9 research outputs found

    When are translations of P-positions of Wythoff's game P-positions?

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    We study the problem whether there exist variants of {\sc Wythoff}'s game whose ¶\P-positions, except for a finite number, are obtained from those of {\sc Wythoff}'s game by adding a constant kk to each ¶\P-position. We solve this question by introducing a class \{\W_k\}_{k \geq 0} of variants of {\sc Wythoff}'s game in which, for any fixed k≥0k \geq 0, the ¶\P-positions of \W_k form the set {(i,i)∣0≤i<k}∪{(⌊ϕn⌋+k,⌊ϕ2n⌋+k)∣n≥0}\{(i,i) | 0 \leq i < k\}\cup \{(\lfloor \phi n \rfloor + k, \lfloor \phi^2 n \rfloor + k) | n\ge 0\}, where ϕ\phi is the golden ratio. We then analyze a class \{\T_k\}_{k \geq 0} of variants of {\sc Wythoff}'s game whose members share the same ¶\P-positions set {(0,0)}∪{(⌊ϕn⌋+1,⌊ϕ2n⌋+1)∣n≥0}\{(0,0)\}\cup \{(\lfloor \phi n \rfloor + 1, \lfloor \phi^2 n \rfloor + 1) | n \geq 0 \}. We establish several results for the Sprague-Grundy function of these two families. On the way we exhibit a family of games with different rule sets that share the same set of ¶\P-positions

    Wythoff Wisdom

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    International audienceSix authors tell their stories from their encounters with the famous combinatorial game Wythoff Nim and its sequences, including a short survey on exactly covering systems

    A modular idealizer chain and unrefinability of partitions with repeated parts

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    Recently Aragona et al. have introduced a chain of normalizers in a Sylow 2-subgroup of Sym(2^n), starting from an elementary abelian regular subgroup. They have shown that the indices of consecutive groups in the chain depend on the number of partitions into distinct parts and have given a description, by means of rigid commutators, of the first n-2 terms in the chain. Moreover, they proved that the (n-1)-th term of the chain is described by means of rigid commutators corresponding to unrefinable partitions into distinct parts. Although the mentioned chain can be defined in a Sylow p-subgroup of Sym(p^n), for p > 2 computing the chain of normalizers becomes a challenging task, in the absence of a suitable notion of rigid commutators. This problem is addressed here from an alternative point of view. We propose a more general framework for the normalizer chain, defining a chain of idealizers in a Lie ring over Z_m whose elements are represented by integer partitions. We show how the corresponding idealizers are generated by subsets of partitions into at most m-1 parts and we conjecture that the idealizer chain grows as the normalizer chain in the symmetric group. As an evidence of this, we establish a correspondence between the two constructions in the case m=2