognition for human-vehicle interaction

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    Next-generation vehicles will undoubtedly feature biometric person recognition as part of an effort to improve the driving experience. Today's technology prevents such systems from operating satisfactorily under adverse conditions. A proposed framework for achieving person recognition successfully combines different biometric modalities, borne out in two case studies

    Interaction between high-level and low-level image analysis for semantic video object extraction

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    Automatic Image Registration in Infrared-Visible Videos using Polygon Vertices

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    In this paper, an automatic method is proposed to perform image registration in visible and infrared pair of video sequences for multiple targets. In multimodal image analysis like image fusion systems, color and IR sensors are placed close to each other and capture a same scene simultaneously, but the videos are not properly aligned by default because of different fields of view, image capturing information, working principle and other camera specifications. Because the scenes are usually not planar, alignment needs to be performed continuously by extracting relevant common information. In this paper, we approximate the shape of the targets by polygons and use affine transformation for aligning the two video sequences. After background subtraction, keypoints on the contour of the foreground blobs are detected using DCE (Discrete Curve Evolution)technique. These keypoints are then described by the local shape at each point of the obtained polygon. The keypoints are matched based on the convexity of polygon's vertices and Euclidean distance between them. Only good matches for each local shape polygon in a frame, are kept. To achieve a global affine transformation that maximises the overlapping of infrared and visible foreground pixels, the matched keypoints of each local shape polygon are stored temporally in a buffer for a few number of frames. The matrix is evaluated at each frame using the temporal buffer and the best matrix is selected, based on an overlapping ratio criterion. Our experimental results demonstrate that this method can provide highly accurate registered images and that we outperform a previous related method
