5 research outputs found

    An asymptotic approximation of the ISI channel capacity

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    An asymptotic method to calculate the information rate of an ISI channel is presented in this work. The method is based on an integral representation of the mutual information, which is then calculated by using a saddlepoint approximation along with an asymptotic expansion stemming from the Hubbard-Stratonovich transform. This asymptotic result is evaluated repeatedly to generate a large number of samples required for the Monte-Carlo approximation of the final result. The proposed method has the advantage of being manageable even when the channel memory becomes very large since the complexity grows with polynomial order in the memory length

    Dual-Polarized Ricean MIMO Channels: Modeling and Performance Assessment

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    In wireless communication systems, dual-polarized (DP) instead of single-polarized (SP) multiple-input multiple-output (MIMO) transmission is used to improve the spectral efficiency under certain conditions on the channel and the signal-to-noise ratio (SNR). In order to identify these conditions, we first propose a novel channel model for DP mobile Ricean MIMO channels for which statistical channel parameters are readily obtained from a moment-based channel decomposition. Second, we derive an approximation of the mutual information (MI), which can be expressed as a function of those statistical channel parameters. Based on this approximation, we characterize the required SNR for a DP MIMO system to outperform an SP MIMO system in terms of the MI. Finally, we apply our results to channel measurements at 2.53 GHz. We find that, using the proposed channel decomposition and the approximation of the MI, we are able to reproduce the (practically relevant) SNR values above which DP MIMO systems outperform SP MIMO systems.Comment: submitted to the IEEE Transactions on Communication

    On the exact distribution of mutual information of two-user mimo mac based on quotient distribution of wishart matrices

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    We propose an exact calculation of the probability density function (PDF) and cumulative distribution function (CDF) of mutual information (MI) for a two-user multiple-input multiple-output (MIMO) multiple access channel (MAC) network over block Rayleigh fading channels. This scenario can be found in the uplink channel of MIMO non-orthogonal multiple access (NOMA) system, a promising multiple access technique for 5G networks. So far, the PDF and CDF have been numerically evaluated since MI depends on the quotient of two Wishart matrices, and no closed form for this quotient was available. We derive exact results for the PDF and CDF of extreme (the Smallest/the largest) eigenvalues. Based on the results of quotient ensemble, the exact calculation for PDF and CDF of mutual information is presented via Laplace transform approach and by direct integration of joint PDF of quotient ensemble's eigenvalues. Furthermore, our derivations also provide the parameters to apply the Gaussian approximation method, which is comparatively easier to implement. We show that approximation matches the exact results remarkably well for outage probability, i.e., CDF, above 10%. However, the approximation could also be used for 1% outage probability with a relatively Small error. We apply the derived expressions to investigate the effects of adding antennas in the receiver and its ability to decode the weak user signal. By supposing no channel knowledge at transmitters and successive decoding at receiver, the capacity of the weak user increases and its outage probability decreases with the increment of extra antennas at the receiver end2017CONSELHO NACIONAL DE DESENVOLVIMENTO CIENTÍFICO E TECNOLÓGICO - CNPQCOORDENAÇÃO DE APERFEIÇOAMENTO DE PESSOAL DE NÍVEL SUPERIOR - CAPESnão temBEX10714/14-

    Further Results on the Asymptotic Mutual Information of Rician Fading MIMO Channels

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    Rician fading multiple-input multiple-output (MIMO) channels with Kronecker-decomposable covariance structure are considered in this study to derive information measures characterizing their achievable rate. Analytic results are obtained in the asymptotic setting corresponding to infinitely many transmit and receive antennas, whose numbers approach a finite limiting ratio. More specifically, the asymptotic mean and variance of the mutual information are derived in this asymptotic regime, and it is shown that the corresponding probability distribution converges to a Gaussian distribution. All these results are based on the replica method, whose mathematical principles are discussed in this study. The ergodic capacity is also addressed by deriving an iterative water-filling algorithm yielding the capacity-achieving input covariance matrix (under an average power constraint). Resorting to the asymptotic Gaussianity of the mutual information distribution, an analytic expression of the outage capacity is derived based on the mean and variance of the mutual information. Finally, numerical results are reported to assess the level of approximation of the analytic results in comparison with those obtained by Monte Carlo simulatio

    Sobre a capacidade-soma e a probabilidade de bloqueio em canais de múltiplos usuários equipados com múltiplas antenas

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    Orientadores: Gustavo Fraidenraich, Behnaam AazhangTese (doutorado) - Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Faculdade de Engenharia Elétrica e de ComputaçãoResumo: O uso de múltiplas antenas em comunicações sem fio permitiu, inicialmente, garantir que um sinal transmitido fosse recebido com maior energia, o que diretamente aumenta a probabilidade de sucesso na recuperação dos dados transmitidos. Posteriormente, foi possível aumentar a capacidade de uma comunicação sem fio utilizando múltiplas antenas transmitindo e recebendo ao mesmo tempo. Atualmente, os dispositivos móveis como telefones celulares e computadores pessoais já são equipados com múltiplas antenas garantindo uma flexibilidade entre taxas maiores, quando as condições são favoráveis, ou aumento da confiabilidade de recepção, em condições menos favoráveis. Além dos graus de liberdade trazidos com a utilização de múltiplas antenas para uma comunicação ponto-a-ponto, os benefícios para uma rede onde um ou mais elementos façam uso destas é notável. Neste trabalho, apresentamos um estudo sobre o impacto do uso de múltiplas antenas em diversos tipos de redes compostas por múltiplos usuários fazendo uso do canal sem fio ao mesmo tempo. Como será visto, em algumas situações o objetivo será reduzir a probabilidade de que ocorra uma falha na comunicação, havendo ou não interferência. Em outras situações, faremos um estudo da capacidade soma de vários usuários ao transmitirem ao mesmo tempo. Em todos os casos, o conhecimento ou não do canal no transmissor é fator determinante para decidir como os sinais serão distribuídos nas múltiplas antenas do transmissor e se estes estarão sujeitos a uma probabilidade de bloqueio ou uma determinada capacidade. Em todos os casos, para uma dada configuração da rede (número de transmissores, receptores), iremos obter a métrica adequada em função da relação sinal ruído e apresentaremos uma modelagem teórica do problema comparando os resultados propostos com simulações de forma a validar estes resultadosAbstract: The first use of multiple antennas in wireless communications aimed to the improvement of the reliability of a transmission by improving the signal to noise ratio at receiver. More energy of the desired signal means that the receiver has higher probability to correctly decode the transmitted signal. Later, it was possible to increase the capacity of a wireless communication by the use of multiple antennas to transmit and receive at the same time. Nowadays, even the inexpensive mobile devices such as smartphones and personal computers are equipped with multiple antennas that provide flexibility between more data rate in favourable channel situations and more reliability in poor channel conditions. Besides the degrees of freedom that multiple antennas provide in single user communication, it dramatically increases the network data rate. In this work, we study the impact of multiple antennas in several multi-user scenarios with concurrent transmission. Whenever is possible, we provide closed-form expressions or approximations for outage probability or sum capacity depending on the type of network. The derived expressions allow us to quantify the impact of the number of users and number of antennas in the performance of the network. We quantify either outage or sum capacity in terms of signal-to-noise ratio for channels under fading conditionsDoutoradoTelecomunicações e TelemáticaDoutor em Engenharia Elétrica10714/14-6CAPESBE