1 research outputs found

    Modeling and Estimation of Biological Plants

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    Estimating the state of a dynamic system is an essential task for achieving important objectives such as process monitoring, identification, and control. Unlike linear systems, no systematic method exists for the design of observers for nonlinear systems. Although many researchers have devoted their attention to these issues for more than 30 years, there are still many open questions. We envisage that estimation plays a crucial role in biology because of the possibility of creating new avenues for biological studies and for the development of diagnostic, management, and treatment tools. To this end, this thesis aims to address two types of nonlinear estimation techniques, namely, the high-gain observer and the moving-horizon estimator with application to three different biological plants. After recalling basic definitions of stability and observability of dynamical systems and giving a bird's-eye survey of the available state estimation techniques, we are interested in the high-gain observers. These observers may be used when the system dynamics can be expressed in specific a coordinate under the so-called observability canonical form with the possibility to assign the rate of convergence arbitrarily by acting on a single parameter called the high-gain parameter. Despite the evident benefits of this class of observers, their use in real applications is questionable due to some drawbacks: numerical problems, the peaking phenomenon, and high sensitivity to measurement noise. The first part of the thesis aims to enrich the theory of high-gain observers with novel techniques to overcome or attenuate these challenging performance issues that arise when implementing such observers. The validity and applicability of our proposed techniques have been shown firstly on a simple one-gene regulatory network, and secondly on an SI epidemic model. The second part of the thesis studies the problem of state estimation using the moving horizon approach. The main advantage of MHE is that information about the system can be explicitly considered in the form of constraints and hence improve the estimates. In this work, we focus on estimation for nonlinear plants that can be rewritten in the form of quasi-linear parameter-varying systems with bounded unknown parameters. Moving-horizon estimators are proposed to estimate the state of such systems according to two different formulations, i.e., "optimistic" and "pessimistic". In the former case, we perform estimation by minimizing the least-squares moving-horizon cost with respect to both state variables and parameters simultaneously. In the latter, we minimize such a cost with respect to the state variables after picking up the maximum of the parameters. Under suitable assumptions, the stability of the estimation error given by the exponential boundedness is proved in both scenarios. Finally, the validity of our obtained results has been demonstrated through three different examples from biological and biomedical fields, namely, an example of one gene regulatory network, a two-stage SI epidemic model, and Amnioserosa cell's mechanical behavior during Dorsal closure